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I don't think so. Labels are too limited.

We want for every bug, that a few custom fields are always defined, to do a partition of the bugs, and to be able to query on those. Moreover, to change the priority or the platform, it's quite complex to do and will break often. Many bugs won't have it filled, for example. Labels do not guarantee that consistency.

As you can see, it's already what people want in the github open letter.

Just curious, what options would be there for a platform filed? What I'm aiming at are issues that are present on all mobile platforms, all desktop platforms, all x86, ... etc. Either you'd have another dozen of cross-categories or you'd have to use something like check-boxes, which are essentially labels.

Maybe having some set of mandatory labels? I.e. at least one label from platform list, at least one label from priority list, etc...

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