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"Good hiring" is fundamentally an altruistic ideal with all the attendant difficulties of idealistic practices in the modern workplace.

This may seem ridiculous given competition for talent and cutthroat markets involved in startups and tech companies...

But from the perspective of low-level hiring, where someone you hire will possibly replace or eclipse you, or where you may empower a team with more resources, or there is budgetary envy (or kill-or-be-killed cuts to funding), or easily masked discriminations aplenty (dotNET vs Java, Stanford vs Berkeley, Indian vs Pakistani, Georgia vs Alabama), conflicting management directives (we will hire the best but only pay for mediocre) or just sheer resistance to change... there are many reasons to resist transparency, hire mediocre, submarine good candidates, backstab rivals, all from obscure chaos of middle management and its wannabe Machiavellis.

Management can put their smiley faces as they impose conflicting priorities and try to parse data that is fundamentally enshrouded by the multiple agendas from actors with highly variant priorities in a complex game theory all they want, but idealism is hard in cutthroat capitalism.

Oh, did I mention that all candidates are lying to some degree of mendaciousness? Oh yeah, that.

It reminds me of The Crimson Permanent Assurance short video by Monty Python, I think on the release for The Meaning of Life.

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