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You're arguing semantics. NoSQL = No"ACID-Compliant Relational Database with Normalized Table Design"

Uh, that is a bit of a leap...

It seems like every NEXT BIG THING comes in two parts.

1) The provocation: "Throw away design and do everything with testing" - "never use SQL again, just key-values" "Objects are Worthless!"

2) The sensible fall-back position you can use when challenged "Test are useful" - "You might not need full ACID", "We can benefit from shorter inheritance trees"...

I suppose every new idea needs a way to make a splash...

This is what as the triad of thesis, antithesis and synthesis. A lot of progress works this way. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thesis,_antithesis,_synthesis]

Thesis (established view): SQL/ACID solves all you data problems

Antithesis: Nobody needs SQL/ACID, let's throw it all out

Synthesis: By carefully considering data integrity constraints we can find a more optimal data management solution for a particular problem (alternatively: let's go to the pub!)

Excellent plan. Alcohol always helps people get over arguments.

Bones heal faster than internet battles :)

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