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One thing that might be non-obvious is that async script, while not blocking `DOMContentLoaded`, blocks `load` event.

It means that if you have listeners to `load` event that are doing stuff, you may want to have the `load` event as fast as possible.

Also, until the load event is raised, browsers display a spinner instead of page's favicon.

Hence for non-critical third-party scripts, you may prefer to actually inject them in JS in onload handler instead of putting them directly in HTML.

A semi-related issue is handling failures of external non-critical scripts (analytics blocked by adblock etc)

I wrote a draft of a blog article on the topic last week:


Context: We've faced an insane page load time (70s+) due to external analytics script being slow to load (yeah, we should have been loading the app on DOMContentLoaded instead of onload).

Since `load` waits for all iframes and images, you typically don't want JS initialization to be dependent on it.

For non-critical third-party scripts, you might actually want to do something like doc.on('DOMContentLoaded', e => setTimeout(requestIdleCallback(init3rdparties), 2000));

Hi Paul, thanks for sharing the `requestIdleCallback`, I didn't know it, pretty interesting! Though since it's only in Chrome 47+, it will take a while for it to gain market adoption.

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