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I was responding, perhaps my misinterpretation, to your assertion that it was unclear what the 'nightmare scenario' was. I asserted that if you had been following the recent developments of the LHC (or had some idea as to what the worst case scenario was), there would be no ambiguity as to what this article was about. The reason why this is the case is that this article was not written with the HN crowd in mind.

The primary response to this article, given the comments, is "what do you mean you're not talking about black holes" rather than an actual discussion of the ideas of the article (the failure of "naturalness" and "beauty" to make predictions for the LHC). Which leads me to conclude that HN is not a good place to talk about this (since most people are complaining that the , as we're arguing about the most boring, superficial part of the article.

My statement that people are complaining about "This article doesn't cater to HN", is my summary of the idea that 'I am not familiar with the context associated with the headline, and to me it sounds sensationalistic, and therefore it is clickbait, and the author should have picked a better title'. You obviously, are not advocating that position.

Ah, yes, I was projecting my own ignorance out to the general audience when I said that it was "unclear what the nightmare scenario was", as I think a lot of people really didn't follow LHC news well enough to know what the nightmare scenario would be. This is the source of the confusion, and I should have been more clear.

The rest I believe you and I are in agreement over. :)

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