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I agree about the possibility of bias creeping in. On the other hand, humans are biased, so understanding how to hire for success within your own (or your organization's) biases is useful. Some people would want the opposite candidate to the one I described.

Resourcefulness is more of a mindset. New parent? OK, what have you discovered about childrearing that you didn't anticipate? What will you do differently next time? What is your ideal work/life balance? These are all relevant things, and sometimes the young parent is a superb hire and may read very interesting books in anticipation of having more time to hack in a couple of years.

> New parent? OK, what have you discovered about childrearing that you didn't anticipate? What will you do differently next time?

These are extremely inappropriate questions for a job interview.

I would not ask those things, my point was that whatever a person is focused on can indicate the characteristics I mentioned. Obviously some things are personal and cannot be asked about, but may be volunteered by an applicant.

But if that topic is verboten in the job interview then you cannot learn anything from it. You cannot hope or expect people to volunteer it

Why give a question you wouldn't ask as an example?

FYI asking people what they do outside work is often a big HR no-no because it can easily fall into illegal but accidental discriminatory questions that are unrelated to the job which can be unnecessary PR and legal risks for your company.

I like the attributes you're probing but I'd keep it within the context of engineering and programming if that's what you're hiring for. That's part of the reason open source and github projects are such strong signals in hiring.

True. I typically ask about technology related interests.

Yikes! Asking about what they've learned as a parent is walking yourself into a nice big lawsuit. Don't do it!

There is essentially no way to you can ask or solicit for information about their family status. Don't even go there.

Not only a lawsuit it's just totally inappropriate, invasive, and rude.

That's true. But companies tend to listen when you say "If you do that, the person will sue you and win!"

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