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There is already a way of doing this using the URL like: https://github.com/jamesRaybould/go-mssqldb/issues/new?body=...

You can then add it as a simple href to the readme.md.

It also means that you can have multiple templates depending on what a user wants to do, just by having multiple links and changing the content of the `body` parameter.

Simplest way to get going on this is to use http://urldecode.org to write the markdown you want and then hit the encode button, take the result and add it after `body=`

We also use it to auto-assign labels using `labels=` in the URL

Do you get many issues that don't use your template because people go to /issues and click the new issue button? When I create an issue with a project, I typically don't a link in readme.md.

You could combine it with the new feature and put a warning message into the default box saying to click one of the links in the README in order to get an issue through.

That is just... Why? That's such a UX failure I'm not entirely convinced you wreent being sarcastic.

But why...

Admittedly we use it on private repos so we haven't seen an issue with it, but there isn't anything from stopping you putting the link in other places

It's not that the link isn't in the right place. It's that regular old users like me are familiar with the Issues -> New Issue workflow, and will continue to go right to that whenever we want to create an issue since it's a guaranteed way to create an issue.

Doesn't this inadvertently give users access to something they might not otherwise have? That is, the ability to add labels on issues. Might not really be a security concern, but not really desirable behaviour either.

I don't think so, it seems like its just a link to what you can see within the UI anyway and simply pre selects it for you. But I am by no means an expert on it and it is pretty simple to experiment with if you want to give it a try

People who aren't owners can't normally add labels.

They presumably still can't via the URL.

Nice! Is this documented anywhere?

https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/#create-an-issue gives a bit of list of things that can be set, when using it as a link title isn't required. I can't for the life of me remember where I first saw it so I am pretty sure someone else deserves credit!

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