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It becomes very long, but it doesn't seem overly cluttered, and it avoids the risk of overly restrictive either/or classification. Rust makes extensive uses of labels on github, they're up to 120 at this point[0] and it seems to work reasonably well even with old issues with a fair number of labels[1]

[0] https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/labels

[1] https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/5016

FWIW, at my office for the small projects we have tracked, we use a similar method.


    b - bug
    f - feature
    p - priority
    t - team
So we might have issues tagged "p-med b-confirmed t-group1"

Once there is a method to the madness, it's not bad, and it's more flexible on Gitlab's part I'm sure, to have people tag instead of supporting custom drop-down attributes.

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