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That is right - so the idea is that the project owners don't have to be the only ones to maintain the documentation, instead the users can contribute as well. The same project hosted at different places all point to the same place in the database. We also plan to add version control.

I see. But shouldn't documentation in the source code be the "only source of truth". Say I upload the documentation JSON file, and somebody else edits it online. If I re-generate the documentation from the same source code, I will no longer be able to push the changes, right?

Also, is there a demo view, as to what the generated documentation looks like?

Great project!

Thanks! To see a demo, please visit http://jesterswilde.github.io/hashids/ and http://liujoycec.github.io/jwt-simple/. As some other people have pointed out, the font is too thin and the contrast is difficult to read which is fixed by the most recent PR to the main repo (the demos haven't been updated yet). Please check back for the updated demos!

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