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Constantly fighting fires is not normal. It's causing you to burn out. When you burn out, you stop thinking clearly about alternatives and ways to exit the situation.

Here's what I suggest.

(1) If you can financially afford to quit, quit. Take a couple weeks to sleep. Then start looking for a new job. Your experience is extremely valuable and if you are in any major metro area you should find one in a month or two.

If you can't do this:

(1) Call in sick for a couple days to a week. Get some sleep, do whatever fun activities make you happy. (2) Start interviewing for different jobs. Consider using tools like Hired or Indeed Prime where you can get lots of opportunities in a short amount of time. (3) As soon as you get an offer that is better than what you're doing now, give notice and start searching full-time for a new position.

Thanks a lot for the advice. I think I need to just leave and take time off to clear my head.

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