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You're right. Let's take a second to go over the issues:

1. The arbitrary code-execution in TZ has already been privately disclosed and fixed.

2. As for the second issue - I would argue that it's not an issue at all. TZ should be updated (otherwise how would they fix the TZ code-exec vulnerabilities?).

However, in this case gaining code execution in the TZ kernel directly leads to the disclosure of the keys which are meant to bind the KDF to your device. This is in direct contract with Apple's KDF. The key here is that software shouldn't be trusted, by design.

3. As for the last issue, I would argue that this is just a clever form of social-engineering. After all, who's to say they didn't just swap the phone with a dummy phone to make you insert the correct password?

However, in Android's case, you wouldn't even need to cooperate. OEMs could simply flash the new TZ code, extract the KeyMaster keys, and bruteforce the key. All without having any help from you.

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