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If you're going to do this level of hazing, save yourself some time and just have the candidates compete in a big Jeopardy match. Those that don't know will stay silent, those that know will answer correctly, those that don't know but answer anyway will be punished more than if they stayed silent.

Personally I'm pretty tolerant of a lot of BS, depending on the person. Sometimes it's just a cognitive quirk that someone uses BS to search around their brain see if they can trigger some association that lets them remember, or discover that they really don't know. Saying "I don't know" immediately is often the wrong thing to say (especially in interview settings) when the real answer is "I don't remember, let me rediscover / look that up", but not many interviewers let you look things up or will mark you down if you say you'd need a reference for X though you studied X some years ago in college like everyone else and might work it out (after wading through a bunch of BS and false-starts in general) if you had unlimited time and no pressure...

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