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Mark Twain wrote some humorous bits about how chickens may be enticed out of a neighbor's tree by sliding a warm board under their feet. They'll step on happily, and can then be conveyed to a convenient sack en route to the kitchen.

And if ever, by some unlucky chance, anything unpleasant should somehow happen, why, there's always soma to give you a holiday from the facts. And there's always soma to calm your anger, to reconcile you to your enemies, to make you patient and long-suffering.

Seeing Brave New World references every time drugs are mentioned is tiring and pretentious. There is plenty to be said about the virtues of moderation and abstinence, and none of it involves invoking the most over-referenced book in modern history not written by Orwell.

Alcohol is usually far better at all of that for me. For grief particularly (and I've tried this a few times), alcohol has made me feel far better than my initial state, whereas Marijuana amplified the pain from grief by a couple orders of magnitude.

It's supposed to be typed with the "Orator" typeball for the IBM Selectric typewriter.

That's exactly the question the study was answering

> The study reviewed current literature on wind farms, as well as using real construction data to take into account everything from the manufacturing of individual turbine parts, to transporting them into place, to decommissioning the entire wind farm at Harapaki – which comprises 41 turbines.

Here in the Bay Area I've been quoted $800 to clean a dog's teeth.

Lucky! Our ancient Maltese has a heart murmur and was referred to, I kid you not, a canine cardiologist. The estimate started at $10K and went up from there.

The affected teeth got loose. We pulled them. The dog is happy and healthy. I would have liked for a professional to have done that for us in a more controlled and methodical manner, but there's no way I could justify spending at least ten thousand freaking dollars on a 13 year old dog who was at significant risk of dying on the table.

That sounds like a "we're not in the teeth cleaning business; go away!" price.

I love my dog and spend pretty freely on him, but no way is he getting an $800 teeth cleaning. At that point, you might as well locate your practice on the airport and cater only to people who fly their dog in on a private jet.

Please. Those folks have a canine dental hygienist on staff. They don't go to walk in clinics.

> Watched a couple minutes of this but the narrator's caustic takes are a bit long winded and distracting.

Ah, your first interaction with Not Just Bikes, I take it?

There's still just so much fucking garbage though. Yesterday I was wondering if I ought to switch to a flipphone so my son doesn't see me playing on my smartphone so much, so I headed over to /r/dumbphones to try and get a feel for what's currently a good option. I figured I'd look through the top posts of the last month to find good discussion. Instead, the top post is some dipshit meme, and all but 1 or 2 of the first 25 posts are "my EDC as an 18/f/cali", just pictures of the contents of their pockets!

Because there's no way to have "the EDC thread" or the "post pics of your phone" thread, this low-effort shit fills the subreddit.

America's Funniest Home Videos was a 30-minute show that was on once a week. Now with a million streaming "channels" it's presumably available 24/7, except without Bob Saget commenting.

I've often wondered what would happen if I plopped down on the steps of SF City Hall with a 6 pack and started downing them... ought to test it sometime.

> They needed it badly and fast.

Lucky for them, Microsoft was happy to provide an OS badly and fast!

They got so good at it, they've been doing it ever since!

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