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I don't know gitlab very well, but I maintained a few trac instances - the thing about trac is that it is (was) an issue-tracker framework rather than a one-size-fits-all out-of-the-box solution. Have a look at:




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And there's a lot of things available before adding custom plugins.

I'd be interested to hear what limits vlc hit in trac (and why they'd rather move than improve trac. Nothing wrong with that - but I confess I have a soft spot for trac and the team's ethos of "try it as a plugin before making it a core feature").

Also curious if anyone know what, if anything happened with the Apache Bloodhound fork/distribution?


I always hoped it held the promise of being a simple to install, opinionated trac for multiple (lean?) projects. But as far as I can tell it was pretty much abandoned.

While part of it might be rails-angst and fear of precious stones - I always felt gitlab was a bit of a heavy hammer in terms of install/dependencies/cloc for "just" project management.

In practice the bundled distribution alleviates that - but I still feel taking the "best of trac" and writing a new system a little more opinionated (and probably with a clearer data model) would be worthwhile. Just another project on the todo-heap :)

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