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My favorite non-serious pet theory is that we live in simulation created by intelligent beings. It's supposed to be cool and mathematically beautiful only little below atom level and up. When we dig into deeper energy levels we start do detect artifacts that make no sense because they are implementation details revealed where model breaks down.

We would be virtual scientist detecting features in physics simulation software that builds the world he is living in.

Also my fav. The nightmare scenario would be when particle physicist discover that we are living in a computer simulation built by AIs, and they realise that instead of building the LHC they should have studied quantum computing architectures and the docker repo on GitHub.

The most entertaining "simulation theory" (among Elon Musk's, Nick Bostrom's, etc) is Stephen Wolfram's one, who argues that "we could be the videogame (WoW of the future) of a teenager AI"...


In that situation, wouldn't we be the artificial intelligence? Kinda doesn't make sense to call our overlord an AI if we're the simulated beings.

> WoW of the future

Have you read Mogworld? That's basically the premise.

But things are possibly even more elegant at the quantum level... Depending on which explanation of the measurement problem is right, most of physics might be expressed by the schroedinger equation alone. All the high-level classical rules are just emergent properties of very small-scale physics, which could be very elegant. Notice that I say "could"; independently, relativity and QM (under unitary theories like multiverse, einselection, etc.) are very elegant, but it's not clear how complete they are or how they fit together.

Now, for the long-term survival of intelligent life, I hope you're right and we figure out how to hack the VM :)

So, in other words; our universe is held together with one off hacks and local fixes. We're screwed.

Also, this is literally the plot of Star Ocean 3.

My second favorite more serious candidate is R. B. Laughlin's (Nobel price in physics and controversial guy) ideas of emergence.


Add to the list Garrett Lisi's E8 Lie theory. I would hope some of his predictions are testable at some point.


So, basically, you're a creationist or a believer in intelligent design or whatever they're called these days... :)

"Puny man can do nothing at all to help or please God Almighty, and Luck is not the hand of God." - The two chief teachings of the Church of God the Utterly Indifferent

You'd be surprised how many religions share the belief in the first clause, and as to the second -- how would you know? They built the simulation, they can do what they like.

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