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How much cheaper (in time, code, effort, complexity) would it be if:

- Their language runtime supported thread-based concurrency, which would drastically reduce implementation complexity and actual per-task overhead, thus improving machine usage efficiency AND eliminating the concerns about managing process trees that introduces a requirement for things like Docker.

- Their language runtime was AOT or JIT compiled, simply making everything faster to a degree that test execution could be reasonably performed on one (potentially large) machine.

- They used a language with a decent type system, significantly reducing the number of tests that had to be both written and run?

Only if the early engineers could write in a language that they were as productive in as Ruby. Getting Stripe launched was the key thing Stripe needed to accomplish. Everything else follows from that.

There are certainly enough languages to choose from.

Sure there are tons of languages, with different strengths and weaknesses. The part that is important is that the early engineers need to be productive in the language.

Choose boring (to you) technology.

If the technology that's boring to "early engineers" has significantly more weaknesses than the alternatives, then, simply: the wrong people were hired.

Stripe is worth $5 billion. I don't think they hired the wrong people.

Ex post facto justification of complex interdependent decisions and consequences by virtue of market valuation?

That's just dumb survival bias endemic to the YC camp.

It's not something you should actually base business and technical decisions on.

Thread-based concurrency based on shared mutable state doesn't reduce complexity.

Thread-based concurrency doesn't require shared mutable state at the application implementation level.

Is it fair to assume that time, code, effort, and complexity would be some degree of cheaper? May very well be more expensive. Language choice isn't a silver bullet.

Would it be cheap enough to encourage a re-write, re-engineer the server stack, and re-train employees? I doubt it.

I think it is an interesting question but a bad one most of the time unless you take into account all the other external factors that don't include the language it self.

JRuby will do the first and part of the second

You mean something like Scala?

It would run the tests 10-100x faster per test, and also require less tests (due to having a real type system).

I do giggle a little when I see huge engineering hurdles people have to overcome because of the language that was chosen. Building an app that is going to scale to millions of users? May not want to use Ruby...

(Nothing against Stripe, I am a paying customer - love the product. I do suspect it would be easier to engineer on a better platform than RoR though).

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