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Ask HN: What do you do with your Raspberry Pi?
1741 points by xylo on June 24, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 1069 comments
I have Raspberry Pi and I mainly use it for VPN and piHole. I’m curious if you have one, have you found it useful? What do you do with your Raspberry Pi?

There's a bus station across from my studio / coworking space. I can see people waiting for the bus and doing either: 1) staring into the void 2) looking at their watches 3) desperately glancing in the direction where the bus is coming from.

I figured that it'd be nice to let people know when the bus is supposed to be there. So, I installed a 28" display on a monitor stand, installed the stand on my window frame, turned the monitor to face the bus station, and show the up-to-date arrival time in a very big font (the buses have GPS; the Pi gets the real time info from the local transit authority).

This is in Montreal. Some info here [0]. And a little video [1].

[0] https://greg.technology/#bus [1] https://youtu.be/pc16oPb5zW0

Big ups! I use this all the time in winter while waiting for the 55. I definitely assumed you worked at Ubisoft across the street!

Btw, from some experience spending cold winters looking at it, it flickers a lot by having so many screen changes, making it tiring to see the screen change so much. L'AUTOBUS - SERA - LA - DANS - 5... - MINUTES - GREG . - TECHNOLOGY. It would be easier on the eyes if it changed less often.

Thanks so much anyways!

Ha, small world :-)

Agreed on timing, it could be better. I'll consider skipping some of the words + make them appear slower. Thanks for the suggestion!

BUS 55 - DANS - 5MIN ?


I think that makes sense, yeah. I would rather not flash other digits (55) as that could be confusing for someone who sees that number go by (was that the bus number or the number of minutes?)

Thank you!

You guys don't do minute notation (5')?

I don't think that it's as common to write or read

I'll be there in 5'

Also, since this is a sign seen from about 10-15 meters away, using an apostrophe might lead to confusion (it might not be clear to read).

The aesthetics of the big flashing words are also intentional. Way, way back in my brain there was definitely [0] playing while I was creating this. :-)

[0] * * * WARNING A lot of Flashing Lights! * * * https://www.yhchang.com/SAMSUNG_MEANS_TO_COME_V.html

5' is also a notation of 5 Feet..

Is it too nerdy to just write "BUS 55", "+5MIN" ?

You'll also have 50% more screens in the same amount of time.

> This is in Montréal Official language is french. So Bus 55 is coming in 5 mins!

Me too!

No, just kidding, I am in France but the idea is awesome. Simply fantastic.

This is awesome work and thank you for doing this for public without asking.

P.S. does the transit authority offer an API or is this prone to breaking when they change their page layout?

[edit: I just read about the rumor on your webpage. Clarifies.]

Thank you!

As many other transit authorities, the STM [0] offers "GTFS" data (a standard feed format for transit info) [1].

Mucking around STM's public site, you'll also see the schedule information go by if you inspect the network requests. From what I've seen, their API endpoints are stable, reliable and fast. I've had to do ~2 updates in >1 year of service.

[0] http://stm.info/en [1] http://www.stm.info/en/about/developers

[ edit: that rumor is just a rumor :-) ]

If you use MITMProxy or Charles you can easily intercept the traffic on 99% of all iPhone/Android apps (bit harder if pinned-sertificate). These API’s are often stable because a lot of users don’t update their apps that often.

For newer android apps this is no longer true. By default, apps only trust system CA's. User added System CA's are not trusted by apps. I believe only the browser uses the user added CA's.

That is why these systems generate their own certificate that you add to your phone, so you still can see the traffic.

For MITMProxy you can visit http://mimt.it when the setup is running.

A bit more difficult with “pinned-setificate” where you have to:

1) Decompile the app (easy if you search for the online APK-download and APK-decompile tools)

2) Move the certificate out of the APK and use it for the traffic between MITMProxy/Charles and the server

3) Replace the certificate in the APK with one generated for MITMProxy/Charles, or just delete it if that works for the app (most likely not)

4) Re-compile the APK and install on your device

5) Run MITMProxy/Charles as before, just with some parameters to load the “pinned-certificate”

(There is also a lot of guides for this. Maybe not for pinned-certificate.)

1) decompile 2) remove the line that does the pinning (Easy to find) 3) recompile and sign

5 minutes

It can be crazier than that. App makers who work with important APIs often pin to specific certificates (not signers) so we have an one final absolute emergency measure to kill a version and force an upgrade when we have to.

That is what I refer to as pinned-certificate. Not often used except from some of the biggest companies like Facebook and Snapchat. See my answer on how to go around this.

Your answer sure wouldn't work for my tiny startup's app's pinning and we followed a guide initially.

In S. Korea most bus station have a display showing the current position of the bus and the estimated waiting time. Recently they are changing the display to show the bus stop remaining and removed the estimated time of arrival.

Lots of people use app so when the bus is about to arrive the bus station will suddenly get busy and full of people.

I live nearby and often use this when catching the 55! Sort of surreal to start reading your post and immediately recognize it's something from just a block away!

Hey, I also take the 55 but I never saw the screen!

Stop staring at your phone (kidding)

There's construction right now at the street corner, so they moved the bus station, unfortunately. I hope that they'll be done soon!

This is so sweet to read! Thank you!!

In China, they can get these bus message on a smartphone at mostly main city. The app would show the bus location and predict the time bus would reach according to the traffic status graphically.

We get this in the US in most major cities as well. But sometimes you don’t want to deal with smartphones and apps with bad UI developed by Fortune 500 firms for regional transit authorities, you just wish there would be a simple sign next to the stop that gave you 2 pieces of information: “BUS X IN Y MINUTES”.

We have both in my city (Spain). The problem with displays is that sometimes they get too much light and you can't see that well. Also, the app has much more info than the display, and you don't need to be in the bus stop to know when the bus is going to be there.

Awesome! This has reminded me of an old Heroku app that has been sitting idle for years: https://wmata-status.herokuapp.com (before the Silver line, which is why the UI is all wonked now)

I wanted to do something similar to try and reinvent the old/ugly/hard-to-parse televisions scattered around the DC metro.

Lovely UI, congrats!! You should definitely consider doing a 'gonzo' TV install somewhere in the city where you have access to power, wifi and shelter.

That’s a killer idea. Raspberry pi to the rescue!

I believe the UI is great and will work perfectly on big-screens installed at stations. Kudos for making the app and such a nice UI.

really cool project man, props! bit strange they don't do this ,but i suppose Canada is A LOT larger than my country so perhaps it's harder to roll out decent services in all places :D very nice stuff though! the most annoying thing in the world to me is waiting on something without a clear indication of when the wait will end so you are doing a big big service to these poor people :D

Thanks! Some bus stations in Montreal do have small digital signs announcing the next departures. I’m sure those devices cost a bit of money and need to be serviced, so it makes sense that not all stations get them. (All stations do have a paper schedule which is neat, but isn’t real time info..!)

blinks ouch, perhaps it's just my colour-blindness, but just fyi I can't read your site at all unless I highlight the text.

Awesome public service with the Pi bus times though, love it!

I sincerely apologize, I just relaunched my site and did not take that into consideration. I’ll definitely revisit this. Thank you!

I just changed the site to use a plain background color. Thanks again.

That is a very kind thing to do.

Ha! I live a few blocks from that corner. Always wondered who set that up and for what reason.

Nicely done. Hopefully the construction there will end soon, too.

Thank you! So happy to see the response from Montreal (/ Mile End) HNers :-)

Ah, so that is your work! I always found it amusing.

You, sir, are a modern-time knight

Great job! This is an excellent example of being able to contribute to one's community with a small but nonetheless substantive project.

I am just wondering here - why does not the bus stop have the digital schedule set up? Is it normal for Canada?

Canada's a big country :-) As far as I understand, local transit authorities in every city have the autonomy to decide how they spend their budgets. A digital sign is useful, but is it worth having one at every single stop, considering the cost to buy them, the necessary infrastructure (electricity, internet access), the support costs to repair/replace them, etc.?

Also, paper schedules have been part of all stops here for a long time. Considering that the buses are pretty reliable, the paper schedule typically does the job. And you can always use the transit authority's website or one of the many mobile apps to see if there's an unexpected delay.

>> but is it worth having one at every single stop, considering the cost to buy them, the necessary infrastructure (electricity, internet access), the support costs to repair/replace them, etc.?

Well, I just don't recall when I saw a public transport stop that does not have the digital sign here in the Netherlands. The paper version is always provided as well. But I suspect that it works like this in large cities only.

Given how this has been received, interspersed HN headlines will have to be added.

If the buses have GPS then Montreal should launch an app. They did that here where I live and now everyone can see where each bus is, live, on a map of the city. Best thing ever for us control freaks.

The transit authority did have an app, which they’ve pulled at some point (as far as I understand, they felt like they couldn’t compete with the level of transit info apps out there — which isn’t untrue). There’s also the Transit app [0] that is made in Montreal, so I guess that they (the transit authority) were happy to shine a light on that (pretty great) app.

In any case, one of the neat things about the Pi sign is that it works for everyone (whether you have a phone or not), and is part of the urban landscape. You can use your phone for more important things, or just leave it alone a few minutes while you wait. :)

[0] https://transitapp.com/

In big cities in Poland it's a common thing. Good job tho

How cool are you! Great idea.

I know this stop and have always appreciated your sign. Thank you +1!

You, Sir, are a hero.

I have it set up to run a project where a subreddit has control over the watering of a live plant in my apartment.

The pi runs a reddit bot that reads the votes, and can switch on a pump to water. It also collects data about sunlight, moisture, temp and humidity to help inform the decision about watering. Despite many people's preconceptions about the goodness of the internet, I must admit that they do a wonderful job caring for my plant!

website: http://www.takecareofmyplant.com

subreddit w/ voting: http://old.reddit.com/r/takecareofmyplant

> Despite many people's preconceptions about the goodness of the internet, I must admit that they do a wonderful job caring for my plant!

Maybe I should create a subreddit where people can control a bot that has access to my bank accounts so they can manage my finances, invest some, etc. ;-)

Didn't someone do this with Twitch Plays Stocks? Essentially gave them some capital and let the chat decide what trades to make. They nuked the portfolio within 24 hours.

On average (and very much more than just average) there is a negative correlation between trading frequency and portfolio performance (you are not an HFT firm, don't compare yourself to one).

Set up a system like that wrong, and it doesn't matter how smart the crowd is, you're going to lose all your money. It would be interesting to play with the parameters of the game and see how results changed. (how often trades are made, max portfolio % per trade, voting mechanics, etc.)


You'd want to play to the 'wisdom of the crowd'.

Perhaps some kind of voting on a selection of likely stocks?

Sounds like the most optimal setup would be a single vote (1 vote = $1 spent on a stock of your choice) at the start and then just wait 1 year for the results.

You could put in a set amount per day (or week), choices weighted by the votes since last time, and get some of the benefits of dollar cost averaging, plus more reason for continued engagement.

Maybe introduce sales after it's been around for a year. (Though I'm not sure which mechanism, DCA doesn't work in reverse.)

but if you had people "invest" a dollar of their own I bet they would manage it well ..

Paying a dollar for the entertainment of burning down everyone's investment would be a great deal for a troll.

you'd be surprised...

A bunch of people have already done this. They're called crypto-exchanges... <smirk>

I have a Nigerian prince friend who will make your finances a lot easier to calculate. PM me for more.

Wisdom of the crowds

Reference Boaty McBoatface

That isn’t Boaty McBoatface, that’s Boaty McBoatface 2 (or Boaty McTwoFaced as it ought to be known). Boaty McBoatface was the name the public voted for the research vessel, not the submersible. That was given as an attempt to save face after rejecting the public vote.

Did something similar.

Raspberry pi is automatically uploading video of each watering to YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtl442fLi6KAOowkw_w83rA/vid...) and informing me with summary (incl. watering duration, soil moisture level, temperature, humidity, light level etc.).

Not that I care that much about the plant but automating it has been fun. It's been on auto pilot now for a couple of months now and the plant from the looks of it seams to be happy.

How did you guys automate watering? Any good DIY tutorials you recommend? What devices/parts do I need?

I'm using a cheap submersible water pump controlled via relay by a python script running on raspberry pi. Water pump is connected to a clear vinyl tube for water distribution to the plant.

Availability of water level at source is checked by a non-contact liquid level sensor.

Triggers for watering plant are defined as follows: 1. There is water in tank / source (checked by non-contact liquid level sensor) 2. Soil moisture level is below certain threshold (measured by 2 soil moisture capacity sensors embedded in the plant) 3. Watering duration is determined by current soil moisture level; Python script activates relay to run the pump for the right duration. 4. Same python script also: - activates camera to record watering (+2s buffer to have all on the video) via usb cam connected to the pi (leveraging opencv lib) - uploads recorded video automatically to youtube channel (if pi has internet connection) - summarizes watering event and sends me notification with link to the recording and other helpful stats (temp, humidity, moisture level etc.) - saves all metrics to sqllite db for future reference

Key parts I ended up using for the project: 1. Water pump: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01LWXV7DE/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b...

2. Non-contact Liquid Level Sensor -XKC-Y25-NPN: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07D3246BH/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b...

3. Gikfun Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07H3P1NRM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b...

4. Relay: https://www.amazon.com/KeeYees-Channel-Indicator-Arduino-Ras... (though I just bought my when visiting Fry's)

Primary motivation to do the project was so that wife can have pice of mind knowing plants are taken care of while we are away on longer trips.

Hope this helps.

Thanks that helps. However this is for an indoors-only setup right?

That's what I'm talkin' about! You should definitely come check out the sub! I'm always happy to work with other people on new additions / functionality / ideas.

This is one of the coolest uses of reddit/community sites that I have ever seen.

Out of curiosity, how did you come up with this idea?

Trying to impress a girl with my plant-keeping abilities ;) --We had a collaborative message thread reminding everyone to water our plants based upon a set schedule which I was going hook up to a pump to automate, and at the time Twitch Plays Pokemon was a big thing, so I just kind of combined the two ideas.

If you have interest in doing something similar, come check out the subreddit and feel free to DM me on reddit or twitter. Always happy to talk about plants and automation

So finally did you impress that girl or not? :D

No... but some people on the internet thought it was cool, so I can live with that :)

You impressed the Internet and that is a greater accomplishment than impressing a girl.

This is what I try to tell myself

You okay, friend?

Perhaps not?

Just a side note, the links under "Check out some of the tools I used to build this" don't seem to render, I think they're blocked by my Pi-Hole

yeah, they're Amazon affiliate links (gotta pay for hosting some how)

my pihole also blackholes them

Start a side-side business taking bets on if the plant will be watered today?

Once financial incentives are added, that's when bots take over the subreddit

A CDO! Guess we never learn :)

Or a CDO made up of CDO’s.

Why the downvote? This is a real thing that contributed towards the 2008 financial crisis and still exists today just not usually called a CDO.

You're back! I remember joining to help take care of the original plant, but I left when there was a big gap in coverage. Did you get a new plant? It seems that the name has changed.

It would be interesting to create a live feed of plants taken care of by remote botanists at an industrial scale. Maybe to train an ML model. Of course I know next to nothing about botany so this probably wouldn't work for some reason.

The website letsrobot.tv lets you do this. Many people on there use raspbis to receive commands from the crowd, control the motors, and stream back a video feed to the site. If you write something into the chat, the robots say it.

I interfaced a toy excavator remote with an Arduino and also put a small Cozmo robot online from time to time. Some people took their robots outside even :)

I love it, well done!

Thanks, feel free to check in and vote from time to time!

I have 13 in service right now:

- Outdoor irrigation control via OpenSprinkler Pi: https://opensprinkler.com/product/opensprinkler-pi/

- Z-Wave home automation via ZWay: https://z-wave.me/products/razberry/

- 2 Custom HAVC thermostats using: https://github.com/jeffmcfadden/PiThermostat

- An NTP server with GPS attached for a time source.

- 2 for weather monitoring (one directly attached to sensors, one that aggregates the data from a few sources and provides reporting)

- A sort of centralized "workhorse" Pi that runs a lot of random cron jobs, etc.

- An Alexa gateway for home automation

- An NES emulator

- An infrared-remote source for turning on/off surround receiver, TV, etc.

- Monitoring of HVAC temperatures/performance

- An intranet server

Assuming I didn't forget anything.

You are a kindred spirit. I have: 2 pi NTP servers - one running a GPS hat + PPS wired up, one using a USB gps receiver. a "workhorse" pi - 2 wired ds18b20 temperature sensors, cron jobs, email generators, weather page generator, connectivity monitor. One pi running piubos + nextcloud. One pi running as a clock. One pi running as a wireless temperature receiver. a few floating pis running media center or retropie or other things... just swap in the right USB stick and run.

Good souls. I took the time to setup a highly accurate stratum-1 not server only to find my ISP permanently blocks udp 123.

Can a VPN pass that, further loading up the Pi?

A vpn won’t help you with inbound, since any packets marked as destination port 123 are simply dropped. That time server is simply for my own purposes now and can’t contribute to the pools.

I was meaning a remote VPN that the Pi connects to. Possibly a bit overkill.

Could use a pi to automate emailing isp staff every day nagging them about the blocked port.

Just curious, what kind of cron jobs are you running?

I just went to look at my crontab again. Some highlights (lowlights?):

- Turning lights on/off around the house, because I found cron to be a more reliable scheduling agent that the one built-into my Wave software when I first set it up.

- Testing network performance (ping times to various locations)

- Fetching a mail account and processing the messages for an automation I have setup for some things.

- Updating online weather services with data from my weather station.

- Kicking off data gathering/update jobs.

You know, cron is simple... but so directly useful.

I moved some stuff out of cron into systemd and although it worked, it was over-complicated in an infuriating way.

I realize systemd is useful, but the implementation is like trying to navigate through a teenager's bedroom trying to find something.

He told it: random ones.

Maybe there should be a help group for people like us?

We need help. Possibly ways to acquire new models pis early, or get volume discounts.

Just curious, what kind of firewalls are you running?

pfSense [on Netgate appliance] for me.

>2 for weather monitoring (one directly attached to sensors, one that aggregates the data from a few sources and provides reporting)

So, I hear people doing this alot. However what exactly does this help with? Like, is the extra information really more useful than just the standard old TV weather forecast?

I do this primarily because I'm a weather geek. I don't _need_ this at all.

I do find it interesting to see the differences in temperature (and humidity, etc.) in the microclimate around my house compared to the city and greater metro area.

I also use the data to measure the performance of my home's HVAC system. Doing this _does_ require real-time local temperature and humidity data. But again, this is all for fun.

I just enjoy it.

What sort of sensors are available? Just the stuff off the pi site?

For temperature only I prefer the 18B20 sensor. They’re very easy to interface with and they can be at the end of very long wires.

Adafruit has a bunch of sensors that work over the i2c bus; they’ve included python code for accessing the data as well, which makes it easy to get started.

There are sensors out there for everything. Absolutely everything.


You can integrate just about any sensor into a Pi depending on your knowledge. (any sensor you find on sparkfun would work for someone with a little determination)

>I just enjoy it.

That is as good a reason as any!

How does the data benchmark the HVAC? Or are you actually combining weather + HVAC data to benchmark the home envelope (e.g. insulation)?

Good question.

I'm really benchmarking the system against itself, year on year, by comparing the weather outside vs. performance (output temperature of the HVAC unit, average temperature inside the house).

I'm not trying to find an objective efficiency rating so much as monitor performance over time to see if it's changing.

I see, I guess I didn't even consider the performance might meaningfully fluctuate.

It can be really useful for determining the microclimate. The landscaping & gardens in your yard can live or die from it.

> Z-Wave home automation via ZWay:

Whats your success with this? I am not referring so much to the Raspberry Pi part - but the actual ZWave protocol and whatever mesh network it creates. Is it reliable? Or do your lights flicker on and off randomly?

I have used mostly light switches, dimmers, and a few isolated relays, plus home power monitoring.

My experience is that it has all been rock solid. I’m using most GE branded in-wall light switches and they’ve been very reliable for me. Misc other brands for the other modules.

I’d recommend it.

What sort of equipment are you using for monitoring your HVAC system performance?

Just temperature monitoring, really. I have sensors measuring temperature right at HVAC input, output, attic temperature, as well as home interior temp and outside temp and humidity.

be interesting in weather monitoring, could you describe it more detail

I have a Pi connected to a BME280 breakout board that I got from Adafruit (https://www.adafruit.com/product/2652). It's also connected to a Dallas 18B20 temperature sensor. The sensors are outdoors in a small actively-ventilated enclosure I made. The Pi is indoors, and the wires run through the wall.

Why 2 temperature sensors? Turns out the BME280 runs about 2°F hot, and the 18B20 is right on, so I end up using the 18B20 as my primary temp sensor.

Every minute a cronjob runs and the Pi takes readings from the sensors and stores them locally.

Then, I have another Pi that, every minute, reads those values and stores them in a long-term database (I have about 5 years of weather data at this point). The long-term database is running a custom Rails app I wrote to report on the data and show graphs, compare weather over years, etc.

In theory this could all live in a single Pi, but for various legacy reasons I ended up with a dedicated Pi for data processing, and a dedicated Pi for data gathering.

Seems like a Pi is overkill for a few of these, why not a micro?

Absolutely overkill for most of these things, but I've been managing linux servers for 20 years now and find it really easy and fast to get a Pi up and running to do what I want.

There's also some efficiencies from having everything on the same hardware platform.

But mostly it's just comfortable for me.

I started a company that constructed booths which used 70 accurately sync'd Pis with custom PiCams (fitted with lenses) to take pictures of human subjects, for turning them into avatars like this:


At the beginning of the project, I'd barely powered up the Pis I had collecting dust in my drawer. By the end, I was a legitimate domain expert in several niches within niches of Pi dark arts. For example, since Pis do not have hardware clocks, you have to rely on NTP. However, you need to take pains to make sure that each Pi is getting the same amount of voltage or else they will run at different speeds. If you want to power 70 Pis in a constrained space, you need to devise a customized power distribution system with adequate heat venting.

Due to the thin effect, voltage drops over distance, so the distance a Pi was from the power would impact the voltage and therefore the speed. The major breakthrough came when I realized that I could start with a high end power supply outputting 14 volts and terminate each parallel line with a device known as a UBEC. They are used primarily by drone enthusiasts to make efficient use of battery packs.

A UBEC is designed to drop down a supply voltage to 5v without bleeding off the excess voltage as heat. Since this could also describe a fuse, we felt comfortable bypassing the Pi's MicroUSB power supply and attaching the UBEC's pins directly to the top pins on the Pi's GPIO breakout.

That's just a tiny example of the hijinx. The Pi is an incredible tool if you're patient and clever.

What a rollercoaster.

What you call UBEC is just a switch mode DC-DC buck converter. They are used everywhere in electronics, and you could probably save money buying general puprose 5V buck converter modules instead of modules made specifically for RC. Anyway, that's very interesting info about supply voltage affecting Raspberry Pi speed and timekeeping, thanks!

As @Kadin suggested, the UBEC we purchased in bulk was, at the end of the day, a packaged product that had two things going for it. First, it had undergone some degree of QA and we found the results to be consistent, which was a huge deal for us. Second, it came with a 3-pin connector that could not have been more perfect for plugging directly onto the GPIO pins.

For anyone attempting something similar, here's my boy scout good deed for the day: http://www.banggood.com/External-Brushless-BEC-UBEC-3A-5V2-5...

It's entirely possible that you could get a cheaper buck converter, possibly for pennies. However, this was not where the money was being spent in our project... and if we had to do literally anything to it to prepare it for use (such as soldering on a pin socket) it would have destroyed any cost advantage.

This is true, although UBECs are also packaged with some filtering caps, and are in a nice heatshrinked package usually -- so I look at it the other way around; packaged UBECs are so cheap, if you can make do with them, it's too easy to just grab them off the shelf and move on with life rather than DIYing it from components.

All depends how many of whatever you're building, I suppose.

I did a quick search and wasn't able to find anything even close to the price of the UBEC we used: http://www.banggood.com/External-Brushless-BEC-UBEC-3A-5V2-5...

However, I cannot state enough that the price of this small component was simply not where the costs accumulated on this project. We geeks have a nasty tendency to over-optimize things that just don't matter in the big picture. You totally nailed it when you mentioned that this device is a packaged (and QA'd) product. The fact that it just slips right onto a Pi's GPIO pins without requiring any further modification is what makes this such a win. If you have to do anything to [70 units of] a component to make it work, you're blowing up any miniscule price arbitrage anyhow.

Could something like this be used for synchronization in such a scenario? https://ncase.me/fireflies/

I think the problem here is not that the clocks are out of sync, but rather that the actual clock frequencies are voltage-controlled.

With the firefly analogy, it's like having one firefly flashing at 1.73513x (random number) faster than it's neighbor - can't easily have them persistently synchronized.

Yes - exactly this.

Thank you for sharing this! I love it. It's beautiful.

Unfortunately, I also have literally no idea what you're proposing. I would like to, though.

It is visualisation of simple technique to synchronise many clocks without central authority, algorithm is explained on left side of website. You need to turn on 'Nudge thy neighbour" and then wait for fireflies to sync.

Cool idea, but not applicable to our scenario. People would step in and there would be a 3-2-1 count and then step out. There was no flash to sync against. And even if there was, if the devices are all running at different speeds, the sync is moot.

The model looks fantastic. Can you share any details on how the project worked or what your company is?

First: sigh. First-coda: past tense

Second: I worked alongside a brilliant team with rare knowledge of geometry reconstruction. We took the 70 images of people, algorithmically removed the backgrounds and then used a proprietary process to create a mesh geometry from the intersection masks of those shapes in 3D space, which all had to be carefully calibrated on the regular. That geometry was smoothed to create a valid smooth human mesh. We then created a texture which would be mapped to the physical geometry of the mesh. All lighting and camera sensors had to be carefully measured and corrected, with ample algorithmic color smoothing along the seams of this texture. Then we ran our proprietary auto-rigging algorithm on the mesh, and exported both a 3JS compatible obj+jpg as well as a Unity bundle. The entire process was optimized to take under 60 seconds. This meant that you could step out of the booth, watch the magic happen, and then immediately put on a Vive and interact with yourself in a mirror using your fully articulated new avatar.

Third: VCs were unwilling to fund something with a hardware component

Fourth: sigh

Sorry to hear that it didn't work out, but it's still an impressive achievement. 60s to produce something that lifelike is incredible. I'm surprised no game companies were interested.

Believe it or not, a significant aspect of the struggle was with my partners. I wanted to focus on games and they wanted to make emoji meme apps.

Some day, I will write a book. It’ll be a doozy.

Was any of the geometry reconstruction or texture mapping done on the Pis themselves? I can imagine with 70 of them you’d have a nice little cluster to work with. Cool project, either way!

We definitely tried to do on-board processing, as we were still bottlenecked by the blazing “gigabit over USB 2.0” NIC speed. However, while I have a hunch that the new Pi 4 might be more than up to some of the crunching, the real problem is that the spatial nature of the domain means that each Pi would need access to the sparse clouds and shape masks generated by the rest in order to proceed. We could do color correction and remove lens distortion on the Pi, but that’s it.

Reflecting on this conversation, it occurs to me that I should strongly consider publishing a string of #1 on HN deep dives on what I learned to pay it forward. ;)

I'd definitely read those if you wrote them. I build small machines that use Pi Zeros as motor controllers and I'm a sponge for domain knowledge about using them in practice.

Your point about voltage fluctuation affecting clock speed already has me re-evaluating my current solution. Also I'm really curious about your custom cameras. Thanks for sharing!

Well that sucks, I could see this being used in VR arcades


Happy to answer any specific questions about the tech that I'm able to answer. I was not responsible for the proprietary algorithms that generated the avatar.

Side question: how did the company go? and what was the product (the animation) for? games?

Unfortunately, things didn't end well. I can't actually talk about it.

The business plan morphed significantly during our 4-year run, from 3D pet scanning to location-based branded marketing to what was going to be a big gaming focus (my vote) or glorified 3D emojis (their vote).

I wanted any game/experience that featured characters/avatars to be able to allow people to play as themselves. I didn't get a chance to see that concept through.

That is seriously cool! Way to go!

I live in an apartment with quite strict fire-protection standards. Due to the fact that I have a cat that absolutly loves to go outside, I needed to find a solution for him to get outside without a catdoor trough my door.

So I installed a fire-protecion-approved door drive that is hooked to a raspberry pi. Another raspberry pi then analyzes a video stream and detects my cat. If my cat is in the frame for n amount of time, a message is sent to the pi conntected to the door drive and the door opens up slightly for him to get in.

Wow. I literally just sat down to relax after building a cardboard prototype cat door fitting in my open window in winter. You just made me feel partly inferior, and partly like I'm in good company

Now check out this project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1A-Nf3QIJjM

A cat door that can tell if the cat has a mouse it's going to "gift" to you, and locks to keep the cat out.

I may now get a cat just to set this up.

Sounds like there is a market for fire standard approved cat doors! ;)

I loved reading what you are doing with the Pi though.

As you might have guessed, that came to my mind too. Due to the fact that I have worked with a company in the fire damper business, I was contacting them and we were brainstorming about it. The thing is: The market is just non existent. Also fire-protection regulations can be very specific depending on the country you are in. For example, EU ratings are not always recognized here in Switzerland.

Since last week I'm in contact with the manufacturer of the door drive tough because they maybe want to create a product out of it. To be honest I think it would pure marketing and at the moment it is very unlikely to ever hit the market.

A fun dream I've had (context: I've always been confined to apartments) is some sort of cat/pet utopia in a block, so they wouldn't be stuck inside alone. But that wouldn't be feasible since they have to navigate the fire-proof doors between floors...

Unless your cat door goes to market. May luck be on your side :)

(really, don't underestimate niches, you can probably find plenty of places to sell this sort of product...)

Do you have a link to the "door drive" that you're using? I've had this idea for a long time and really want to build it.

I don't use this specific drive due to the fact that another company gave me a better deal for some marketing. But if I had to choose again, I would buy a dormakaba ED 100 or ED 250 (depending on the weight of your door). They support multiple opening angles depending on how you activate it.

Does this open a door or a cat door? I’m just imagining breaking into places by wondering around holding a picture of a cat.

Do you have a screengrab of your cat?

Here is a picture of him examining the tech behind his magic door https://i.imgur.com/81VgqaR.png

Now here's an experiment: can you trigger your door by printing out an image of your cat? :-)

super cool! Sorry for my ignorance, but how does it close again? Do you issue fire alarm and it closes ?

The door stays open for n amount of time (normally around 1min but I changed it to 30sec). The drive has a laser sensor attached to it (it is required to have installed with automatic doors in Switzerland if you don't want any issue with insurance). As soon as the specified amount of time has passed, the door drive tries to close the door. It only works if the laser sensor detects no obstacles.

Maybe a bit off-topic but: The only thing that differs an "fire-protection approved" door drive from a non approved drive is that the drive is not allowed to have an option to keep the door open. Also in case of power outage (or fire) the door needs to close without power.

Can you please open-source this?

Why do you use two separate pis for it?

I'd imagine the processing power required to detect whether or not a video feed contains a cat doesn't jive well with sharing a CPU with something presumably-realtime-sensitive like driving a motor to open a door.

You are exactly right. Before I "optimised" the image recognition the whole detection part was running on a Mac Mini. I also like to "separate concerns". The Pi that is handling the door opening runs Alpine with a read-only file system so whenever there is a power outage or whatever it boots into a known good state. The image processing part is behind a big UPS and is running with a writable file system.

Seems like the door opening Pi would be a good candidate for an esp8266 or an esp32 (if you were looking to save costs and/or have fun playing with a more limited environment)

esp8266 means wifi, and also means you don't have the whole linux TLS ecosystem to play with. I'd be somewhat cautious about using an esp8266 (as much as I like them) to unlock my front door...

Why would you be cautious? Not saying there's no downsides, but if anything I consider it to be an "upside" that the device is simpler. Now I don't need to worry about linux, or making sure it's a read only filesystem with an image all setup, etc.

I look at it this way: If you want a remote device that measures or controls just one or two things, but does very little if any calculations - use a esp8366/32 (or anything with low power requirements). If you need to process data (video stream), or do other calculations, potentially while controlling many different sensors/things - you'll likely want a raspberrpi/similar

I want locks on my doors.

If you can come up with a reasonably secure way to get an ESP8862 to unlock your door that I can't sniff from across the street with a pringles can hooked up to a wifi dongle running in promiscuous mode (perhaps with a pile of off board AWS to crack your WPA key), I'd be interested in checking it out.

I'm not saying it can't be done. But for _me_, I'd prefer to piggy back on all the battle tested tools available in linux like OpenSSL rather that pretend I can write bulletproof crypto code for the constrained resources available on the esp. And I'd prefer to run my unlock signals over wires rather than over a radio. I'm cautious like that.

Preshared one time pad would be pretty simple. But just because it has wifi, doesn't mean you have to use it. The chip is bristling with io so running real wires is always an option (and hey, you probably have to power it by wires anyway).

There's definitely something to be said for not having the surface area of some hobbiest-grade linux distro on your door locks also. I'd like to perform a "security update" on my door locks just about never.

Anyway, the esp32 has a tls stack which is adequate if you want to go that way. Lately there are a handful of boards on the market that pair the esp32 with a PoE chip that are becoming my goto for little "iot" projects.

There are probably much easier ways to break into your apartment than cracking a custom wifi widget.

Obligatory xkcd:


Thanks for the tips! I will order a esp8266 and check it out.

Unless you love soldering wires to tiny little smt pads I'd recommend looking for one of the "development boards" based on the 8266 (or as others have pointed out in this thread the bigger, faster, stronger, esp32). Not only will you get some through-hole connections to some subset of the pins, but you'll also get an onboard power supply and probably a usb port for programming so you can get right to cooking.

Thanks! Will do some research and then try to order the right one.

There are no end of ESP32 dev boards but if you're new to working with MCUs I'd always recommend starting with something from Adafruit or Sparkfun. They just have way more documentation and support.

So I'd go with something like an Adafruit ESP32 Feather [0]. Sure it's super impressive that one can pick up a perfectly functional anonymous board on eBay for almost nothing but, for getting started, $20 for something from Adafruit will save you a lot of initial hassle.

MicroPython on ESP32 [1]. MicroPython specifically on the Adafruit ESP32 Feather [2].

[0] https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-huzzah32-esp32-feather?v... [1] https://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/esp32/tutorial/intro.... [2] https://github.com/pvanallen/esp32-getstarted

I can highly recommend the "Wemos D1 Mini" for starting with ESP8266 as it's tiny, cheap but can be plugged in to a PC to be programmed over USB and has pin headers and readily available shields for getting started quickly. I have one in each room of the house reporting back temperature\humidity to the pi that controls the central heating :-)

You're welcome! You might also be interested in MicroPython (if you write python) which runs pretty solid on esp32 and has a lot of batteries included. You can almost forget you're running on a micro.

Do you by chance have a link to a good development kit for the esp32? I checked and I'm a bit overwhelmed by the amount of different components one can get.

One that I like is commonly branded TTGO, a search for "esp32 ttgo" or "esp32 oled battery" will turn up some options.

This is a link to the exact one I bought since you asked: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/283082902927 (not actually branded TTGO, it's a clone)

Why you might like it:

- it has an OLED screen on the board for debugging and status output

- it has a battery holder and charging circuitry for an 18650 on the back of the board for portable powering/"UPS"

- it breaks out all the GPIO lines onto pins

Why you might not like it:

- like many esp32 dev boards it's slightly too fat to go straight into a standard breadboard. You have to join two breadboards to get access to both rows of pins.

Lately I've been playing with the Olimex esp32-poe [0]. It supports being powered over ethernet or lipo battery (or micro usb) and includes an SD card slot. If your application uses the ethernet, though, be sure to develop using a non-poe switch (or else power from the ethernet interface can leak over the usb programming interface and damage your laptop.)

[0] https://www.olimex.com/Products/IoT/ESP32/ESP32-POE/open-sou...

A cat or your cat specifically?

That’s amazing

I could actually use exactly that. Do you have a blog outlining how you did it, or the code on github by any chance?

No sadly not. I'd love to write about it but my English is just not good enough to write a compelling story. Writing it in German and then having it translated is always a bit of a hassle. But I may consider it. At the moment I have an offer of the door drive manufacturer for doing a "home story" about the solution. If that will happen, it will definitely be released in English.

I will open source everything once I'm happy with the security and the ability to configure it.

For what it's worth, I didn't have any clue that English wasn't your first language until you said it.

Likewise! Although perhaps part of it is the additional effort it takes them to write in English, which would be understandable.

I've been having pretty good luck with a friend who runs stuff through Google translate, and then I (a native English speaker) fix it up to make it more natural. Might be worth a try. I bet there's plenty of people on HN for example that would do that for you.

Deepl.com is light years ahead for English to German and vice versa.

I wouldn't underestimate your English skills. What you've written here is perfectly serviceable.

> No sadly not. I'd love to write about it but my English is just not good enough to write a compelling story.

Reads like a monty python sketch.

Your English is amazing. Don’t let it stop you.

I have an old Raspberry Pi 1 that runs headless raspbian with a set of cheap speakers plugged into it and an old usb wifi adaptor. It has only one purpose: to play a wav file of a telephone ringing for one minute. My spouse does not ever have the ringer on her cell phone. So when I am out and I need her to look at her phone, I VPN in to my home network, ssh into the pi using Terminus on my iphone, and 'aplay' the wav file.

The real reason we ever wanted to get a landline was because of this issue, so instead of wasting money I just used spare parts to make an alert system I can activate remotely. I can also use the 'say' command for text-to-speech, but that's not really effective. The old school phone ringer wav is perfect.

> I VPN in to my home network, ssh into the pi using Terminus on my iphone, and 'aplay' the wav file

Once, when I was working away from home, someone unplugged the phone at home so I couldn't phone in. After becoming very frustrated, I SSH'd into my home server, and from there into the Mac Mini we used as a media station. Then:

- checked they were watching something using `ps`.

- killed that process so I had their attention.

- `say 'this is dad, I'm inside the computer.'`

- `say 'I want to phone you but you have unplugged the phone.'`

- `say 'plug it back in'`

Worked :)

When I was younger I worked at a retail store and I remember being thrilled to discover I could telnet into a cash register and echo text directly to the attached receipt printer.[0] I became a small time hero at one point when I used this power to alert our sister store that their phones weren't accepting calls during the middle of the holiday season.

[0] Also interesting is the time I discovered that sending a special escape code to the printer caused the cash drawer to open, but that's a tale for another thread.

Haha this reminded me of the time I lost my phone. I suspected it was left at work so I ssh'd into my Mac at work, started recording audio, dialed up my phone and voilá. It was there and I had peace of mind until tomorrow.

Turning on FaceTime remotely to see what’s in front of the computer has saved me a few times, and made me wish that my screen was angled differently many more.

Mine is always in clamshell mode with external monitor. Feels more ergonomic that way.

A few weeks ago I realized on my phone I can, from anywhere, say "Ok google, broadcast" and then say a message. That message gets played back on the Google Home devices.

My kids weren't replying to text messages about being ready to go to an appointment that we were pressed for time on, and I was on the way home, so I did that to tell them to get ready. A few seconds later I get a text from my wife: "How'd you do that?!?"

Reminds me of https://www.xkcd.com/530 .

You could automate this even more with a Twilio number, ngrok running on the Pi and a small webserver to trigger the audio playback. Then instead of having to ssh in you can just send a text.

If you're running a web server, why not just put up a page with a "ring" button and bookmark that on your phone?

Just make sure it isn't a GET, per a discussion the other week...

Or if you wanted to get even cheaper, depending on the carrier, you could text a personal E-Mail server.

Is ngrok the new dnat?

Expose your server endpoint to the public web however you like. There are lots of options and many have been discussed here recently. I just happen to be a fan of ngrok and use it daily for all sorts of cases, including on some of my Pi’s.

Does it work well over extended periods of time like that? I’ve just thought of using it temporarily for testing.

I have a tunnel that’s been running for over a month now with no issues. Basic free tunnels do have an expiration (24 hours IIRC) but the paid accounts will let you keep a tunnel open as long as you want.

If they have an iPhone, you can go into contacts and turn on emergency bypass just for you and that way their phone will ring when you call but not anyone else.

Or, if you have an aPhone, you can ssh directly into it (ssh server apps don't require root), or make it do an additional action (such as turning off silent mode, or playing something) when you call (I'm sure automation apps can do this without root), or a million other creative ideas as root user.

Similar issue, but I worked around it by setting up one of those find-your-phone apps and whitelisted my number. Now I can just text her the secret code and it makes her phone ring loudly even when it's on silent.

I have something similar set with Tasker to locate _my_ phone. That is, a particular word texted to my phone number will make the phone max out the volume, turn on the camera flashlight, and start making noises in the loop. I can also trigger this from my smartwatch[0].

I also have a "haptic test" function: press the button, the phone vibrates briefly. I originally created that check the delay on the Pebble-Tasker connection, but ended up using it almost every day to find my phone among the clutter in the house.

Tasker is amazing, if you have Android, I recommend checking it out.


[0] - misplacing a phone while having it still in Bluetooth range actually happened to me once long ago with a feature-phone. I looked and looked and couldn't find it. It was set on silent, so calling it didn't help. Then I noticed it's still connected via Bluetooth to my PC's phone management app, so I manually turned the ringer on, and discovered it deep within the mechanism of my bed. Finding it there without this trick would probably take me hours.

This would be really bad if she happened to be at a performance, restaurant, active shooter situation, etc.

Better off forcing a ring in the home than where you can't foresee the consequences.

Ah yes, daily active shooter situation...

In the same sentence as performance and a restaurant, not less.

That absurd association was the only way he could make a phone going off at a restaurant seem like an offensively irresponsible event.

If you consider the situations that would lead to the husband needing the wife so badly so as to need to override the wife's choice to not have the ringer already on, the subset of such situations which are life-threatening for the husband are probably situations in which the wife either can't assist in time or isn't the only person who can assist, so overriding the silence isn't required for life.

In contrast (and yes, my intention was contrast), if the wife was hiding from a shooter then her ability to maintain silence is required for life. Airplane mode isn't great, because she should be texting/tweeting/etc.

Thus, best to not let your silence be overridden.

For non-life-safety reasons that the husband might be trying to reach the wife, that could be solved via agreement ("keep your ringer on except in emergencies") instead of brute force.

I guess the key is "know your wife".

For instance, my wife has her phone ALWAYS set to silent. I like all the suggestions here.

I think the "active shooter" situation is a bit of a stretch, to be honest.

You must not have kids. They drastically increase the frequency with which one must contact a partner at random unexpected times. People mess up ringer settings all the time.

"the kid is vomiting and school needs us to come get them asap, which one of us is more available?" is not a life-threatening emergency, but it's a family emergency and needs attention. It also happens a lot. An awful lot more than your "unlikely to happen to most people in their lifetime" contrived scenario.

Oh yes. My wife is the worst offender. The amount of times I have had to cancel important things to get a taxi to our kindergarten because she had our car (and thus the agreed upon responsibility to pick up the phone) can't be counted on 2 hands, and he has only been 2 years in kindergarten.

True, it's a risk worth taking in that scenario.

I recently had a training course on it. Makes you think differently. Point is, being in control of your silence is extremely important.

This is a thing? It seems to be solving the wrong problem. I think my sheltered world is quite nice.

The right problem isn't solvable so immediately as what is achieved with tactical self defense.

I would have presumed you can have custom notification levels for specific phones calls baked into modern phones OSs.

iOS has a bypass list for “Do Not Disturb” mode, but sound is disabled via a hardware switch next to the volume buttons.

As a workaround, I’ll use the “Find my iPhone” chime which is the one way to bypass the hardware switch if I need to get my wife’s attention while the phone is set to silent.

Emergency bypass in iOS should also bypass the hardware silent switch.

Then it wouldn't be a hardware switch anymore, just a sensor. Meaning software could mess something up and "embarrass" you in public, completely voiding the point of the mute switch.

But this is exactly how it works. On my 8, I have emergency bypass turned on for my wife. When the hardware switch is turned to the "silent" position, I still get a ring when she calls and a tone when she texts. Everyone else I hear nothing.

It seems likely that the side switch is anyway connected to software - on iPad its purpose is configurable and I think it was for a short period on iPhone. I always assumed the point of the switch was for quick and convenient access, not for certainty. Besides, the hardware button also fails embarrassingly when full of lint.

That's what he said.

This is brilliant. I have the same problem, and an extra gen1 pi hanging around, and I'm quite excited about this solution. Thanks for posting. :-)

OMG Please tell me more about this! This is precisely what I need!

I do something similar but using the Twilio API I send texts to the Pi that do various things including making a ringing sound.

2 Pis for dealing with ADS-B (airplane data), one for 1090Mhz, the other for 978Mhz. I could run that on the same one, but seemed easier to just split them up given some of the software is a bit picky with device IDs. The 978Mhz is much quieter than the 1090Mhz, so I also run a private SpyServer (https://github.com/lloydpick/docker-spyserver) for listening to radio transmissions.

1 Raspberry Pi for a running a very stupid sitcom sound thing. Using a camera it tries to recognise who you are, then play a random sound assigned to you out of a little speaker. Think of like the cheering/clapping when a guest or celebrity enters the room in a sitcom tv show, and replace out the clapping with whatever sound you want.

This reminds me of this project I saw on twitter a while ago where a small arduino with a motion sensor would play the Seinfeld bass riff every time someone entered a room.

Love the sitcom sound thing!

Me too. I've always though I and my friends should all have individual theme songs that play when they enter the room. Now I have another weekend project...

What do you use for receiving the radio traffice, something like an RTL-SDR, or something else?

For the ASD-B traffic I use the FlightAware USB dongles - https://flightaware.com/adsb/prostick/

And for the general radio, I use the RTL-SDR Blog USB dongle - https://www.amazon.com/RTL-SDR-Blog-RTL2832U-Software-Telesc...

Why do you listen to all these radio transmissions?

For the airplane data, I always liked browsing sites like flightradar24, planefinder etc, and wondered how they aggregated the data, and it sort of just went from there. I also now send the ADS-B data to open projects rather than commercial only entities.

In terms of the random radio transmissions, it was simply because I was already installing the two ADS-B antennas in my attic, and thought I might as well just put up the standard telescopic antenna that came with the USB receivers as well. I'm a newbie in terms of radio, so it's just been interesting scanning the bands to see what you can find and listen to.

A future project I have is to try and pick up the 443Mhz transmission from a really simple weather/temperature sensor I got from Walmart a while ago, since apparently that's what it uses to talk to the little base station it came with.

I'm only familiar with the commerical ones (flightaware etc.). What are some of the open ones?

I'm Dr. Torq and have a Raspberry Pi in my Steampunk conference badge. Use it during my tech talks. I walk into the room, power down the badge, plug in the HDMI, power up the badge and run my slides with a nano-keyboard/mousepad and LibreOffice. Works great. When I'm walking around a show, the badge displays a little promotional video on it's 3.5" touch-screen. Runs on a big cell phone power pack, in my pocket. See my gadgets and hacker articles at https://thenewstack.io/author/rob-reilly/.

Wow! That's a heck of a rabbit hole I fell into there. Lots of cool stuff there.

1x Raspberry Pi 3 installed in my car within the internal network as a bastion box and to run software that let's my interact with the entertainment system

1x Raspberry Pi 3 running Home Assistant with a Z-Wave USB Dongle (Home Automation)

1x Raspberry Pi 3 running OctoPrint (Host/remote-control for 3D Printer)

1x Raspberry Pi 3 running FullPageOS (Full-screen Chromium in kiosk mode) displaying a server statusboard in our home office

Next project: 1x Raspberry Pi Zero W to run Unifi Controller

I have a couple of original Model B+ sitting around unused right now - just not powerful enough for any of the above projects.

(Update: Formatting)

> 1x Raspberry Pi 3 installed in my car within the internal network as a bastion box and to run software that let's my interact with the entertainment system

Can you go in more depth about this? How did you integrate it with the entertainment system, and what do specifically do you do with it?

I am not the person you asked but some ideas, in order of most complexity/cost to least.

- Some kind of CAN bus hack. They exist.

- He has a ford and hardware that can interact with openXC CAN2-2 see here: http://openxcplatform.com/vehicle-interface/hardware.html

- He's using bluetooth.

Comma ai has a bunch of car related repos that are open source, one of them interfaces with can via the odbc jack under the steering wheel. Might be able to glean some information there.

Seconded. Please tell us more.

I believe Ford has some open stuff you can connect a laptop to.

That "open stuff" generally speaking is either an ODB-II port (which as I understand it is generally limited in diagnostics and communication in modern cars) and the other is the C2 Radio harness (which plugs into the back of the infotainment system.) These systems exist on all modern cars.

The C2 radio port gets you direct access to the vehicle's CAN-Bus system, which itself is generally segmented into a high frequency (safety critical systems: drivetrain, drive-by-wire steering if applicable, braking, etc) and a low frequency system (door locks, sound system, windows, etc.) If you reverse engineer your vehicle's CAN protocol (each manufacturer uses their own codes on a standard CAN transport protocol), you can issue commands to it directly from your Pi.

Tesla. I probably don’t have to say much more.

Here’s an older video with some interesting details: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KX_0c9R4Fng

I have a tesla and didn't find a way to talk to infotaiment system from my RPI. what you are exactly doing?

It sounds like Tesla locked down the dangling Ethernet so you have to piggyback an existing device to get an authenticated connection to the vlan.

> Next project: 1x Raspberry Pi Zero W to run Unifi Controller

Ugh, have fun with the dependency issues. An easy alternative is to run a Unifi docker image. Currently running it from a Debian VM when needed but looking to move it to an alpine vmm on my OpenBSD APU2. The Linux image is the same as the cloud key so you can roll your own cloud key and use the unifi app.

Here is the image I use though there are others: https://hub.docker.com/r/jacobalberty/unifi/

It is a nightmare! I just finished fighting with it this weekend.

The controller only officially supports ARM 32, and the mongoDB dependency only supports ARM 64.

In the end I I used a 64-bit Ubuntu, 64-bit mongoDB from the mongoDB repo, and downloaded the controller deb from the Unify site, which is apparently architect agnostic.

I found it easier to just buy the cloud key...

I’ve never owned a cloud key, but the docker path is really quite painless and makes migrations nice too.

Take a look at Hostifi if you want your own server at a reasonable cost without having to deal with the management.

I didn't know about FullPageOS, very cool. For a full stack web developer, this can give you a wide range of use cases for a Pi. Thanks!

FYI - I had to buy a Pi 3B+ to run Unifi Controller, the forum posts said the Zero W didn't have enough juice.

When I used my Pi 3b+ it was flakey for UniFi. I bought a bunch of their cameras and got a cloud key gen 2 plus. Haven’t looked back and now I have a Pi for a few other things in my new house.

Seconding this... it'll just barely run on the Zero W, but you need 64-bit Java to remotely access your controller through unifi.ubnt.com, and there'll be long delays whenever the database needs any maintenance.

(I set up a Zero with the Unifi Controller -- connecting to the LAN using a Chromecast Ethernet Adaptor -- about a year ago, and had this problem, so I switched to a 3B, and all is well now.)

Boo! Might have to reconsider then. I used the Pi Zero W for FullPageOS for a while but performance was absolutely terrible, recently switched it out with the Raspberry Pi 3.

The Pi Zero really has an awesome form factor, but many of the projects I come up with either require more performance (i.e. needing a Rasperry Pi 3) or are simply better suited for a microcontroller such an ESP32 or ESP8266.

I guess it depends, but having the unifi controller on wifi isn't always the best of idea. If you misconfigure the wifi or just change the ssid/password the controller looses access as the settings are applied. And now you can't even connect to the controller to fix it.

I’m using an Ubiquiti gateway but not for access points (yet). So that’s not currently a problem. But that’s good to know!

> 1x Raspberry Pi 3 installed in my car within the internal network as a bastion box and to run software that let's my interact with the entertainment system

Can you go in more depth about this? How did you integrate it with the entertainment system, and what do specifically do you do with it?

Unifi controller on a pi zero might be a bit painful on the memory front. It wants the controller (java app) and mongo, both of which like to eat up memory.

You’re clearly better at this than me, so this might be unneeded: Docking the UniFi Controller avoids the dependency hell and upgrade pain that sometimes occurs, and makes an afternoons pain into a 5 minute exercise.

I use a Raspberry Pi to stream PlayStation 2 backups over SMB by networking the onboard Ethernet port of the Pi to allow access to a Samba Share service running on the Pi. This allows for seamless playback of games with heavy Full Motion Video sequences as the Ethernet transmission is faster than the max throughput of the USB2.0 ports provided on the PlayStation 2. It -also supports auto mounting and sharing of external drives to allow for seamless drive swapping if you have a large library.

Using the same technique, games can also be streamed to PlayStation 3 and original Xbox.

I added some additional support for Xlink Kai so that you can play LAN enabled games over the Pi’s WiFi connection by plugging a compatible game console into the Ethernet port of the Pi or by connecting to an access point that is auto created when a secondary WiFi dongle is attached to the Pi.

I learned that there are usually a hundred or so people in South America who play Halo 2 using Xlink Kai and this makes it very easy to connect to them for lag free multiplayer on original hardware. This feature also works on Nintendo Switch and PSP with a bit of extra work.

The project is open source and [available as a flashable SD image on Github](https://github.com/toolboc/psx-pi-smbshare).

Youtuber VersatileNinja recently published a detailed video on [how to get started with the project](https://youtu.be/Ilx5NYoUkNA) if anyone is interested in taking it for a spin.

How fast is streaming cut-scene heavy games like MGS4 to the PS3 using this setup?

Also, for the PS2, how does it compare with HDDLoader and an internal HDD. Relevant for games like Fatal Frame, where you have to open doors a lot, and on the DVD, it takes like 5-10 seconds, but on the HDD, it takes <1 second.

I didn't know we could steam to the Xbox OG, sounds pretty useful compared with the 1hr process to open it up and upgrade the HDD...

In my tests using iftop, speed on PS3 seems to top out around 60 MB/s which is slower than HDD but should be sufficient for most games.

On PS2, the speed to access SMB is also slower than HDD at around 6 MB/s, however, this is nearly 6x the speed of the USB. Although it is slower than HDD access, it allows for playback of most games without stuttering.

Good point on calling attention to the OG Xbox, as I should have been more specific there. OG Xbox games can only be played back via HDD or Disc due to a limitation in the system itself, however, a number of emulators support SMB paths for playing backups.

I'd probably do the same if my PS2 was a slim model, but I have the fat, and used an older hard drive for it.

I'd love it if modern consoles like the Xbox One and PS4 supported any sort of network share hosting for games. They do support USB drives and I thought about using Linux Gadget USB to emulate a USB drive and store the backing file on the network share. Previously that wouldn't have really worked with the Raspberry Pis as the full sized models did not support USB OTG. It does look like the new Pi4 supports USB OTG over the USB-C power port.

This is amazing. I have to do this.

I have several

* Pie-hole and runs Nagios to collect information about things going on inside the network.

* One running a PiDP-11 (pdp 11/70 emulator) as well as providing MOP service to boot my DEC terminal multiplexor (it provides the boot image when the mux comes up)

* One is a stratum-1 time server using an Adafruit GPS module with PPS output. This because I got tired of both the reflection attacks and trying to manage ntp access from inside the house to outside.

* One runs RasPBX and talks to the VOIP phone that is my home "business" line.

* One sits on my electronics workbench and runs OpenOCD and allows BlackMagic Probes to export GDB as a service over the network. That lets me debug from anywhere without burning a USB port or adding additional software.

* One runs a very simple time series database and is the collector for IOT type devices that are sending various bits of information (energy use, temp, humidity, particulate levels, etc)

* One drives a display which has a dashboard of various things that the others are doing (like Nagios alerts, data trends etc) This one is a candidate for replacement as the 4K monitor would be nice here.

* One runs the waveforms live software from Digilent and hooks to an Analog Discovery 2 on my workbench. (scope, logic analyzer, etc)

EDIT: And its important to know that I boot them using the network and run them off NFS from a NAS box, the idea being that when they break I can easily swap the CPU part with a new one.

> This one is a candidate for replacement as the 4K monitor would be nice here.

You might be able to run 4k display with an old RPi at about 8-10 Hz.

The Pi is memory bandwidth limited as it is, that would probably kill it completely. Even the RPi2 was really only responsive enough with a 720p display.

Maybe you could even try 4K at 6 Hz. That should take less screen refresh bandwidth than 1280x720 @60Hz.

It might work fine. You can't know unless you try.

Partial screen updates might look weird, though.

> * One sits on my electronics workbench and runs OpenOCD and allows BlackMagic Probes to export GDB as a service over the network. That lets me debug from anywhere without burning a USB port or adding additional software.

This sounds cool and interesting. Can you elaborate on the setup and some of the ways you've used it?

Its pretty simple really, I built OpenOCD from source on the RPi (that is just download the github repo[1] and add some libraries like libusb), when you run OpenOCD, by default it opens a gdb server on port 3333 and a telnet server on 4444.

From anywhere on the network when you start arm-none-eabi-gdb, you can type

   target extended-remote debug:3333
And poof you're connected to what ever dev board OpenOCD id debugging. Then just load your .elf file (which flashes it) and start it and you are off to the races.

Since the Black Magic Probe has its own gdb server you wrap it with nc(1) so on the Pi you run

   nc -kl 1234 < /dev/ttyACM0 > /dev/ttyACM0
and now you can connect to port 1234 on the debug server. At which point you're talking to the BMP. The ports are selectable so I typically set up as many ports as I need (depends on how many sessions I might be running) and write them on a boogie board[2].

Of course I've got that particular RasPi mapped to the host name 'debug' for that reason, the one that runs the waveforms software is named 'instruments' :-)

[1] https://github.com/ntfreak/openocd.git

[2] https://myboogieboard.com/

In term of electricity consumption and maintenance is worth to run so many PIs?

The lowest power "x86" server I have found runs at about 30W, that is equivalent to about 8 RasPis (typically about 4W each, the PiDP-11 is an outlier at 8W) in the current configuration, and the RasPis are fairly distributed around my lab which would have to be done with wiring otherwise.

What time series DB do you use?


I have a (basically non-existent) side business selling LED strips and RPi lighting controllers for surfboards! If you've seem some viral videos with guys surfing around at night, they were probably using my gear :-)

Briefly put, I use the Glediator and Jinx! control software on an RPi, which communicates with an Arduino, which drives the LEDs. I put them in a permanently sealed box, water proof it as much as I possibly can, then cut some IP68 RGB LED strips to size and strap them to the rails of the board. I can remotely access the RPi via Wi-Fi to change lighting schemes, and there's a wireless charging coil inside the box which I can use to charge the batteries, so I never have to open it up after waterproofing. It's basically bomb-proof, and simple enough that I can teach a surf bum how to use it in about half and hour.

Start thinking of the RPi as more of a powerful microcontroller and suddenly a world of opportunities open up. I did my dissertation on it! Titled 'Home Automation and Monitoring using a Raspberry Pi', I basically used an RPi as a master node to control a bunch of Arduino slave nodes, using I2C protocol. With just two wires and an Pi, I run about 20 Arduino's all over my house, doing everything from feeding my fish, to monitoring air quality, to starting my coffee maker. I can access it remotely via Wi-Fi too, so I can do things like water my plants while I'm away. Aiming for a full Wallace and Grommet home in the near future.

Raspberry Pi's are awesome.

This is so cool! It's an amazing idea and it's probably more than a non-existent business market.

I am a complete surf noob (went only thrice for a week or so to a surfing site in the north of Spain), but this sounds like it's probably an important need for some and otherwise it looks so rad you could probably sell them for good money.

Props to you, really impressed and from the video it looks like you've done them very robust too

No, but very similar! I made mine as a product you could attach to any board, as opposed to the strips being embedded and shaped into the board like the one in this video (which normally cost thousands to buy...) A few of my friends rode them at a contest in France though [1]

Alas, at the moment it's just a kick-starter pipe dream I'll never have the time to put into production.


Those look way cool!

Curious if you have any watering solutions for external gardens using a Pi?

Sure! You can buy electric water pumps fairly cheap online. They normally come as 12V devices so you'll have to use a relay and a 12V supply, and some sort of circuit to drive the relay using the 3.3V GPIO from the Pi. You can control the pins using Python and the RPI.GPIO library. I personally use a Zerodis DC 12V Homebrew Beer Pump (although there are about 50 other types on Amazon) and a length of hose pipe which goes to a rain water bucket that I've put beneath my drain pipe. The other end goes to a sprinkler. Super simple system that took only a day to set up, so I highly recommend something similar for all you absent gardeners.

have you seen any GPIO devices that can multiplex a water pump onto many water lines?

I have many rose bushes peonies that cannot be watered very frequently, but when you do water them, they need a good amount of water.

If you're looking for some serious power, that system I described will still work. The Raspberry Pi is just there to control a relay to complete whatever circuit you're powering. You could get something like a Draper 56225, which manages ten's of litres of water a minute; something I've been considering getting for a hydroponic setup I'm looking to build. Then you can pick up something like an Energenie Raspberry Pi-mote, which is basically a mains power controller you can address with your Pi. Plug your pump into that, and then power the pump with the Pi whenever you want to water your plants!

The coffee machine in our office is controlled by blockchain NFTs and a Raspberry Pi:

Once authenticated, an owner of the NFT can select their coffee type on their phone which then signals the Raspberry Pi to make whatever coffee type was selected by jumping the contacts that used to be pressed by the machine's buttons (which have been removed).

It's a cool gimmick, fun to show off to visitors, gives us a nice record of who is making coffee (since each NFT's owner is unique and trackable), limits users to those with the NFT without us having to build usernames/passwords, and is also how I make my coffee each afternoon.

Does it record on the blockchain who took the last cup of coffee and didn't make more?

Everyone in every office would pay good money for that.

It doesn't write individual orders to the chain. It could if we funded a wallet to pay the gas to write those records but right now it just does authentication of NFT ownership to grant access, which is conveniently free. The history logs are stored locally.

Is it HTCPCP-enabled? Inquiring minds want to know!

Hopefully including HTTP Error 418 too!

Very similar to what we have in the office as well. The difference is that we are using bluetooth and NFC of the mobile as authentication method.

> gives us a nice record of who is making coffee

Is that allowed by GDPR?

If you don't serve cookies it is okay.

If an EU user tries to make coffee we redirect them to a "this content is unavailable in your region" page so I think we're 100% good to go with GDPR compliance.

What coffee machine are you using?

It's a Nespresso Lattissima-- the old version where the buttons were physical push-to-press. We pulled the buttons off and soldered wires to the board inside via a 4-channel relay.

I discovered that my 17-month old son loves to mess with stereo controls. So I bought a few rotary encoders and neo-pixel rings - build a wooden enclosure with a plastic faceplate, and wrote some code to generate fancy light and audio effects when he turns/clicks the knobs. He loves it.

Watch out, you'll have a DJ before you know it.

Tread carefully, you're creating a young Look Mum No Computer! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCafxR2HWJRmMfSdyZXvZMTw

Well now that I've seen the Furby Organ I'm not going to sleep tonight...

Watch the one where he makes some of them nekkid, it's more recent. THAT is terrifying.

I'm thinking of doing the same for my kid. Any photos/description?

It's actually quite a bit louder than this now. Also, the lights aren't quite as infant-retina-searingly-bright as the camera would have you believe.


Currently it's still running my test code, which just lets him mess with volume/pan/pitch. I need to get around to writing something a bit fancier.

Tech deets: It's just a RPi3 with most of the stuff written in Python. I tried to get a bunch of Python audio libs working, but gave up and wrote my own C++ module for sample mixing. The NeoPixel rings are driven via the SPI output, and the rotary encoders/switches are just hooked up to random GPIOs.

He really does love it. Amazing! Hahaha

That's awesome! Great job!

I would love to learn more about how you did this, and what it looks like. Have you written something up about it?

A security camera NVR. (Help wanted! I'm developing it here: https://github.com/scottlamb/moonfire-nvr I'm proud of the design but it's still far from a polished system that does everything a reasonable person would expect. Lots of opportunities to extend it if you're looking for a fun Rust + Javascript project.) A Raspberry Pi 2 will run a working setup; the new Raspberry Pi 4 should be a lot more pleasant in terms of being able to recompile it in a reasonable time, transfer video segments quickly, etc. I think the biggest missing piece is a real-time clock. Faster flash, builtin SATA, and a builtin NPU would also be great of course but not realistic for $35.

A home theater control system. The Pi uses HDMI-CEC, my Samsung TV's EXLINK (their protocol over RS-232), Roku's HTTP interface, etc. and an Android app is the frontend. I wanted to make this into a nice polished thing other people could use but have given up on the idea for now. The thing is that media components are super finicky, many things need special support written just for them, and you really have to extensively tweak them to see how they function as a whole. (eg does your TV turn off your stereo receiver when it turns off itself. The answer varies based on the model and settings of both components.) HDMI-CEC doesn't live up to its potential in this regard.

[edit: fixed hyperlink]

Moonfire NVR looks like an amazing project that I can learn a lot from for an entirely different project with streams and stuff that I’m interested in and have zero experience with!

Also great that it’s written in rust

Is there any way to test it without rpi/camera?

If I understand the readme correctly, you store frames individually (as jpegs?) on disk and construct flexible mp4 streams on the fly. Naturally I would have assumed that this would be inefficient so I’m wondering if I got this right, not very familiar with stream/video/codec tech


> Is there any way to test it without rpi/camera?

Without a Raspberry Pi, yes. It should run on any Unix-like OS. I've tested Linux/arm32, Linux/x86-64, and macOS/x86-64. (For the last, install ffmpeg via homebrew first.)

Without an IP camera...hmm, there are probably some public RTSP live streams somewhere. Not sure offhand.

> If I understand the readme correctly, you store frames individually (as jpegs?) on disk and construct flexible mp4 streams on the fly. Naturally I would have assumed that this would be inefficient so I’m wondering if I got this right, not very familiar with stream/video/codec tech

No, I store the video stream in the compressed form the camera gave it to me. Currently that's H.264; it wouldn't be hard to add H.265 support as well. I break it apart into roughly one-minute segments at convenient locations. The schema design doc talks about that here: https://github.com/scottlamb/moonfire-nvr/blob/master/design...

.mp4 serving will aggregate those together (maybe clipping the start and end segment) to give you a .mp4 segment for any time range of interest. It comes up with a mp4::File struct which knows what video segments to serve and maps byte locations to parts of the .mp4 container format. I don't have a good doc about how this works other than the source code right now. https://github.com/scottlamb/moonfire-nvr/blob/master/src/mp... [edit: and you probably won't be successful in understanding it without having a pdf of the ISO/IEC 14496-12 specification open next to it.] Here's some debug output for generating a five-minute video segment: https://pastebin.com/Wzfz7BF7

Storing individual frames as jpegs would be inefficient I agree in all sorts of ways: recording CPU (you have to decode the H.264 and re-encode it as JPEGs), disk space, disk seeks, playback bandwidth, browser CPU, etc. My understanding is this is how Zoneminder currently works. I imagine it worked better with the cameras Zoneminder was originally designed for: low-resolution, low-qps webcams that didn't do their own H.264 encoding.

Thanks a lot, I had only seen the guide/schema document

What I’m interested in is primarily flexible mixing of different streams so I’ll definitely have a look here

I've wanted some security cam software to run on a Pi for ages because the stuff shipped on my IP cameras is awful. Do you have any plans to offer a callback system, e.g. so when some customisable event happens (change detection, perhaps between certain hours of the day/night) it could then callback to a custom script for further processing?

My plan is to extend the HTTP API [1] with an event stream [2] that can be accessed via https-with-a-session-cookie or http-over-Unix-domain-socket. It could be used by browser-based Javascript, mobile clients, and automated event subscribers. One could write a subscriber that launches a subprocess or runs scripts in-process. I think there are a few advantages over doing this directly from the main process:

* it keeps the main process logic minimal. This API is needed anyway to make a good web interface.

* it's the easiest way to have nothing else run as the same Unix user as the main process. My design is similar to a DBMS in that that you should only ever be accessing Moonfire NVR's data through its interfaces (except for development or emergency maintenance purposes). Having a dedicated user helps enforce that.

* your script can run on a separate machine if desired

Also a couple disadvantages:

* two services to set up (main process + subscriber) instead of one.

* there's the possibility that an event happens while the main process is running but your subscriber is disconnected, so the event gets committed to the database but you never see it. The easiest thing to do is to accept skipping these (as would happen anyway if the main process is down). Or the main process could buffer events for a while. Or the watcher could have logic to "catch up" (which unfortunately means not only more complex logic but also keeping state somehow).

If you'd prefer another approach or want it sooner than I'm likely to implement it, please contribute! I have my priorities & design ideas, but if you chip in, you get a say in both. And I go pretty slowly on my own anyway, so if you're able, it's worth chipping in even if you agree with me about everything.

[1] https://github.com/scottlamb/moonfire-nvr/blob/master/design... [2] https://github.com/scottlamb/moonfire-nvr/issues/40

I've been looking for something like Moonfire! Do you have any recommendations for an outdoor camera, I was looking at Lorex but don't have much experience? Thanks!

I have a Dahua IPC-HDW5231R-Z that's worked quite well for me. But I haven't tried a lot of cameras, and your needs and budget may vary, so look at the ipcamtalk cliff notes: https://ipcamtalk.com/wiki/ip-cam-talk-cliff-notes/

I need to dig into this later, but one suggestion is to put your video chunker in a separate process, this way you can scale across multiple nodes.

It doesn't do enough work today to require that, given that it's meant for home use and doesn't decode/re-encode the video. One Raspberry Pi 4 with a couple 6 TB drives in an external USB3 SATA enclosure should be sufficient for 16+ cameras in terms of CPU, USB3 bandwidth, Ethernet bandwidth, spindle time, storage capacity, etc. If for some reason you need more security cameras than that in your home, you can probably afford a single machine beefy enough to handle it.

The only thing I anticipate being a significant performance challenge is on-NVR motion detection. Most likely that will end up being separate processes that download the video and annotate it via the HTTP API. Those workers could then run on separate machines if needed. The primary machine would have sufficient bandwidth to support this.

You got a '>' as part of the URL, which goes 404! Just removing it should do.

I run a plex media server on my 3b+. The server is on the wall below my router (attached via ethernet), a 2TB HDD sits next to the server. I put movies & TV for my kids on the server, then they can watch on one of two TVs in the house via Roku. It's good for getting them off trashy Netflix movies & making classics (or what I consider classics at least) available to them.

I chose this configuration rather than running plex in the cloud because a) don't want to pay monthly forever for something I use a few times a week; b) less wasting power and c) this at least theoretically can work during an internet outage (though plex authentication may make this difficult). I configured the HDD to spin down after 20 seconds of no r/w, so the whole thing draws very little power while idling (or so I assume).

The major limitation of this setup is that the pi cannot handle video transcoding. As long as I transcode to something the Roku supports natively this isn't an issue: transcode once (on my laptop), put it on the Pi, play whenever. I have yet to script this process but that's my next step in the project.

It will probably be a year before I realize any cost savings (a friend pays CAD20/mo for a hosted setup which also handles on-the-fly transcoding), but, well, it's a simple server and I just wanted to do it myself, gosh darn it!

What Plex install guide did you use? Few months ago I tried to install Plex to a pi already running Pihole but couldn't get it to work.

You can run plex via docker, if that's ok with you. But it needs network mode "host"

Have you thought about trying this with a RPI 4B? Thinking about replacing my 3b+ providing two SMB shares with such a setup, once 4b has matured a little.

Well I don't have any reason to replace the 3b+ now (I just set it up earlier this year), besides faster file transfer on the 4, and I'm disinclined to upgrade something I just built.

Unless the 4 can handle video transcoding I don't see what the benefit of it would be. If it has increased energy use it might even be a worse choice!

How does the HDD connect to the pi? just via usb in an separate enclosure?


How'd you make the HD spin down automatically?

College student here with a part-time data entry job. I have automated nearly all of it using Python, Selenium, and a few nasty bash scripts called by periodic cronjobs. Recently purchased a 3b+ for the task so that I can travel without worrying about AirBnB wifi speeds. If I need anything I can just SSH or VNC into it from a coffee shop. It just sits next to my router and blinks all day doing my job for me! Best $35 I have ever spent.

That's great! The business world is chock full of these situations where non-technical people create a process that could be automated but isn't, eventually leading to an entry level person (or several) who's entire job is to do things like copy-paste, clicky-click or OCR. I think the key step to automating these tasks is to have the ability to both recognize the opportunity for automation and code a solution. There could be a fantastic amount of money in building things like this on the regular.

There's a whole industry dedicated to this task with some major players involved: RPA.

Can you explain more about what kind of data entry is that exactly? Also how exactly did you automate it? Have you written about it anywhere?

I've got 5. I only actively use 3 of them.

1. Media player connected to projector running RasPlex - this software is outdated enough and buffers on some high bitrate content that I should buy a replacement device, but it still works well enough. I tried upgrading to a newer raspi and wasted an hour trying to get it to run, then gave up. So, I still use my old one. It still gets used daily and works well enough (only issue is the buffering on occasion).

2. RetroPie - I rarely game, but it's cool to be able to turn this on and have a library of all the games I played (and those I never had) from childhood.

3. I use the third one as a networked LED marquee controller (HUB75 panels) with this software: https://github.com/hzeller/rpi-rgb-led-matrix

The other 2 I just have sitting on my desk and occasionally use for small dev projects or to test out some new project I read about on here, hackaday, etc.

An ongoing project that I haven't made much progress with is an automated turret that squirts squirrels with water. I made something similar in college (a "paintball gun" turret with openCV blob detection/tracking) that had decent performance. Now that openCV on rpi can outperform my old college laptop, I want to setup the pi to detect squirrels, track them, and keep them away from a bird feeder/plants in my backyard.

Would that turret will work for pigeons landing on my balcony? Or better yet, to protect my air space by squirting them on a fly by? That'd be some sweet fun. :-)

This makes me sad.

Pigeons get a bad time, but they're lovely birds of you spend some time observing and maybe even interacting with them. We had an obviously-paired couple visit our balcony most days for a couple of years.

Please don't be (thoughtlessly?) mean to them.

I like Pigeons and don't mind them except when they visit my balcony at 7am in the morning and wake me up (we only have single pane windows and no way to change it since we're renting).

I keep some earplugs nearby for this situation. The birds can be persistent.

Don't be sad on my account. I actually like them very much. They are funny and persistent. I watched one yesterday try to outsmart a crow for a piece of cheese. That she even tried was pretty courageous. We have an obviously-paired couple living on the roof of the building next door. They are very sweet and would be welcome to visit if they would promise not to nest. But they won't.

And the first pair of baby pigeons we sheltered was the last pair of baby pigeons we will be sheltering. The mess was indescribable and everyone was so comfortable they all wanted to raise families here. Horrified, I chased pigeons from our balcony during mating season (circa any time it's warm outside) multiple times a day for three years before I regained control of my tiny kingdom.

Pigeons have the whole outdoors to nest in, the city even maintains a pigeon house on top of a building just across the way. I have my balcony...

I want to follow your turret project :) I'm trying to teach my cat to stay off the counter and every other method of doing so hasn't worked.

Have you tried laying aluminum foil loosely on the counter? I've heard that one works.

I likely won't make much progress on it this summer, but in the winter when I pick it back up and make some progress, I'll reach out.

So many things!

1. Home Assistant for tying together all the various brands of smart home devices https://www.home-assistant.io/

2. OctoPrint for managing a 3D printer (also has a home assistant integration) https://octoprint.org/

3. Magic Mirror that shows me news, weather, commute time estimate, etc https://magicmirror.builders/

4. PiHole for blocking all ads on my home network https://pi-hole.net/

5. The brains of a toy i hacked apart for a friend's robot fight https://www.facebook.com/RobotRiotCompetition/

6. PyPortal Twitter feed on my desk https://www.adafruit.com/product/4116

7. Server for various weekend web projects

I was bullish when I got my first Pi to run Home Assistant (before hass.io), but got discouraged when the sd card failures were gas-lighting me by silently reverting my code changes. That and the lack of hardware clock hampering some of the diagnostic tools I usually use, kept me sticking with VMs on a NUC and a fanless Celeron for Kodi for my main compute uses.

In time I have gotten more Pis, but mainly for hardware aided projects such as the Pidp/8: https://obsolescence.wixsite.com/obsolescence/pidp-8 The rejuvenated Nabaztag: https://www.ulule.com/le-retour-du-nabaztag/ The seasonal Xmas tree hat: https://thepihut.com/products/3d-xmas-tree-for-raspberry-pi And a Mycroft Mark I: https://mycroft.ai/mark1/ which is Pi based inside and the only one these projects which is always powered on.

The 4 seems like it may finally have the horsepower to make me try to give it a go again and possibly replace my various x86 pucks as they age out.

oh jeez the SD card story just gave me flashbacks.

I changed networks (uni to home) and the RPi running pihole would constantly keep my uni DNS settings after a restart.

Took me a good few hours to figure it out given that I thought the DNS settings were getting copied in from elsewhere on startup. I think i finally figured it out after i re-installed rapsbian from scratch and to my horror was booted in to the old system.

PSA: Bad SD card can make you feel crazy.

The SD card was failing to write? It would have blown my mind if I reinstalled raspbian and the old config popped up.

I’ll have to keep this in mind.

I had an SD card once that would not fail to write (i.e. kernel does not show write errors) but when you read back it gets the old data. Tried it on multiple operating systems with the same behavior.

It was a more expensive SD card because I see more issues with cheap ones.

But it seems to me that SD cards suck at all price brackets. Maybe even some of the expensive ones are counterfeit?

> Maybe even some of the expensive ones are counterfeit?

You get a lot more money counterfeiting the expensive ones than the cheap ones.

In my experience, Sandisk have a much better warranty policy than the other cards that have failed on me. RMAs get approved, UPS prepaid sticker for return, and replacement sent by UPS (in Europe, at least). The failure rate of their cards doesn't seem different than others I've used.

Did you buy the SD card from Amazon or Ebay?

Yes in my case the pi would crash, and the SD card changes would revert. I don't know if its changed or not, but at the time you couldn't check uptime because the lack of a hardware clock meant it didn't know the time when it booted.

It took a while to figure out it was crashing everyday, probably due to the bad card, and the writes weren't taking. After more recent problems with other SD cards I'm trying the new SanDisk 8GB MSDHC Class 10 UHS-I U1 Industrial MLC micro cards after seeing them mentioned here.

That's like groundhog day.

I had a Neo Freerunner (2008ish time frame). So many SD card vendors ship (or shipped, then) bad/broken/out of spec SD cards whose controllers just barely work on Windows, Linux distros' drivers didn't work around the quirks, and probably the Freerunner SD port wasn't that great electrically. End result 8 out of 10 SD cards wouldn't work at all and one of the remaining two would fail silently later. I have still have a little box full of microSD cards.

That 'appearing to take writes but reverting on restart' thing drove me nuts. Switched to Samsung Evo Plus SD cards. A year later, all good.

I use the samsung evo plus cards all the time and knock wood haven't had any issues.

Seems like a small capacity ssd over usb would be a good idea...

Yeah and they are cheaper than the SD card brands known for reliability.

I've done digital signage, controlled servos, used them as cameras, the works.

Right now I have:

- A 5-node Pi 2 cluster running k3s.io (https://github.com/rcarmo/raspi-cluster), and a separate Pi 2 I use as a Docker build box and local Docker registry.

- A Pi 3B+ as a "lab" desktop computer with an USB oscilloscope and FTDI cables to flash ESP8266 and Arduinos

- A Lakka.tv arcade/MAME box for the kids with a PS3 controller (no room for a proper PiCade, we just use the TV(

- A Pi 3A+ with a mic array for playing around with Google Assistant

- A Pi Zero W taped to the inside of my electricity meter trying to estimate power consumption (we have a spinning disk mechanical meter)

- Another Pi Zero W that I use to demo Azure IoT solutions

- An ODROID U2 (Could be a Pi) running HomeKit and Node-Red for home automation, as well as a bastion container (all dockerized).

Edit: forgot about the 3B hooked up to my 3D printer running OctoPi

And the list goes on. I have many older Series Bs lying around, and once used one to revive a dead synth whose MIDI keyboard still worked (I set up timidity and a sound font on it and it became the kids' piano). I also ran a Plex server on one until it became obvious that I needed to think about transcoding (but it worked fine for music).

You can do a _lot_ with Raspberry Pis, and I fully expect to get a beefy Pi 4 to use as a lab computer.

I just hope they also beef up the Zero at some point (power envelope will be a problem, but a Zero with Pi 2 specs would be great).

What SW do you use for digital signage?

The first one I did (back in the original Pi era) was this:


We then iterated upon that over the years, tried Android boxes, etc.

My most recent use has been teaching game development. I have kids and their friends are often around the house. A couple of them asked if I knew how to program games and I've been teaching them using Pico-8.

Many of these kids don't have computers at home so as a reward for finishing their first project I'm making them a home console with some RPi's I have laying about and Pico8.

That's great! Do you have an enclosure design for the home consoles, perhaps a physical pico-8 style enclosure?

A client that I'm consulting was being ripped off by a local IT provider with pricing for on-premises servers & MS software. I proceeded to rent cheaper equivalent machines off-site. The IT provider claimed the hardware firewall (Fortigate) was not configurable for site-to-site to the new machines directly (could be, not an expert on those). Therefore, I ended up purchasing several Raspberries and configuring them as OpenVPN routers that opened up the office LAN to said machines. Quite satisfying, as it allowed to break the client out of the proprietry software/hardware/vendor chain at a rather small expense.

Fortigate is pretty configurable. I’d be really surprised if it couldn’t do site to site or site to client with a little configuration.

You can absolutely configure IPSec tunnels on Fortinet.

Can I ask, do you perform updates and maintenance on these boxes? How do they perform in terms of throughput with openvpn?

I'd be more interested if wireguard is an option, and how it performs. Since they're already on linux/oss.

IPSec is pretty much the standard interop still - pretty much everything talks it Cisco, Juniper, pfSense, Fortinet, etc. You name it I’d be surprised if it didn’t have support.

I’d love to see wireguard implemented in the networking world, but I think it may take some time to get there :/

Using several Raspberry Pis to monitor CO2 levels in my house. Each Raspberry Pi has a CO2 sensor - wrote a little Python script to retrieve data from sensor and upload it to a server Which is also a Raspberry Pi.

What sensor did you use? All the ones I’ve seen tend to be pretty expensive

Yes - the sensors are a bit expensive at about US$ 90 apiece but as I explained in another comment, I think that it has paid for itself

You can get cheap NDIR based sensors from aliexpress (around $20) such as MH-Z14A, which I've used with a Pi, via the UART interface. I just hooked it up to the 5V line on the Pi pin header and then used the Pis UART lines for the data, as that runs at 3.3V.

I'm also interested, although my curiosity is more about what you are doing with the data.

Just storage? Some sort of charting? Graphite? Maybe some other data monitoring tool? Maybe something custom?

I had a suspicion that winter-time headaches we were having might be triggered by high CO2 levels so I simply wanted to record the CO2 levels in different rooms. Thanks to the sensors, I did, in fact, find that CO2 levels were very high in our bedroom. Once I improved ventilation, things seem to have gotten better.

I like this! I'm already using Pi Zero's like this for temperature sensing; adding a CO2 sensor sounds like a good enhancement!

This would be a good application for a Pi Zero W (with WiFi) - if you want to collect the data in a central location. I've linked the CO2 sensor I used in another comment.

Yep - Pi Zero W's for the sensors reporting to a Pi 3 for aggregation and reporting.

I'm interested in this too. It would be even cooler to link these CO2 sensors into Apple's HomeKit somehow...

I have been using Home Assistant to integrate everything. I have Google flavored, but it also has HomeKit support.


Thanks for the tip!

Home Assistant has a module for the "MH-Z19 CO2 Sensor" (1) which is on AliExpress for $20 (2). So i'll probably give that a try...

1) https://www.home-assistant.io/components/mhz19/

2) https://aliexpress.com/item/1PCS-ORIGINAL-Brand-New-MH-Z19-C...

which CO2 sensor do you use?

I am also interested in your CO2 sensor. What kind of CO2 sensor?

Are you running Windows on the Pi, or did you write your own software to interface with the sensor over USB?

I'm running standard Raspbian on the Raspberry Pi. I modified some sample Python code I found here: https://github.com/vfilimonov/co2meter

It turned out to be quite straightforward

Any reason you picked that sensor over others?

Someone had posted on HackerNews that they had good experience with this sensor. Furthermore, it appeared to be easy to use the USB interface to get the data


I think CO is more dangerous than CO2! Why not CO?

CH4 is also dangerous. It's a different problem. CH4 blows up your house and is very rare. CO kills you and is very rare. CO2 buildup causes mild issues (like headaches, sleepiness) but is very common.

At one point I stuffed 40 of them into a rack mount and built a cluster to use for teaching at my university. Never gotten any publication out because it‘s fairly uninteresting from an academic point of view, but as a teaching tool to learn ARM assembler or parallel programming / how to execute stuff on supercomputers / OpenMPI it’s an invaluable tool.

Recently there have been some odroid c2 added to the cluster, so it‘s not only RPis anymore.

More info: https://www.caps.in.tum.de/en/himmuc/

Some Beautyshots at my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/BcA1QdFgWuk/

Really cool! I feel this is the kind of project I have no use for, but would love doing just for the sake of assembling computer parts together haha

I've made some interesting projects over the years - only a writeup on a few of these, and some are in pieces and in various states of disrepair after moving so much.

Some write ups on larger projects:

1. I used a raspberry pi to coordinate the firing of multiple cameras, and then had the pi upload to a cloud service that would stitch them together to an "infinite zoom" super selfie. https://medium.com/@thekeithchester/gigasnap- a-prototyping-story-efed72099d32

2. I created a library that made it dead simple for a raspberry pi to communicate to arduinos, and used that to control a lot of hardware projects, like little robots. https://medium.com/@thekeithchester/serial-synapse-94a114aa2...

3. Raspberry Pi's controlled the heartbeat detection (controlled lights and music of your booth) and conductive paint controller (I built it and still don't understand the meaning) for this art piece. https://vimeo.com/207047769

4. I had a video / text message doorbell a couple of apartments ago. https://github.com/hlfshell/doorbell

5. Used one as an MQTT hub for numerous IoT projects. I created https://github.com/hlfshell/mqtt-scheduler to schedule MQTT jobs for things like the arduino powered garden controller (lights + water pumps) I built for my wife. https://github.com/hlfshell/garden-relay

6. This never got off the ground, but when Pokemon Go had first launched and was super popular, I wrote a slackbot that would alert everyone in the office when pokemon (outside of the super common Rattatas and Pidgeots) was nearby. I was repurposing that code to make a portable Pokemon radar that would jump a false account around the area around you, thus hunting down pokemon for you. https://github.com/hlfshell/pokemon-tracker It never got far as the game got super stale quick.

Disney now have exactly what you described in your first project as a photo opportunity at the Magic Kingdom.


Nice! Thanks for the link. Our goal was to hit a cool shot a mile away on a target in the middle of a giant concert for a "I was there!" memento shot. Good to see it in practice somewhere.

Unfortunately the sales team didn't understand it, and what sales team doesn't understand sales team doesn't sell.

...I'm very happily in another company that gets tech - but man I wish we could have sold that project. The effect was really cool when we had it working fine.

The infinite zoom project is really interesting. I'm shocked that it never got picked up! The use cases you describe sound incredibly obvious for big events.

Great projects. I tried clicking the link for 1. Looks like some of the URL is truncated. You may want to update the link :-)

This worked for me : https://medium.com/@thekeithchester/gigasnap-a-prototyping-s...

I have 3 running right now

1x Raspberry Pi model B (from 2012!) - runs a reverse proxy to things in my local network, and runs a dynamic DNS service. It's showing its age as its ARMv6 and I guess at some point updates won't be as frequent so will eventually have to retire it, but it works fine for now.

1x Pi model 3 - runs various services, inc. GOGS a private git server, ZNC, a service to control my TV, a service to control my 'smart plug' lamp through a private API, a private docker registry, a voicemail system connected to Twilio

1x Pi model 3 - running Pi-Hole and wireguard

I love all of them very dearly and looking forward to reading this thread!

Do you have any more information or a write up on what you're doing with Twilio and voicemail? That sounds sort of interesting.

You can actually do voicemail within Twilio for free using their TwiML Bins and Functions, you don’t need any extra hardware to maintain.

Just did this for a couple of numbers I set up with SIP. The docs were... confusing and inaccurate but I finally got it to work.

No write up unfortunately, I actually made it a few years ago as I was getting a lot of recruiter spam calls, but ever since the GDPR came in that has stopped. I don't receive that many calls these days.

I have my (cell) phones voicemail set to my Twilio number. When a voicemail request hits Twilio, it calls an endpoint hosted on my Pi, which then just calls the Twilio APIs to

1. tell the caller to leave a message after the beep

2. record the message

3. use the speech-to-text API to transcribe the message

4. send me an SMS message with the transcription

It's really just an ersatz visual/text voicemail service that I think iPhone users get. Also the Twilio speech-to-text transcriptions are hilariously bad, I don't think it copes well with UK accents :)


If you are interested in a 100% offline and private-by-design Voice AI, you should take a look at what we are building at https://snips.ai, it is 100% free for Makers

This allows you to do a 100% private Home Assistant, or add voice control to any of your projects :)

It works for english, french, german, japanese, spanish, italian, and more coming, and runs on a Raspberry Pi 3 (and iOS, Android, Linux)

You can take a look at our blog to see how to get started https://blog.snips.ai

We would love to publish on it what you are building with it!

This would have been more interesting had you highlighted some of the projects your community built and are showcased on aforementioned blog.

Coincidentally there’s another story on the front page about using a Raspberry Pi to hack NASA: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20264774

thats not a coincidence. That's a well coordinated product launch with a good PR agency doing it's job

A PR agency that hacks NASA to boost your product launch, sign me up! ;o)

I have a few Raspberry Pi boards and since I've seen folks doing stuff similar to what mostly do I thought I comment on something I hadn't seen yet.

I struggle with tinnitus distress and Ménière's. One of my coping strategies is to continuously play some sort of background sound in the areas I occupy.

I have a first gen RPi with a set of USB powered speakers in my bedroom that plays long form background soundscapes I get from YouTube on loop. This is the lowest tech I could muster. YouTube-DL is a command line tool that fetches content from places like YouTube and recodes it. I use mpg123 to play the resulting audio file on loop... and because I'm already using ssh for all sorts of other things as go about my day this workflow is basically completely integrated into my normal day-to-day activities.

When I first started doing this I changed the audio track on a fairly regular basis. Sometime to suit my mood, other times for the weather. These days it's more of a seasonal thing.

It works great. It's proven to be really reliable and it was really, really cheap.

As someone newly with tinnitus, and with fading hope that it will go away at some point, I've been playing around with ideas of doing something like this. I was thinking of using frequencies to cancel each other out, but I think this might work much better.

I don't think that it's possible to use certain frequencies to 'cancel out' the perception of tinnitus because for the over whelming majority of folks dealing tinnitus the noise isn't a real sound.

Even an imagined sound has a frequency (and probably?) a phase.

It might be possible to generate a tone at the same frequency and shift the phase until it's 180 degrees out of phase with the imagined sound. Perhaps the brain would do the math and cancel the imagined sound?

This can't really be automated since there's no way to measure the imagined sound, but it might be possible to make a little box with knobs - pitch, phase, and volume - that would all one to tune a cancellation frequency.

I am very active in a lot of online tinnitus forums. If that worked it would have been shown to years ago because it gets tried over and over and over and over and over.

Seems like it's a common idea that gets stuck in technically oriented folks heads and they're compelled to some how force it to work.

It doesn't work.

Tinnitus is usually a psychosomatic symptom, especially if you haven't suffered any kind of ear trauma recently. Medicine only begrudgingly accepts the role of stress despite it being obvious to sufferers, however stress is only part of a much more interesting story. Look up John Sarno's work if you're interested.

I briefly perused the wiki article for meniere's and it fits all the hallmark signs of a psychosomatic symptom, right down to medieval, I mean mainstream medicine not knowing the cause. I recommend reading Divided Mind - good luck!

I've built a mobile airpollution sensor together with a few other parents and their kids at my 8-year old son's primary school in London. Air pollution is a big topic as the school is right next to a busy road, a lot of children are suffering from asthma and Islington has been pretty useless in collecting/publishing data. So we've started taking things in our own hands and built a handful of raspberry pi based monitors in class rooms, the playground and children take it with them on their school run. geo-tagged data is automatically uploaded to little influxdb/grafana based web service wheneve the pi has a wifi connection. Makes it an interesting project for kids to look and interpret charts and stuff as well. Currently we're measuring PM2.5/PM10, temp and humidity only, haven't had the time yet to look into NOx sensors yet...


I'm building a CarPi. I'm using a bluetooth OBD-II adapter and Python-OBD to monitor my car's diagnostics and record them. I'm planning on adding a GPS adapter and probably a gyroscope/accelerometer so I can track location and motion at the same time.

It's mostly just for fun.

Maybe one day I'll add some kind of analysis to it. It might be interesting to track location, motion, and car status in order to predict mileage or if the engine light will turn on.

Please open source this.

Please do

Four things:

1. Pihole to ad block ads (useful for phone browsing) https://pi-hole.net/

2. Custom Weather conditions dashboard, using Dark Sky's API

I'd love to replace the weather dashboard with one of my integrated work / personal calendars so I could see what meetings I have each day but work won't expose that data, claims it's a security risk.

3. Custom NYC subway dashboard, showing me estimated train arrivals for trains at the 2 closest stations.

The MTA has free apps which also show estimated train arrivals but only for one station at a time. Also, the MTA's train estimation methodology isn't as accurate as it could be.

4. Retro Pie, to play NES and SNES games https://retropie.org.uk/

Have you experienced any issues using PiHole? I would imagine some apps etc would go to lengths to prevent their use. But if it works I'll set one up for my partner who plays way too many spammy games.

I have two Raspberry Pi with PiHole (for redundancy) and it works very well.

But still find something a bit annoying and there is little we can do about it.

1. YouTube Ads are still showing up (you need to maintain a list quite often to avoid those ads) 2. To maintain the software (update is simple), but you better update and then back up the SD card and replicate it to the second Raspberry Pi.

In terms of performance, I have not seen anything blocker, no malfunctioning app or the network getting slower. Time-to-time, I got angry wife that cannot click on ad links. :-)

Two areas where I've seen problems.

One, sometimes I want to browse/buy things via Google Shopping (or some other shopping interface) but the Pi-Hole blocks it.

Two, sometimes for work I will run a docker-compose script that say, downloads a copy of Puppeteer. For whatever reason the domain seems to be on Pi-Hole's blacklist.

Granted I could probably whitelist the domains but that seems like a hassle. It has the ability to disable blocking for periods (like 5 minutes or an hour) but that doesn't seem to solve the above problems.

Other than that, it works great. It probably won't affect a regular internet user. But occasionally you can run into problems.

Maybe you could create multiple wifi networks, one that uses pi-hole and one that doesn't.

> 3. Custom NYC subway dashboard, showing me estimated train arrivals for trains at the 2 closest stations.

A friend of mine is a big Mets fan with a home bar; I helped him build a sign that showed the countdown clock for the Willets Point subway stop for that room, which went nicely with the beer signs and other sports memorabilia he & his dad had been collecting for decades.

I also built a FE that scrapes bus/train/light rail arrival data from NJTransit's website (they don't have an API, but they provide some JSON in their web app responses).

I use them as controllers/monitors for remotely managing a 3d printer farm. At about $40 total extra per printer for the pi and associated hardware, and an open source utility called "octoprint", i'm able to remotely upload, monitor, cancel/pause, and have a camera feed to each printer. They also give some additional nice-to-haves by allowing me to upgrade the printer firmware remotely, and get very accurate print completion estimation times.

I'm using one as part of a midi controller project:


The controller has 156 pressure sensitive keys. The raspberry Pi runs a program that reads from a bank of 20 8-channel ADCs all wired up to a SPI bus (it runs at 2mhz, and I'm able to get about 90 samples per second), and then generates MIDI commands that are sent over a USB-MIDI adapter.

I could use a microcontroller for this, but it's kind of convenient to be able to plug other USB-MIDI devices into it and have it work, and to be able to run a Linux-based synthesizer locally if I want. (I've been planning on using a Teensy for the next version.)

Thanks for sharing this, it's great to see your process.

I'm working on something vaguely related, a grid-based synth-controller/sequencer with a bunch of i2c shift registers and laser cut hardware. I've been thinking about building a pressure-sensitive hex-layout keyboard next, you've given me a bunch of ideas and inspiration.

Thanks. Pressure sensing is actually pretty simple and cheap, unless you have a really large number of inputs (like I have). I was planning to switch to a matrix layout in the next version to reduce the number of ADC chips I need, but then I'll have to figure out how to mitigate ghosting.

I haven't used any of Sensitronic's producs, but they do have a lot of good information on their site about the various ways to use force-sensitive resistors.

My work has a really old phone system which I became the admin of. I discovered it had an audio input for Music-On-Hold, so I set up a spare RPi Zero that I had as a music player so that we'd have hold music. Low effort but wonderful improvement for work. Every now and then I go back and tinker with it to improve it a bit. (Next step is to make it controllable via a web interface.)

I have a RPi 3B+ that I use for some emulation, though I hardly ever play with it. Setting it up was plenty interesting, though.

And I have a Zero and a Zero W that I use for random tinkering/testing, both semi-permanently attached to a breadboard for ease of use.

(I've got a big list of projects I'd like to try or develop, but the above are the only things I've done so far.)

Did you also acquire an ASCAP/BMI license for the music-on-hold? A lot of people are unaware that is classified as a public performance of the music and requires a license. Unless you are playing royalty-free music, in which case you are fine.

I purposefully sought out royalty-free music. As the person who set it up, I did not want to risk being culpable for anything. (When it was first set up, my boss kept requesting that I add various catchy songs he heard on the radio to it, and I kept having to explain it's not legal.)

I use the hold music that zendesk made. I think it's pretty neat. I doubt anyone really loves it, but no one seems to dislike it.

I have a pair of Pi Zero Ws set up as timelapse cameras that I keep in the garden - Cucumber vines and flowers opening is pretty interesting at 1 frame per minute

I recently did a project with a pair of RPi 3b+ and cellular modems as construction cameras.

I set up RetroPie on a 3b+, but it wasn't enough for the N64 games my wife and I wanted to play the 4 could change that

Currently my security cameras are recorded using Orchid VMS on an Odroid XU4 ( Cloudshell with 2x 4T SATA)

Its a great little tool for learning Bash, and groking your systems - testing portability? - without invoking AWS resources.

What do you use for the camera? I have some plants I'd like to monitor but the cameras I'd use always ended up dying due to the heat.

one is the latest Pi camera, I also got one of the m12 mount cameras that use the same interface. I have a wide angle lens that has some distortion, but its a nice look for some things. I use a little box that I glued a tripod mount to, keeps the rain out.

What is your take on the cloudshell? Genuinely curious.

Its a great little box. I have 2 or three cameras recording 24x7, a large chuck of the spinners is a Samba share, and Webmin tells me that I'm usually at 10-20% cpu and 25% memory. I've got an SSD connected to USB also, and it really makes the spinners feel slow ( WD Red Pros ) but that's mostly because they spend a lot of time idle and the first access is delayed. Of course it isn't perfect. It holds on to dust a bit too well, and it isn't super easy to connect another USB device once you get it all dressed in place. I don't use the screen. I did at first, but I'm not black-belt level at managing HDMI devices and it doesn't present as much value as the light pollution it causes. The RockPro64 would probably best it in most tests, but I already had the Cloudshell. I have dreams of incorporating it into an all-ARM Linux domain classroom.

* I made a Raspberry Pi Zero W version of this baby monitor (https://kamranicus.com/guides/raspberry-pi-3-baby-monitor)

* I am using a Raspberry Pi Zero W + Arduino Pro Mini, with a GPS, Sensors, Camera and Radio for a High Altitude Balloon (HAB) project (https://bitbucket.org/ccapo/habpi/src/master), launch pending. A friend is also launching a similar project (https://bitbucket.org/peterkingsbury/neopi/src/master/)

* I am using a Raspberry Pi 3 for RetroPie

* I have a Raspberry Pi 3+ for development purposes, mainly the HAB project since developing on a Raspberry Pi Zero is quite slow

I'm in a college club that uses Pis to run football playing robots. The Pi basically translates instructions from a Bluetooth PS4 controller into commands for a motor driver. We currently 4 college clubs in the league and we play a couple of scrimmages and a championship every year. The robots take big hits in the games(these bots can go faster than we can run) and we've found the Arduino to be the most durable and reliable platform as well as being the most customizable. Here is our club Website: https://www3.nd.edu/~rfc/ Here is a little video about the club: https://www.greatbigstory.com/stories/nbc-sports-intramural-...

I use it to automate my weed garden in my closet. It turns on and off the LED lights everyday and waters my plants with a pump based on the moisture level of the soil. I measure the moisture level through a moisture sensor. Weed is fun.

This is why NASA needs to get rid of their esoteric drug screening practices. Our space program needs more stoners!

Have you looked into nutrient sensing at all? I’m curious if/how others are tackling this.

I have a bunch doing different things:

One is running our sprinklers with OpenSprinklerPi https://opensprinkler.com/product/opensprinkler-pi/

One is running VolumeIO to splay music on the speakers in our house as a Spotify Connect device https://volumio.org/

One controls our whole house humidifier via a relay and a combination of weather and thermostat information.

One has been turned into a precision/TSD/regularity rally computer for my vintage car. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regularity_rally

One runs my 3D printer using OctoPrint https://octoprint.org/download/

And I use one as a race car telemetry system using a 9-dof sensor and a GPS module (with brake, throttle, and steering inputs to come).

For most of these projects, they're complete overkill in terms of hardware, but with integrated wifi and bluetooth, and a host of GPIO pins, they make developing projects like this dead simple. And at $35, the amount of time they save is well worth it over bare metal hardware.

I love and hate this question! I've always been curious what others do with them, but I just convinced myself not to buy a 4 and I'm sure this thread will give me reason to reconsider.

-1x Raspberry Pi Zero W in my garage running my drip irrigation (a relay board connects it to standard 24V irrigation solenoids)

-1x Raspberry Pi 3 B+ in my office running a dynamic dns script and sitting behind a forwarded port for easy sshing. I have also used this to play with pihole and Apache Guacamole, plus whatever other networking stuff sounds interesting

-1x Raspberry Pi Zero W hopping between my garage and car running a program that collects and displays OBDII and GPS data

-Nx of most other Pi revisions collecting dust in my closets and storage areas. They're cheap enough that I've compulsively over-purchased them over the years...

>>1x Raspberry Pi Zero W hopping between my garage and car running a program that collects and displays OBDII and GPS data

This is what I also want for my car. I am planning to collect the GPS and car data and answer the eternal question I have .. Which road to work is more efficient in time and gas. :)

I tried something similar and was astonished at the amount of variance caused by stoplights and weather. Because of that, it's hard to get a good dataset for comparison.

In the end, because of the variance caused by external factors, there was no clear winner in my case, so I now use an app from random.org to flip a coin and follow the results accordingly. That's not because either way is better, but this way if I have a long delay for some reason, I can blame it on a bad coin flip.

Why do you seem to be shadowbanned with two comments? Your first comment was dead before I vouched for it, too.

To be honest I don't know... I'm usually just reading on HN, nothing else...

>-1x Raspberry Pi 3 B+ in my office running a dynamic dns script and sitting behind a forwarded port for easy sshing.

could you give more info about this? i want to set up something similar at home also.

Here's the script: https://github.com/benrad/pydydns

This is specifically for Route53 since that's where I handle my DNS records. I think it would probably be trivial to modify it to work with another DNS provider with an API, though.

It's quite old and probably ugly, but it's been working flawlessly for several years so I haven't really mucked with it much since I created it.

Did you need to do anything special to control the 24v solenoids?

I got this relay board [0], then took the power supply from an old sprinkler control system and spliced its leads in. From there, it's dead simple to control using the GPIO python library. I eventually want to monitor things like temperature, soil moisture, and forecast to determine the watering schedule, but right now I just have a cron job that switches the valves on and off a few times a week.

[1] https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00KTELP3I

https://www.anfractuosity.com/projects/painting-a-christmas-... - A little project I created to 'paint' my Christmas tree lights.

https://www.anfractuosity.com/projects/diy-inline-refractome... - I'm currently working on an inline refractometer using a pi zero to capture the output and attempt to convert to a digital reading.

https://www.anfractuosity.com/projects/wildlife-camera/ - I've also got a pi zero setup in an IP68 case, with waterproof USB cable, to capture wildlife in the garden.

This uses a simple script using picamera, to detect motion and record video, which I then just rsync to my laptop. I tried to use a PIR sensor, but alas the casing seemed to block IR. I'm planning on using a doppler radar sensor instead at some point.

Ours ran various things in our escape rooms:

1) I ran a browser in kiosk mode with a mouse that was used with some custom software on a computer in the room.

2) We had it connected to a remote keypad that opened a magnetic lock, popping a drawer open, when the sequence was correctly entered.

3) We had one connected to a magnetic sensor that would open another cabinet when items were placed correctly.

4) I ran the clocks and hint systems in the rooms from RPi's as well, which allowed me to run mini web servers on them that I would access from the control room to mess with the time if the game called for it, or to send hints in to the rooms, or to trigger sounds or videos.

5) Finally, we ran our lobby slideshow system with one, and also played our orientation videos on them.

Yes, we could have used Arduino for some of these, but I always liked RPi's because I could SSH into them to do the resets or to trigger the doors remotely if needed from my computer at the control center.

I'm currently working on developing an escape room environment using RPis as well. I would love to hear details about how you set yours up. Any way to get in touch?

A security camera outdoors (connected to another webcam outdoor), when there is motion it will send a request to another indoor raspberry (node server) connected to a speaker and will play the sound of an angry dog. The system is working fine for more than a year without breaks. Raspberry is robust.

Interesting. Would you recommend some brand of security cameras that work well for this kind of projects. Where I live the more popular brands are Dahua and Hikvision. Maybe I have to look for a certain communication protocol, rather than for a special brand.

In my case the security camera is also a raspberry pi with the camera module (it could have night vision), connected with a webcam logitech c170 (really cheap) and the motion software to detect movement (https://github.com/Motion-Project).

If its a raspberry pi with a camer amodule, then why is there a need for the webcam? Sorry if I am misunderstanding.

To have 2 cameras. 1 the raspberry pi camera, the other the usb webcam.

I made the exact same thing with a Raspberry Pi in 2013. For the outdoors part I used a motion detector attached to an Electric Imp that uploads the message to the Raspberry Pi indoors, which is connected to speakers.

I had one of the original 2012 Model B's (with the 256MB RAM) serving as a simple web server for years. I just recently retired it in favor of a VM.

Other than that, I have:

- A RetroPie attached to my living room TV

- A Zynthian (http://zynthian.org/)

- A PiDP-11 (https://obsolescence.wixsite.com/obsolescence/pidp-11)

In the past, I've played around with them, making:

- A touch-screen enabled stand-alone SunVox synth

- A home audio server attached to my stereo

- An experiment to read MIDI files from floppy disks, also attached to the stereo

I have a couple spares laying around waiting for use cases... but I'm not really antsy to get to them. I'd love to build an OTTO (https://github.com/topisani/OTTO) when it's ready for prime time. I'm also considering building some sort of portable RetroPie.

Squeakernet FLP is not a cat feeder, it's a feline lifestyle platform. Current features are largely focused on kibble deployment though.


You look like the author of this? Could we get some more info on the scale and dispenser please?

Yes, I'm the author. Happy to share.

The dispenser is a "dry food/cereal dispenser" like the kind you would see at a hotel breakfast bar. They can be found on amazon in various configurations. (e.g. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=dry+food+dispenser&ref=nb_sb_noss...). A continuous-rotation servo is attached to the crank, allowing the Raspberry Pi to turn the crank to dispense food.

The scale is a cheap kitchen scale (also amazon, I think mine cost $9.) These scales contain a device called a Load Cell. I cut the four wires to the load cell (bypassing all the other electronics in the scale) and ran them to an HX711 chip, which can be had for a few dollars. If you google "raspbery pi hx711" you can see the people's instructions on how to make a Pi scale for various reasons (weighing people, luggage, etc.)

So the scale, the dispenser, the servo, and Pi Zero are put together with a few pieces of wood. Most of the work has been getting the software side working.

Hope this helps!

I'm totally naive with Raspberry Pi..can someone comment on the following project: Is it possible to put a glass eye behind a portrait of a one-eyed pirate and make its eye move around/follow whoever enters the room? A friend has a glass eye but nothing to do with it.

Lemme think. A camera that observes the room from the portrait, anyone that walks in is a dot on a plane, and it points the eye at the point on the plane. Should be doable. Yes, the Pi should handle that fairly easily.

The part that you'll have to figure out is making the eye ball rotate. There are GPIO pins on the Pi, so you can get the commands out, but you'll need to build the eyeball component yourself.

Probably not. Servocity has x-y gimbal controllers. If you can find one small enough, it could control the eye.

If I hadn’t started this startup and had time, I would want to start making this right now

Totally possible. https://youtu.be/0o_9CHYeRvI

Make it play the Spongebob theme and you’re set.

As a one-eyed individual, I love this idea. I have my old one sitting in a drawer doing nothing and I will be replacing my current this year. Two glass eyes.

I run a grid of about 250 Pi 2 and 3s across several offices and datacenters. They are the backbone of our graphics playback system (i.e. slates) and low latent IPTV system. Users can subscribe to any channel necessary without expensive re-encoding or RF antenna systems. I absolutely love them and 4k60 HEVC is a huge upgrade for the 4!

Tell us more! My team is currently looking for a digital signage option that would include cable/IPTV of some variety.

Wouldn't it be less expensive and simpler to buy a few real servers ?

Not at all. $35 for a pi and $200 for HDMI>SDI converter is significantly cheaper than any media server with that many broadcast outputs.

For IPTV - each TV needs a decoder. Hard to beat $35 per set. Plus running our own stack means we can tune for latency unlike an app on Roku/ATV

Nice. I'm looking at a streaming media system of some sort which repurposes existing audio hardware where possible.

This turns out to be ... somewhat frustratingly difficult.

There are numerous Bluetooth-based systems, some WiFi-based ones. The hard part is sorting out the interface to control the system -- there's nothing quite so frictionless as either on-device controls or a remote, though going with an iPad or cheap tablet seems the best option.

Use a small software defined radio to listen to ADS-B messages (real time airplane telemetry— even with a crappy $10 USB SDR dongle I can sometimes see planes that are 100+ miles away)

Host my website (if I ever got any actual traffic it might be a problem, but since 99% of the traffic is me it's ok)

Various web scraping/archival tasks

I have been working on my own hosting as well and I wonder where the tipping point is, and if it's in regard to multiple users at once, or just consistent website hits?

For my use case (almost entirely static content), I think the bottleneck is SD card IO. I can handle at least a dozen hits per second no problem though

I started a company that constructed booths which used 70 accurately sync'd Pis with custom PiCams (fitted with lenses) to take pictures of human subjects, for turning them into avatars like this: https://maintenancearistonalex.blogspot.com/2019/06/blog-pos...

At the beginning of the project, I'd barely powered up the Pis I had collecting dust in my drawer. By the end, I was a legitimate domain expert in several niches within niches of Pi dark arts. For example, since Pis do not have hardware clocks, you have to rely on NTP. However, you need to take pains to make sure that each Pi is getting the same amount of voltage or else they will run at different speeds. If you want to power 70 Pis in a constrained space, you need to devise a customized power distribution system with adequate heat venting.


Due to the thin effect, voltage drops over distance, so the distance a Pi was from the power would impact the voltage and therefore the speed. The major breakthrough came when I realized that I could start with a high end power supply outputting 14 volts and terminate each parallel line with a device known as a UBEC. They are used primarily by drone enthusiasts to make efficient use of battery packs.

A UBEC is designed to drop down a supply voltage to 5v without bleeding off the excess voltage as heat. Since this could also describe a fuse, we felt comfortable bypassing the Pi's MicroUSB power supply and attaching the UBEC's pins directly to the top pins on the Pi's GPIO breakout.

That's just a tiny example of the hijinx. The Pi is an incredible tool if you're patient and clever.

What a rollercoaster.

I used it to monitor ADSL device status[0], also created a DIY timecapsule for MacOS[1] — these were all in the past, though.

Currently the Pi is on my roof, connected to an SDR. I sometimes run rtl_server on it, and listen around. Although it's been a hassle, since I have to run upstairs and disconnect it everytime there's a storm. Also, listening to the device over WiFi means I get really laggy control over my SDR. I'm planning on replacing the Pi with something better powered.

[0]: https://github.com/amingilani/scruffy

[1]: https://github.com/amingilani/chronopill

You could probably automate cutting the power with a relay switch also connected to the pi. Just scrape weather data, and if you expect the storm, trigger the switch.

I'm actually more concerned about lightning strikes hitting the antenna, frying the Pi, traveling down the Ethernet cable and frying my router. I'm still a ham in training but I've been told that it's best practice to disconnect the antenna and isolate it from your setup. Some hams as far as placing their connectors in glass jars.

I don't want to use a relay on the antenna cable because 1) it'll pick up RF interference, and 2) if a direct strike hits it, there'll be enough energy to jump the gap in the relay anyways.

I might figure out a more permanent solid-state solution in the future though. Like I said, still learning :)

Ground the antenna.

That is easier said than done, unfortunately. I live in a developing country. My house does home have a home grinding rod.

I control my home automation: https://github.com/stapelberg/hmgo for sensors and valve drives, https://github.com/stapelberg/zkj-nas-tools/tree/master/avr-... controls multimedia devices, https://github.com/stapelberg/zkj-nas-tools/tree/master/dorn... orchestrates backups.

I run one as an appliance hooked up to my document scanner which places the documents on Google Drive: https://github.com/stapelberg/scan2drive

I run two more for automatically testing new releases of https://gokrazy.org/

All of this is implemented in Go on top of https://gokrazy.org/, without any Linux distribution in the mix :).

I don't have a project yet -- but one I'm really interested in is having a Raspberry Pi run and store historical data from an air quality (particle) measurement sensor. I'm hoping to measure how the air quality outside my home (near a freeway) changes during the day and night with traffic, and also how the indoor air quality is impacted.

It outputs UART 9600 baud data (https://sensing.honeywell.com/honeywell-sensing-particulate-...).

Does anyone have a good link to some simple guides / advice on how to run such devices using a RPi?


Have a look it at https://luftdaten.info/en/home-en/. Not exactly using an rPi, but the goal of the project seems to fit with your plan.

I have a spare RPi2 sitting next to my router and running InfluxDB precisely for collecting Luftdaten readouts.

Uart is just serial, you’d connect it to your serial pins on the pi and read serial from Linux like normal. Data is whatever the protocol Honeywell is using. Could be any range of things sent in a predictable pattern. Could be timestamp,temp,air quality,status, and then some kind of delimiter like newline or eor. Note the pi devices use 3.3 volts instead of 5 so you have to make sure Honeywell is not sending too much voltage as a logical high. There’s probably an easy way to convert it though using a voltage devider.

How much do those sensors cost?

Minor clarification: UART is “just serial” but when people say “serial” they usually mean RS-232 or RS-422, and these don’t use 0V / 5V like you would for 5V logic. They use anywhere from 3-25V signals, with positive voltages for zeroes and negative voltages for ones. Your PC, if it has a serial port on it, probably sends around +/- 13V (this is typical, IIRC).

So don’t hook up 5V logic parts to a serial interface. If you look at RS-232 interface chips they have integrated charge pumps and external capacitors to generate the Tx voltages from Vcc.

actually I looked at it again and the honeywell uses 0-3.3vdc so you should be ok to use that directly. (obviously double check before wiring)

you need to setup the device by sending a few packets to enable sensing/auto-sending of data that is a particular 32byte structure.

I have one set up with the RetroPi distribution, that I carry around with me, along with two USB game-pad controllers, so I can engage in retro-gaming wherever I'm at (assuming there's an HDMI display available).

I'm also dabbling with embedding one in the gutted out shell of an old boom-box, and making it a portable Alexa-like "smart speaker" of sorts. Looking at using something like Mycroft[1] or something of that ilk.

But outside of running Mycroft or whatever, I want to load this thing down with sensors (microphone, webcam, GPS, SDR, accelerometer, temperature, humidity, ultrasonic, infrared, whatever I can) and stream the data to a server where I can do more intensive AI related work. The idea is that this thing is the front-end to experimenting with "embodied AI" and having an AI "thing" that can really sense and experience it's environment.

This whole thing is very incipient, but I'm looking at seeing what I can do with something like OpenCOG, or SOAR or ACT-R, coupled with various ML techniques, to give this thing some level of smarts.

[1]: https://mycroft.ai/

I have several of them:

* 1 original model that runs pi-hole for the household

* 1 RPi 3 running RetroPie for emulating classic video games

* 1 RPi 3 connected to an official RPi touch screen display that runs a Home Assistant UI

* 4 RPI 3s running as a Kubernetes cluster, mostly just for the fun of setting it up, but I have a few odd jobs that run on them, such as chat bots

I don't have a picture of the cluster all hooked up, but this is what it looks like without any cables attached: https://twitter.com/jimmycuadra/status/846935997619200000

How difficult was to setup the cluster using kubeadmin? did you run into too many issues because memory, cpu, etc?

It's been a while so the details are not fresh in my mind, but it wasn't the easiest thing in the world. I think most of my trouble came from the general lack of polish on Kubernetes (from a cluster operator's perspective) than from the specifics of the Raspberry Pi. One thing I remember clearly is that kubeadm has completely failed to upgrade k8s from one minor version to the next every time I've tried it. I always end up just saving my k8s resources, blowing away the cluster, creating a new one, and resubmitting the resources to the new cluster.

I built a guitar stomp box using a Raspberry Pi Zero to trigger samples with a foot switch. Runs on 9 volts and has a very bright OLED display so I can still see what it's doing when I'm playing in a dark venue.

I have been thinking about doing something similar -- would love to hear more about this if possible!

It's basically a Pi, a buck regulator, a tiny COB USB audio interface and an SSD1306-based 128x32 display. Removed all connectors and replaced them with soldered wires so it packs neatly into a tiny box.

The software is all custom and written in C, using Jack for low latency audio and my own driver for the display (Adafruit makes a Python driver but it eats half of your CPU and is not optimized for i2c bandwidth or high framerates).

Running piAware for flight tracking


Is there a benefit to personally tracking flights instead of querying 3rd parties?

Most of the services (FlightAware, Flight Radar 24, ADSB Exchange) get much of their data from volunteer-operated receivers. If you feed your own data to these networks, you get several benefits including multilateration capability (computed location for planes that don't send their own GPS location data) and free business accounts on FlightAware and Flight Radar 24.

FlightAware in particular gives you access to a greater level of data and services on their site if you're an active contributor via a PiAware. Also, honestly, it's just fun fooling around with the antenna and software setup to maximize the number of flights I can see :)

Perhaps they are in a remote location that doesn’t have data?

It's an addiction, I have 17 and a Pi4 on order

1 - (pi) pi - temperature sensor

2 - (pi) woody - garage door opener - custom web interface

3 - (pi2) white - Unicorn hat blinking lights

4 - (pi2) pi2b - OpenVPN server, pihole DNS

5 - RetroPi - Games (Pi 3)

6 - bigwood - Freeswitch phone system, Nagios4 (Pi 2 Model B v1.1)

7 - (pi) unicorn #2 - unicorn hat blinking lights

8 - pi2 motion - motion sensor, camera, blink(1) light- blink shows red or orange when motion is sensed and takes photos

9 - Slack Bot - (at work)

10 - zero (on desk at home)

11 - green3 - camera - garage wide angle (old cam)

12 - infra - camera front door

13 - infra2 - camera garage wide angle

14 - infra3 - camera front door far view

15 - zerow-cam with infrared usb adapter displaying cameras on tv - change cameras with remote control

16 - zerow-cam1 - camera back yard

17 - zerow-cam2 - camera back yard

18 - Pi4 4GB is backordered but I found a Pi4 2GB which I hope will serve well as a file/backup server. Hoping to utilize the USB3 to get better I/O to a couple external disks.

Running Bitwarden on a VM right now but will probably move this to a Pi4 in the near future

I have all of these connected to a custom command-and-control web interface (socket.io) where I can send commands, perform updates, monitor load average, version, uptime - and can reboot if needed

I used an ESP8266 and not the Pi for this, but a really really great m/c project is a wireless fan controller for a smoker or kamado (big green egg-style) grill.

I made mine from scratch as an learning exercise, but here’s a similar project using the Pi: https://github.com/michmike/Raspberry-PI-Q It’s

We use it to make, for example, this recipe (with some modifications of our own) on a regular basis with a minimum of effort, and it is one of the most breathtakingly delicious things I’ve ever tasted, let alone cooked myself. We follow his instructions but hold to 180-190 deg until the meat reaches about 138, basting a few times with a honey+whiskey+thyme glaze; also be sure to use a fatty salmon, like (in my experience) farmed atlantic, not sockeye.


I have 4 running at home as servers:

- an OctoPi server, which allows me to manage my 3d printer remotely.

- a VPN

- a Plex Server, serving media to my TVs and phone. I just ordered the new 4GB Pi4 to replace this one. I’l probably re-purpose it as an OctoPi-like box for managing a CNC.

- a seldom-used retro gaming box, that’s actually been mostly by a hacked Playstation Classic

Would you mind going into your Plex server setup a bit? I tried using a Pi before but could barely get it to trasncode anything, and playback was miserable. Now I'm using a Kimsufi server, but I'd prefer to have a locally running server (that isn't my main PC) as my Plex media server

If you have total control of the media files and the clients, you can avoid transcoding altogether.

Everything on my server plays on all of my clients without transcoding. From what I understand, an “Atomic Pi” is inexpensive and can handle a few transcodes at once, if that’s a requirement of yours.

I'm using a NUC rather than a Pi for Plex, but I avoid transcoding on the server by just transcoding everything up front. Nearly every client these days can play H.264 natively.

Media player connected to tv. (Kodi or Elec, I can't recall which)

What I found really neat about this is that if you use the HDMI connection, there is some automated setup/control that allows my tv remote to control the PI. (through the HDMI connection)

But also, the smart phone app for Kodi remote control added a new layer of interaction with the media player that is just sort of unique and unexpected. (everything worked so easily)

Thanks, forgot what it was, and didn't have time to dig around in the docs where I first ran into it.

The fact that this is not widely advertised as a feature is surprising. It made remote control automatic instead of having to hack something together.

I installed the Pi-hole ad blocker (https://pi-hole.net/) on a Raspberry Pi Zero, and have it as my DNS server on my home network. It has improved general browsing speed tremendously.

A few years ago some of my coworkers used a Raspberry Pi to instrument our work foosball table. They had badge readers so all the players could badge in, and IR sensors for autoscoring. They found some open-source foosball leaderboard software that they ran on the Raspberry Pi as well, so we had an auto-scoring, auto-ranking foosball table. Best Raspberry Pi project I've ever seen :)

I have several, I use them for multiroom audio with snapcast (mostly with USB DACs although one has a DAC hat. Some have temp and humidity sensors, one has the rpi cam. One has a always on vpn connection and transmission running. For a while I used one with a Parsec client and cloud gaming. However, I use a Odroid XU4 for all the big stuff (home assistant, NAS, nodered, mopidy, etc.)

At the moment I am using a few pi to control my garden systems. I just built an open source system (https://mudpi.app) to help manage the sensors and relays. Actually gearing up for a launch soon.

Being able to regulate my watering and control it from my phone as been awesome. The whole thing emits events with sensors on redis so its open for systems to hook on top of it. Pi was the ideal choice to keep inital costs low. The amount of power you get for the price is pretty sweet.

The other pi is running the same code moderating lights on a basement shelf of plants too.

The last pi I am using retro pi to play some old school roms.

My wife and I went to Paris, and in our AirBnB there was a fantastic little radio. We'd turn it on and listen to Radio FIP and just leave it going. I had forgotten the pleasure of listening to what was on, rather than picking, or worse, skipping songs. I hooked up my raspberry Pi to a small LED header with directional buttons on it. Each button was a different french radio station's m3u stream, output to speakers. It perfectly simulated the radio. I want to put in a delay where it would be time synched with California so the theme is more aligned (slow night time music at lunch is noticeable).

1) PiHole

2) Wired one into a rotary phone to make a weird steampunky smarthouse controller (Dial '0' to turn off all downstairs lights and music, etc)

3) Various LED controls for fun, and Christmas

4) Always experimenting with MycroftAI to stay away from Alexa

I forgot about Mycroft! Thanks for the reminder!

This sounds so cool.

2 sounds amazing


A first version of the code is on github: https://github.com/estiens/confessional_booth

It was originally part of a confessional booth taken to Burning Man in 2015. Since then it has evolved and become part of my smart home stuff.

I was intimidated when I started as it was my first "hardware" project, but the rotary phone part was pretty easy! Just a little switch that turns on and off the number of times of the number dialed basically.

It actually has a (new) microphone wired into the mouthpiece and it uses the receiver original speaker ired to the pi sound output.

(At the time I knew nothing about Linux so I think getting pulseaudio working correctly took as long as everything else!)

Those aren't working currently, but eventually I plan to integrate both the rotary dials and voice recognition and "scenes"

So like, dial "721" for light control. Voice: "And what are we doing with the lights today..." Me: "Make the outside light purple" and it is done.

I have custom voice recongition for things like that working with Mycroft, so it will just be a matter of joining the two projects!

As a bonus, since it was originally designed to work in the desert without a screen, it can do things via a weird analog interface. For example, if I press the hangup button 10 times in a row and then dial a number, I can get a report of how much memory is left on the device, etc.

Some use them to get into NASA, so, pretty useful.

> The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) this week confirmed that its Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has been hacked. An audit document from the U.S. Office of the Inspector General was published by NASA this week. It reveals that an unauthorized Raspberry Pi computer connected to the JPL servers was targeted by hackers, who then moved laterally further into the NASA network.


1. PiHole (seems popular in this thread)

2. OctoPrint for my printer (with a touchscreen because I hate using the knob-based interface on the printer when I'm leveling the bed or doing maintenance)

3. Sitting on my desk because my Terraria server was freezing when saving the world file. Might set it up for emulation in the living room

There's a thousand or so of them scattered around Europe which were the foundation of the company I work at, acting as IoT hubs to communicate with devices designed to alert insurance customers of floods, intrusion, and fire in their homes. We hadn't ever really planned to get into building our own hubs, but the RPi ecosystem meant that when we were forced into that corner on short notice (thanks Smartthings for shutting down app approvals at the last minute) we were able to go from zero to working product in a matter of weeks!

the things network?

I use a RPi Zero W to run DakBoard: https://dakboard.com/site which my family uses to organize our life.

I'm planning on adding another Pi as a Pi Hole device as an experiment in parental controls via low TTL values to provide scheduled access to specific DNS names. For example, my kid gets distracted beyond all that is reasonable by Discord and I'd like to let him use Discord, but only at specific times. Anyone with an interest in this, please let me know!

You can probably run it on the same Pi Zero using screen? Am not sure if it will have enough juice to run both though.

I run OSMC[0] which is really just raspbian + kodi + updates.

Because it's just debian, I also run homeassistant in a docker container started with systemd.

I like this because:

- OSMC ensures it boots into kodi and keeps kodi up to date

- systemd/docker makes it very easy to manage my homeassistant config by scp'ing a new image over to the pi.

Nothing out of the ordinary given the other responses here, but thought I'd share because it's been an especially stable setup for me.

[0]: https://kodi.wiki/view/OSMC

In the process of moving our Hardware Test infrastructure(Think Selenium for testing hardware)over from Windows SBC based solutions to a R-Pi-Zero based solutions. Applications range from driving stepper motors, sensors and generating pass/fail results. The inital investment is in porting all the code written for Windows to embedded linux but the investment pays off in the long run in cost minimized by moving away from a Windows desktop. Will do a write up of how i achieved it once i have some concrete results.

I'm using mine as a kitchen computer to lookup stuff online. Not exactly a Pi, but I used a adafruit feather to detect vibrations. I used it for landscape photography with a super telephoto lens where I wanted to be able to detect vibrations before firing off a bracketed shot.

I created a toilet bot for our office. We only have one toilet, which caused a lot of people to walk to the toilet to check if it's free. I connected the Raspi with GPIO door controller and created a python script which makes use of the UCWA library from skype for business and hooked it to a blynclight (status indicator). Now ever coworker can add a specific contact to his Skype for Business favorites and will immediately see if the toilet is free or occupied.

Turned a Pi 1 into a DHCP server at work to replace failed windows server.

Got a Pi Zero at home, but only used it to play with GPIO and i2c, i like to poke around in drivers to get more insight into how different hardware interfaces and protocols work over these interfaces.

I'm using a Raspberry Pi (Gen 1, Model B I think) to run a smart mirror. It pulls up my daily commute, news headlines, weather, and calendar. I take no credit for the software (https://github.com/MichMich/MagicMirror)

I also had one connected to my Motorola LapDock back in 2012 to run a portable raspbian laptop. It worked surprisingly well.

This is a cool project I was completely unaware of.

Doing this as well as we speak! Also using a Pi as a RetroPi.

I've got a 3b+ and a 1b, and whilst only the 3b is in use currently, I have plans for the other.

The 3b runs libreelec for a tv in my bedroom. I found my 1b to be too slow for this, but the 3b+ does admirably.

The 1b, I hope to repurpose into a couple of services:

1) a pihole for my home network

2) a Wireguard VPN for connecting my phone back to my home network.

This is all sort of waiting on me getting usable internet, because my 700kbps upload currently sort of makes it pointless. However, I'd like to do this once I have better internet so I can use my phone as if I'm on my home network. This will provide me with several benefits:

1) I will be able to stream media when travelling for work

2) My phone will benefit from the pihole even when out and about

3) I will be able to control my home network as if at home

4) It will provide another endpoint for hurdling the GFW when I work in China

I hope to start all of this next year, once I move house or when I finally receive a proper internet connection rolled out to my place. If the 1b is too weak for those services, then I will probably repurpose it into some sort of automation system for watering plants, since once again due to work travel I routinely have to lug them over to relatives' houses whenever I'm away for a week or more.

I'm a ham radio operator and I run a WSPR beacon using a RPi, a TAPR-QRPi shield, the WsprryPi software and a random wire antenna. The RPi generates an HF signal on GPIO_4 at around 14 MHz (20 meter short wave band), the TAPR-QRPi shield filters out the harmonics and amplifies the carrier to around 200 milliwatts. Using a 12 feet wire on my balcony I get automated reception reports from 300 to 2800 miles away.

1) barcode scanner to put products in my online supermarket’s shopping cart

2) security cam to do facial recognition and drop me an email

3) general purpose remote control website/api for turning things on/off such as tv, amp, dac (typical things that need hw integration: ir blaster, 433mhz sockets, 12v trigger voltage etc). Recently discovered APIs integrate quite nicely with Apple’s iOS ‘Shortcuts’ app for poor man’s voice control!

You can install home assistant and control 433mhz sockets with "hey siri" since it has homekit. It's super fast (<500ms).

I use Raspberry Pi 2 to synchronize files across my ubuntu/macos/windows machines, backup them into the encrypted backup and then upload that backup offsite.

I use syncthing to synchronize files. It's fast, stable, cost me nothing and the only limit I have is the size of my disks.

Syncthing is decentralized, that means that two machines have to be powered on at the same time to be able to perform sync. Raspberry Pi allows me to have that always-on machine at home which is small, quiet and unnoticeable in my electricity bill. Syncthing works across internet bypassing NAT thanks to the community-ran relays (I also run one of them). I could take my laptop everywhere and file changes will still reach my Raspberry Pi.

I hook up an external Seagate USB HDD and it runs just fine without an extra power source. Syncthing keeps up-to-date copy of all my files on that external HDD.

I use borg-backup to take hourly snapshots of my files. Those snapshots are encrypted and I upload them offsite without any worries that some cloud provider could possibly read them. I use rclone for that, it can interface with a number of cloud providers out there. It just take your files and one-way sync them into the cloud.

The setup of rclone and borg-backup is not particularly complicated but still requires some time. Directories, encryption keys, periodic jobs have to be configured. I abstracted all that into one script which is a bit opinionated but works for me. That script can be run on Linux on on MacOS. I used my Mac for that before Raspberry Pi. It uses system or launchd to run periodic jobs https://github.com/senotrusov/backup-script

I installed Ubuntu server on that Raspberry Pi to have familiar environment.

Sadly Raspberry Pi lacks secure boot and have no internal TPM functionality. My external HDD is encrypted but I can't trust Raspberry Pi to hold the encryption key. In rare event of reboot I have to ssh in and manually enter the LUKS key.

This setup is still prone to an evil maid attack as someone could replace or modify the SD card to log that key. That scenario is highly unlikely as I am no particular interest to anyone. What is slightly more realistic is that someone could brake into my house to steal stuff. For that my data is secure as the key is lost the moment you power off the Raspberry Pi.

Overall I'm pretty happy with that setup. My Raspberry Pi slowly blinks with it onboard red LED to indicate that all that services run well and alarms me with fast blinks if something is not right.

I have a RPi2 running as an NFS server. I have a RPi0W with a camera streaming video to said NFS server. I have a RPi1(256MB) in the bathroom streaming music from the aforementioned NFS server. I have a RPi0 attached to the USB port of my router running PiHole.

And then I have a shelf of other Pis doing nothing, but you know, one day I will finish all those projects...

Our Raspberry Pi 3 B is the core processing unit for our humanoid robotics platform [1]. This is in the context of the RoboCup competition [2]. With it we run:

* Vision - A custom CNN using YOLO [3], where we are able to process a 256x256 (input is scaled) at 10fps to detect bounding boxes for balls and goal posts

* Localization - Kalman filter (mainly currently used for tracking rotation)

* Networking - Game controller (referee) [4], team communication [5] and a debug interface [6]

* Behaviour - A hybrid state machine

* Walking - Inverse kinematic walk with a balance system [7]

Feel free to ask questions. We plan to open source everything (everything) in a month to two months.

[1] https://humanoid.science/

[2] https://www.robocup.org/

[3] https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/

[4] https://github.com/RoboCup-Humanoid-TC/GameController

[5] https://github.com/RoboCup-Humanoid-TC/mitecom

[6] https://github.com/hellerf/EmbeddableWebServer

[7] https://github.com/Rhoban/IKWalk

EDIT: Bullet points on different lines

A+ for effort

I work for the Raspberry Pi Foundation, in the Education team.

We're always on the look out for new ideas and projects to turn into learning resources.

If anyone would like to share their code, wiring diagrams and setup processes, then please feel free to email me.


Thanks for sharing your details!

We are working on an educational charge controller for students in sub-Saharan Africa.

We are currently using an Arduino but I think the Raspberry Pi would be a goot fit as well.

You can read more details on our website: https://localelectricity.org/

I'll drop you an email with more details.

An instrument/sculpture thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZswBIsfhVpg

I have one hooked up to my TV on an HDMI port to display all my home surveillance cameras in a grid. Works with any cameras that support RTSP.


I used my Raspberry Pi 3 B+ to control all Fish tank equipments remotely. We live in a city (Chennai, India) and my family usually goes to our native for 2 months every year during summer vacation. During these times, it find it very difficult to manage the equipments.

The Raspberry Pi controls 2 Lights, 2 Filter pumps, Cooler, Fish feeder, and CO2 cylinder. Am planning to attach a camera and some sensors to the system as well.

Right now, all these components are controlled by simple scheduling, but am planning to extend the control through a server in future.

The Pi is connected to a 8-Relay board and is attached to a extension power board. So this setup can control just any equipment.

Source Code: https://github.com/codetiger/AquariumControl

I always wanted an aquarium and this was the sole reason I never got one, thanks I'll look into it.

Can you tell what are your equipements and whats the setup like? (sorry, if already mentioned in github I can't open at work)

The config file in GitHub already has the schedule for each component.

Equipements: 1. Lights 2 (One for plants and another colour LED light that came by default with the tank) 2. Filters 2 (One Canister filter and another top filter) 3. Cooler 4. CO2 cylinder 5. Fish feeder (Built myself)

Currently, some equipment are always ON but planning to allowing to control remotely in future for triggering automated maintenance routine.

The Pi is controlling an power extension box using a 8 relay module.

I just set up pi-hole on one this weekend. It was my first time trying a Raspberry Pi, and I loved it. With the news about the latest version and the improved specs, I'm considering setting up a couple to replace my kids' computers, which are all old and under-powered.

I do embedded, real-time and distributed product development for clients in the commercial, enterprise, aviation, defense, and big science domains. I probably own two dozen Pis of various vintages (and just ordered one of the new Pi 4 models). It's my go-to platform for prototyping, especially for ARM-based systems. I keep one on my LAN just to regression and unit test software that I otherwise developed on an Intel platform. I've also used Pis in devices that are more-or-less permanently deployed, like an NTP server that uses a GPS-disciplined chip-scale cesium atomic clock as its oscillator, and a home-built WWVB clock. I'm currently using three Pis in a Differential GNSS system I'm prototyping.

I use one with an extra wifi card as a wireless router. I'm living in hotels a lot and sometimes I find their wifi too restrictive. The built-in wifi card connects to the hotel wifi and the external wifi card acts as an access point to which all my other devices connect to. This way I only need to pass the captive portal once (and only pay for one device ...) and I can enable a VPN to my home router in case I want to use Netflix or Amazon Prime in a foreign country.

Another raspberry pi I turned into a listening device to analyze and modify traffic. I call it Lauschgerät: https://github.com/SySS-Research/Lauschgeraet

I use it do Anki on my bike ride to/from work. Wrote some scripts in Python. They take my deck, convert it to speech using IBM Watson’s TTS. Then i made a small PCB with 4 buttons that is fixed to the handle bar. That way I can interact with the program.

Mine is running in my attic, hooked up to three antennas on my roof:

1. A GPS antenna which provides an accurate “stratum 0” time source. The pi runs ntpd and provides time for all devices on my network.

2. A home built ADS-B antenna for receiving position reports from local aircraft and airliners. Interfaces to the pi with a USB SDR. Pi runs dump1090 to provide a web visualization of local air traffic. I also feed FlightAware with this info.

3. A home built VHF antenna for listening to airband transmissions. Second SDR. Pi runs scanner software and an IceCast server for clients on my network to connect and listen.

The pi also has a temperature sensor that logs once a minute so I can plot my attic’s temperature and I can have it alert me if it gets too hot.

At one point, I figured I wanted some lighting for my bar, which consists of about 70 bottles on shelves (about 1.2m wide and 2m height).

But a simple on/off is not good enough. Instead, I went with individually addressable LEDs (NeoPixels strips to be exact), and developped my own back-end to manage those LEDs, with a simple front-end.

So far, it supports lighting bottles individually, by category (rum, vodka etc...) and some simple animations across the whole bar.

It's a nice ambient lighting, and it serves as a show-off for guests.

Plus the whole thing runs on a second-hand computer power-supply. The Pi runs on the power-supply power-on line so that when no LED is on, the main power-supply is shutdown to reduce electricity consumption.

That sounds super cool, I'd love to see some pictures if you have any!

I got a bunch of them running Screenly (https://www.screenly.io), so I'd say that's a good use :)

Also, I'm using PiHole and Home Assistant.

Disclaimer: I'm the author of Screenly.

I use one as a hub/gateway for untrusted IoT devices.

It hosts a separate, isolated wifi network via hostaod/dnsmasq. Clients aren't given routes to the primary network or the broader internet - they should only see the Pi and other clients (I'd eventually like to restrict access to other clients as well, but haven't played with that yet).

Access to the devices is via a web server running on the Pi that relays commands and responses. Right now it's a page full of hard-coded buttons and indicators, but I eventually want to turn it into a flexible firewall-like system to make it easier to add/configure/remove clients and rules.

I got an AdaFruit servo hat and I use it to drive my hexapod. I used to use a Propeller and then an Arduino. My next project is to integration some vision recognition into my robot. I am planning on using a Jetson Nano for the vision part, but I believe switching to a Pi for the robot was a helpful precondition. I haven't decided if I will just use the Nano to control the robot or use it as a visual co-processor with the Pi.

Old video of my hexapod below. Still works great though, because it is really sturdy.


I've been always fascinated with sunrises and sunsets, so I built a picam to take timelapses:


youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkH0MTHo-LlxOL_W_3Qeq9Q


I have a pi3 setup as a garage door opener. It's wired to two, 4 channel relays (only use two relays), one for each garage door. A simple php page that can be accessed and a big icon 'lressed', triggers the gpio to switch the relay. This opens or closes the door. I set this up because I got tired of replacing batteries in a garage door opener. This way,I just open the web page on my phone and open the door. I also setup a few android Tasker jobs to register when my phone connects to home wifi, and is also connected to my vehicle Bluetooth. When that registers, it automatically opens the garage door.

We use it as a front end to our Church's AV system. It runs a GUI written in Python with PySide that controls our cameras, hyperdeck recorder and vision mixer.

It also controls the power switches for the system, and the blinds.

Two things, working on more. VPN router and a doorbell to desktop-notifications box. I like listening to music on noise cancelling headphones sometimes when I work. I wouldn't hear the doorbell in that case, so I have a pi with a mic that sits close to the doorbell. If the noise level goes past a certain threshold for a few samples, it sends a command to my workstation where a script sits and triggers a desktop notification. Works pretty well with very few false positives and all "I might miss the package delivery guy" anxiety is gone while I enjoy music.

I use one running OpenWRT as a router. Its an old 3B, so it barely keeps up now that our internet has been updated to 100Mbps. It will soon be replaced, possibly with a pi 4. Of course, it also runs some other things.

I have OpenVPN running on it as well as a little nginx instance that I can use for reverse proxying if need be.

And the wifi turned out to be surprisingly solid as a (slow) access point, so I have sometimes used it as a Internet of Things Access Point with routing rules to keep all of those devices off the internet.

Its a surprisingly powerful little network box even with its significant limitations.

Don't you need two Ethernet ports to use it as a router?

Are you using USB as the other Ethernet port?

Yes, you do need two and it does significantly limit throughput since both the internal and external Ethernet adapters are routed through the same USB bus. The 3B seems to top out at about 90Mbps. I'm not sure what the throughput on a 3B+ would have been, but I'm sure it would have been much lower than its maximum of ~270Mbps.

Having said that, much of the US is restricted to <100Mbps internet and there are some nice advantages to having a relatively powerful little computer running right at the edge.

Any two interfaces. Ethernet+wifi is enough. (Technically, RPi's integrated ethernet port is also connected over USB) I have once seen a single interface both for external and internal network, but that was an abomination.

1x Raspberry Pi 3B+ running OctoPrint, velcro-attached to my printer.

2x Raspberry Pi 2B running OSMC (with Kodi) for streaming from NAS to office TV and living room TV.

1x Raspberry Pi Zero W running OSMC (with Kodi) for streaming from NAS to bedroom TV.

Provided HEVC H265 decoding works as it should, I suspect I will eventually upgrade all 3 of these to Model 4. They're great for a media center -- low power, small, and provide a local-only player for TVs I don't want to connect to any network.

Also have 2 OG B+ models that sit in a drawer unused, since they don't have enough power for the above tasks.

I use a Raspberry PI Zero / 3 together with a phat dac for a bluetooth audio receiver / Airplay in my car:

Auto-Installer: https://github.com/BaReinhard/Super-Simple-Raspberry-Pi-Audi...

PhatDac (hardware): https://www.amazon.com/Pimoroni-24-bit-192KHz-Sound-Raspberr...

Alternative (hardware): https://www.amazon.com/Audio-AUDIO-Raspberry-Better-quality/...

It can be controlled via buttons over bluez / dbus via infrared remote and buttons:

Button Shim (hardware): https://www.amazon.com/Pimoroni-PIM301-Button-Shim/dp/B07HCP...

Bluez API: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/bluetooth/bluez.git/tree/doc/...

DBUS control script: https://github.com/sandreas/raspberry-bluetooth-receiver/blo...

Unfortunately it is not possible to set playback position via dbus (see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50190477/bluez-and-dbus-...), so rewind 30 seconds is not possible atm.

I don't know anything about Bluetooth. Does bluez always mount devices on /org/bluez/hci0/dev_${DEVICE_NAME} ?

Depending on your device... But for me it works with every audio capable device i tried (iPod nano, iPhone SE, Android Moto G7)

I used a Raspberry Pi to solve the problem that the trash can in front of the building where I lived was often overflowing when I tried to take out the trash:

I connected a 20x4 character LCD to the Pi and put it next to the bathroom mirror. The display displays some useful info: - Estimated garbage can levels (interpolated based on the trash calendar) - weather forecast - cryptocurrency prices

So when I notice that the trash can level is low I can take out the trash without troubles.

(These days I use my Pis for more simple things like RetroPie+Kodi and PiHole)

I use an older Pi with a USB DAC to bring in audio and data from my radio scanners, for a slow-moving side project. Goal is to mux the audio with time sensitive radio metadata, like talk group and location (surprisingly difficult given messy state of formats, containers and playback options) and deliver this to clients on the network for easy listening and other processing (e.g. speech-to-text, mapping, etc.). Learned a bunch of gstreamer in the past half year, hoping to pick this all back up with the Pi4.

Many hospitals in S.Korea adopted my rpi based system. It is a network organized, synchronized, distributed video signage with weather/news web feeds and touch screen based vision acuity tester integrations. The major key factor in it is a framebuffer driver by pure python which is open sourced by myself through Github. https://github.com/chidea/FBpyGIF

Recent haul-over includes ESP8266 based remote power management.

I used mine as a NAS for a while with an external USB HDD and a samba share. It was also set up to be a VPN and pi-hole. I have a pi zero that I use to flash coreboot on laptops.

My PS3 isn't doing so hot as a media server client for my NAS's movie library - the network connection is poor, the interface is fiddly, and it can't load subtitles embedded in files. I was going to buy a pi3 to replace it as a media server client and hook up an external DVD player, but now I'll be getting a pi 4!

Check out ROckPro64, I just set mine up. Running plex with an internal HDD on a PCIex4, 6 core processor and 4gb ram. Using Dietpi, I am interested in checking out the Pi 4 as well, but looks like it might be a few months until its available

1. simple server for backup and git repos

2. xbmc for videos on main tv

3. retropie (I had fun with this for about a week but haven't used it lately)

4. pihole for blocking ads and time-wasting sites

5. various small projects: security camera, motorized window shade, etc.

I run Home Assistant on my desktop to communicate with a few of the other devices in the house but I might move that over to a Pi so I don't have to worry about restarts and performance. I'm thinking about consolidating this setup somewhat but I'm waiting for my next move.

I have three always on

One Pi3B+ connected to anemometer and single solar cell, uploads up to 60 secs of analog data reading every minute by CRON, then has other CROn stuff for emailing

One Pi Zero for home security camera attached to motion sensor/rapid shutter mode, uploads to S3 bucket

One Pi zero for reading HN news out loud in the morning by Amazon Polly, tracking solar cells on window, and then more scheduling stuff

I have another one powered by USB, I intend to use it as "swappable dev stacks by sd card" through USB SSH

I'm working on turning it into a IR emitter to control some stuff that I have that lack remotes. I have another I've loaded snips onto an will be experimenting with soon - I'm currently using a PlayStation eye for the experimentation, but will have to get a better microphone/speaker. I wish I could hack a dot/echo/etc. and use their microphone/speaker, but meh, I'll take what I can get.

Also, the IR pi will probably drive some ambient light as well.

> I'm working on turning it into a IR emitter to control some stuff that I have that lack remotes

That's really neat. Please share some details – I was planning on buying a Broadlink IR/RF device for that purpose.

I hooked up the raspberry pi to an old monitor I hung over the kitchen table. It boots up shortly before dinner time for an hour and then displays "Find my Friends" on Chromium in kiosk mode. (Inspired bij the Weasly family clock from Harry Potter).

It's a fixture I couldn't live without anymore. When family members travel you still feel connected. It has a tiny ruby script to rotate through pages, during breakfast it displays the kids' upcoming class schedule.

I've got a RPi 2 running PiHole and a SAMBA server for a bit of in-home file-swapping convenience. ("Just throw it on the server and I'll pull it from there!")

Currently my problem is that samba will fail to write files greater than around 100+ MB uploaded to the server. (Writing to a USB drive). It still handles multi-gigabyte downloads ok.

I've been able to work around it with SFTP uploading, so it's just a minor annoyance, but I wish I knew what was going on.

I have mentioned this is a few comments, check out the RockPro64, its got 6 core processor 4gb ram, and runs Dietpi. It has a PCIe port, you can install 2 sata drives. I just installed an SSD and it's awesome so far.


80 bucks for the 4GB, includes all the stuff on the new pi though. Interested to see how the pi4 stacks up

We hacked together an automatic door opening system controllable via smartphone that notifies you on ringing and sends a video, then opens the doors on button press with a Lego contraption [1].

[1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/raspberry_pi/comments/bwdv36/a_smar...

We used a few to power kiosk touch screens and other commercial display applications using network broadcast video.

Made a seven screen display each with their own pi that sync’d individual videos running on each to create some video art pieces.

Also made a bullet time rig with 15 pi’s and each with their own webcam. There was a guy who did this already with lots of documentation but using his own pi-interface hardware he created. We did it without the pi controllers.

I use it to take up space in my drawer of useless electronic stuff because I can never find a combination of power supply and SD card that doesn't eventually end up corrupt and unbootable.

You could try not buying cheap components. Storing it in a drawer probably doesn't help either.

My drawers have been pretty good on my electronics. Where do you store them?

pxe boot

A device that waits for the SSID of my Olympus WiFi-enabled camera to show up and then sync all new photos:

https://github.com/gvalkov/olympus-photosync-server https://github.com/gvalkov/olympus-photosync

That's cool!

I pulled a prank at the office with my RPi.

I built a very simple circuit to listen to 5V pin of HDMI and I hid RPi and the circuit under the desk of a colleague after work and turned off video output of RPi. Colleague's laptop -HDMI> RPi -HDMI> external display. when the colleague comes to work and turn on the laptop, my RPi turned on its video output and external display showed the website I made for the occasion.

Some projects:

Easy Setup (Download and Run):

- ADS-B decoder and transmitter to FlightAware

- PiHole

Required More Coding:

- PhotoBooth: Python script that monitored a special Gmail account and sent attached images to a photo printer (Canon Selphy)

- Upload to Dropbox: ScanSnap sheet-fed scanner, listened to scanner button response, created PDFs, copied to DropBox

- Data Collection Engine:

1. Collected data from local sensors (temperature and humidity) in nursery.

2. Collected periodic data from public APIs (NYC CitiBike)

3. Captured time lapse images from nursery every 2 minutes.

I will use my first one to power a hard drive that I leave with family or friends. They'll have a small box (mind the inclusion of an external hard drive, still a relatively small box) with my off site back up, and I could host the same for them.

This is after a failed plan to use it for Android TV (my girlfriend made the mistake of picking a WebOS TV and I made the mistake of thinking it wouldn't be so bad). The old one was just a little too slow and only did full HD (honestly, it's fine, but if you have a 4k TV it feels kinda silly). Now that the pi4 has a bunch more power and can do 4K at 60Hz, there is another chance for this!

I'm also toying with the idea of using it for sensors. Battery powered air quality sensor to see along my walking route (there is a narrow, busy car passage that I'm curious about), or maybe measuring things like electricity or heater usage in realtime. Having a graph showing you when it gets used a lot might help identify some easy wins, since walking to the basement to check the meter is a little cumbersome. But those are just ideas.

Regarding your mutual backup idea, I love this and I've wondered why this hasn't taken off as a Thing in response to how many of us are untrusting and DIYers in this era of cheap storage and bandwidth.

Indeed! I'm not sure why I don't already have three hard drives from friends, it's 10x cheaper than S3 or Backblaze B2 or any such thing. I've had this idea for years, but seeing that someone else built exactly this[1] while also having time for it soon gave the idea another push.

[1] https://old.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/7rjcdn/home_ma...

I’m running a series of spaghetti-code scripts to trigger the lawn sprinkler when a camera detects motion, and notify me with a gif using pushover.

You kids get out of my yard!!

I've bought every board that comes out since the 2B. Most of them get gifted to relatives as Kodi boxes. The three I currently use are a 3B that runs the [0] LivPi CO2 and environment monitor, a zero W that has a noIR camera pointing at my plants under lights, and a 2B+ that runs piHole.

I recommend the odroid [1] XU4 (desktop) or [2] HC1 (nas) if you have anything that requires constant read writes. Pi SD cards do go bad over time unless you set it to run the OS from memory. Odroid made a smarter choice going with eMMC early on. The con of odroid is you have to hack everything that was already done on a pi to work.

[0] http://www.livpi.com/

[1] https://www.hardkernel.com/shop/odroid-xu4-special-price/

[2] https://www.hardkernel.com/shop/odroid-hc1-home-cloud-one/

My Raspberry Pi 3 works as a CUPS print server connected to a laser printer, as a pi-hole DNS server to filter ads, and as a ssh entry point (with dynamic DNS). I would use a Pi zero, but Ghostscript is not too happy when printing large documents on a single-core processor with 512 MB of ram. I still have to find the time to set-up a backup server on it (and decide which software to use).

I connected it to "dumb" computer speakers at my office and made it into a Bluetooth sink so that everyone can use it to play music

Any good guide on how to do this? I tried this a couple of years ago but got stuck in that I always had to pair my handset every time I wanted to use it.

I have 5 or more in my house, some bought, some inherited. One of them runs pi-hole. I'm in the middle of setting up octopi for a new 3d printer on another one. Two of the others are pi zeros (no wireless), no plan for those any time soon. I also have one of the older models, RCA video output instead of HDMI. I'm not sure I'll ever find a use for that one.

I build an RC (with the goal of making it autonomous) car. I got as far as giving it edge detection: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-o8Uzi5o1k but haven't continued the project. It's a great platform for exploring controlling hardware and prototyping ideas!

A bunch: - Ubiquiti network controller, Pi Hole - Temperature controller to knit an ancient hydronic in floor heater and a new-ish mini split together to act in unison. Pings local national weather stations to get more accurate data than I care to replicate at my home. - Octoprint for my 3d printer - 4x for a hobby project stitching together video from multiple cameras

Sits on a shelf and uses the NYC MTA NextBus API and flashes a LED when a bus is 4 minutes away from the stop closest to my apartment.

I have several RPI... I have one that controls the roof of my remote astro observatory, using some level converters drives relays to control two whinchs... When I have to open the roof I launch a python script. I have also another controlling the supplies of the mount, telescope, camera, focuser... These pi's are really realiable (I use Raspian, no X)

I'm using an RPi as the main compute module for an Autonomous Radio Controlled Car. It's similar to a Donkey Car, but not using ROS (at the moment). Project is documented here: https://medium.com/@mikkelwilson/autonomous-rc-car-part-0-6e... (This is not a commercial project; just for fun)

I'm very interested to see how OpenCV 4 and YOLOv3 object detection will run on the new RPi. At the current trajectory I will have to upgrade to a Jetson Nano to get hardware acceleration (CUDA), but resorting to specialty hardware seems like cheating.

They also make a great prototyping platform for IoT projects. I've built 802.11.4 (Zigbee) mesh radio networks for passing small messages across neighborhood distances.

Previously I used an RPi to run an Airplay Bridge to my Sonos speakers. This has since been supplanted by AirPlay 2, which Sonos supports.

I'm still using an old 1B (512MB version) for Kodi, almost on a daily basis. Playing back stuff from an NFS share. I'm limited to 1080p but that's still fine with me, I'd need a TV upgrade first anyways.

It's showing its age though, and I had to hack up some stuff to use it properly:

I'm controlling Kodi via Yatse (Android app), and mostly just use the file mode to browse Movies and TV shows. I have them sorted and named properly anyways so that's not that much of an inconvenience to me. Using the fancy views that show artwork and IMDB metadata is still working but a little to slow.

But even in plain "file mode" Yatse was a little to slow and sometimes timing out when listing directories with 200+ items. This is where the hacky stuff comes to play: I built a simple proxy that intercepts the requests from Yatse and modifies them, namely, when Yatse is listing a directory it sets some field in the JSON that says "media type video" for example, when browsing for videos (forgot what the key is called exactly; currently at work). So I simply strip that key entirely from the request, and now listings take 1-2 seconds for large directories.

While I was at it I also started to intercept links to youtube videos and instead call youtube-dl to download them first and then have Kodi play them back via NFS. This way I get 1080p instead of just 720p and also have a history of everything I watched on YouTube, in case I can't find it anymore, or it gets deleted etc. It's pretty brittle since it doesn't properly track state or prevent you from triggering a second download while the first one is still active, also if you request a 50min video it will take a while until playback actually starts, since it needs to download it fully first. But at least it recognizes if a video has already been downloaded and just starts playback instantly. Turning this into a proper project is on my TODO list, but that list is mighty long.

I have it set up to run a project where a subreddit has control over the watering of a live plant in my apartment. The pi runs a reddit bot that reads the votes, and can switch on a pump to water. It also collects data about sunlight, moisture, temp and humidity to help inform the decision about watering. Despite many people's preconceptions about the goodness of the internet, I must admit that they do a wonderful job caring for my plant!

website: https://www.idealzanussiservice.com

subreddit w/ voting: https://www.idealzanussiservice.com/blog/%D8%B5%D9%8A%D8%A7%...

Truth be told I have 5 or 6 raspberries. In all seriousness I think I'm actively using 3:

* A rpi zero running several scripts(hooked to slack, telegram and a private mattermost server) to monitor the health of some production services at work from home(in case the network at work goes down and all the services there fail to notify the right people). Has never happened but having it makes sleep at night a tad better.

* Rpi 3 b for some throwaway code/testing/place to store stuff at home and using it as an access server to access my home network.

* Rpi 2 b pretty much glued to my parents' router so I can access the network at their place every time there's one of those "My computer is telling me something, what do I do?". I'm sure most of you are aware that those messages are surely gonna cause the end of the universe and need to be resolved as soon as possible and could not possibly wait 2 hours.

I stream live video (no audio) and watch how my dog chills at home while I am at work :) Sometimes I catch him on the sofa!

I'm using a raspberry pi as a low latency server to organize and provide a bridge between esp8266's that are running LP flame effects for Capn Nemos Flaming Carnival. You know, for the kids! I've open sourced various aspects, and though it's all a bit disorganized as it is primarily me that uses it, you can find codey bits at https://github.com/burntech, and cool pictures and links at http://capnnemosflamingcarnival.org. Yeah, it's kind of a Burning Man thing. But long term, I hope the tech can serve as a small fast network that controls potentially timing critical things (eg shutting off fire reliably, music-controlled effects, and etc.).

I have two. The main reason I love them is I can leave them on all the time using very little power. Our would be surprised how much u can supercharge your home network by having always-on Linux boxes on it.

One runs nextcloud and serves as a nas. I use freeddns to give my nextcloud instance a legit URL for free. I use letsencrypt to host my cloud over https, again for free. The other runs emulationstation, deluge (torrent) which only runs when the box is connected to a VPN running on a vps, and serves up my movies and shows via minidlna.

I've also got some cool chron jobs that backup important stuff ((encrypted of course) to Google cloud and do some other things. I also serve up a keepass password database via webdav and do some neat stuff regarding keeping my keyfile separate fr my internet facing box but I won't get into exactly how that works.

I use it as a test camera source.


I can't wait for my Pi 4 to get in so that I can have a test 4k60 source.

I do the same thing with game footage to test my capture cards.

Controller and logger (temperature, humidity, time lapse photos) for making tempeh (90F oven).


It used to run kplex to bridge NMEA data (wind speed, depth soundings, boat speed, etc.) from our SeaTalk network to TCP/IP. Now a GL-AR300M does the job though, along with all the Wifi/GSM routing, saving one computer and power (when running strictly off solar and batteries, this matters).

Have you by any chance documented how you did this, or could you link me to where you learned how to set this up? This is actually one of the projects I puttered on for a long time with one of my RPis (NMEA-2000 to SignalK) but abandoned because I had too many moving parts.

Been meaning to blog about it, but not got around to it yet. Essentially it's just a (bunch of) USB-serial converters and the Seatalk data is converted by a Raymarine E85001. If you have N2k, you need a different converter, e.g. Actisense or better yet, a translator to NMEA0183, which is the de-facto standard for NMEA over TCP/IP.

Yup, I've got an ActiSense NGT-1 that outputs NMEA 2000 PGNs on USB Serial that I can decode with CanBoat: https://github.com/chrismetcalf/canboat-ansible

You can tell by the age of the repo that I got a bit distracted... the distraction just turned two years old.

I have a pi with a small display that keeps generating inspiring/funny quotes from various books that I have read.


Media center & TV PC. I have a 4 TB external hard drive connected to it (and swap on it). Using a custom compiled kernel with zswap support, browsing the web isn't that bad with the 1GB of RAM on the 3B.

I've also hooked up an RTL-SDR to it and ran rtl-tcp instead of needing to run a long USB cord.

The best use I have so far is for a local TV station have the Pi using a LAMP stack to:

a) a Pubic Service Announcement slideshow it autoboots into chrome and hooks in composite NTSC. Can be remotely managed, etc.

b) It also serves the station's website which previews the slideshow in a frame, or has a page showing all the slides.

Experience: very resilient just cycle power when problems... but learned the SD card is way too sensitive for power cycling - so now has an external HDD for better recovery.

Plan to work on one for data collection/receipt for a local recycler, that one will likely use Python with a touchscreen to collect signatures.

This is a big disruption to the POS/terminal market as it gives a very powerful/flexible platform that can be developed/deployed inexpensively, and parts can be sourced easily when HW problems occur.

My favorite use is in a photo booth I set up. It controls two cameras (webcam for preview, DSLR for the actual photo -- hopefully the RPi 4 will be me enough bandwidth to drop to just the DSLR), outputs to a printer, and drives a monitor. And the whole thing fits in a nice little suitcase.

I play around with K8s on ARM: http://pidramble.com

It's been a fun hobby project over the past 6 years, and I also do some other things like home environment (temp, PM2.5, etc.) monitoring.

I also have a few Pi Zero W's strapped to USB batteries I use for impromptu time-lapses, using a little set of scripts here: https://github.com/geerlingguy/pi-timelapse

I love being able to tinker with software/hardware easily... The Arduino and FPGA's require a deeper investment, and I like how I can do everything I want in Python on a Pi, for more hobbyist projects that don't have more power/processing constraints.

Have a look at k3s.io. I love it.

At Geckoboard we have a Pi hooked up to a thermal receipt printer so that remote participants can print off their retrospective cards through Slack: https://medium.com/geckoboard-under-the-hood/building-a-slac...

(We've upgraded it a bit since that post! - We also use it to ping a Slack channel for when it's standup).

We also use Pis to run some of our dashboards: https://support.geckoboard.com/hc/en-us/articles/36002392437...

I use it to build a cloud backup system. My files in the computer will automatically sync to Raspberry Pi.

What software do you use for your setup?

Use it to bring Android Auto to my old car stereo:


We have over 2000 deployed over Europe in locksmiths, providing a form of key service to the public. Challenges include not DDoSIng our APIs, getting a correct configuration to not nuke SD cards, and ensure that a bad firmware push doesn't knock the network offline.

Any links? I’d love to know more.

Sure ! https://parklink.asia/ https://rebadge.eu/

We've got a custom PCB which controls the touchscreen and prehipherals (LF and HF RFID readers), placed in a custom, tough ABS case (locksmiths are full of metal filings, which don't play nicely with electronics...)

Short answer: I've got one sitting behind the TV in my parents' kitchen, running ssh and openvpn for proxy/vpn purposes, but mostly working as an automated BBC TV downloader, scripted to download a list of shows every night, at different qualities (e.g. don't need high frame rate for quiz shows), rsync them to my server at home outside the UK, and send me a PushBullet message to tell me what will be available to watch over breakfast. Works beautifully!

I'm very tempted to get a 4 and pair it with a lower-specced NAS for home server purposes - I don't think even the Pi 4 has quite the I/O to be a great storage server by itself, but that combo is probably more fun and flexible than just a NAS alone...

Make little fun robots like this Pixar lamp: https://hackaday.com/2019/05/25/little-lamp-to-learn-longer-...

1 - Kids' desktop (Raspi3) 2 - Kodi (Raspi2) 3 - LAN print/automated backup server (Raspi1)

I've order a 4GB Raspi4 to upgrade the kids' desktop and 1 GB Raspi4 to upgrade the automated backup server (Gb ethernet + USB3!). Kodi will get the old kids' desktop.

Hi can you share more details on the kids desktop setup? What applications do you use?

I played with mine for a few weeks and got bored with it. It's on my desk here somewhere, possibly still running.

I setup a headless Linux distro and tested out the ARM port of SBCL. Not surprising, really, but I was able to setup Emacs, Slime, and SBCL and develop Lisp over SSH pretty comfortably.

I ended up writing a Common Lisp binding to WiringPI [0], and then another package which used it to read data from a GPS module [1]. I didn't really have a plan, just seemed interesting.

I haven't done much with it since then.

[0] https://github.com/jl2/wpi

[1] https://github.com/jl2/pigps

Home automation: it's an offline system I wrote myself to tie together all the different systems where I would normally need separate (always online) controller for each. That includes several soldered-to-GPIO-pins remote controls, and a HomeMatic and a ZWave radio module, although the latter is still controlled by the Z-Way software and I'm just using their API for those devices. It's a Raspberry Pi of the first generation, I'll probably replace the hardware soon.

Audio: I'm also using one RPi2 with an attached hard disk as a music player for pen&paper roleplaying sessions, and I have 3 Pis distributed around the house acting as Wifi-enabled Airplay receivers attached to off-the-shelf powered speakers.

Retro gaming: I built one RPi2 into an empty Amiga 500 case, it runs an Amiga emulator with many emulated game floppy disks onboard. Fun fact, the Amiga 500 keyboard sends its key strokes over a serial interface, so it's relatively easy to attach it to modern devices.

3D printing / IP cameras: I have drifted towards the Orange Pi hardware recently, mainly because they have a dirt-cheap headless module that costs about 10€. These are extremely useful for all kinds of automation tasks. For example, I'm using them with the Octoprint open source project to control 3D printers. Those headless Orange Pi Zeros are also fantastic as IP cameras, which has become necessary recently because consumer IP cameras that do not send all your data to China have become rare and expensive.

Attendance and access control: I'm currently considering throwing out our shitty proprietary attendance and access management system at work, in favor of some simple custom-built Raspberry Pi or Orange Pi-powered panels. I have a prototype ready but haven't had time yet to make more.

Lab control: I have an RPi3 attached via serial interface to a chemical analytics device at work, which required reverse engineering the proprietary protocol between the device and its shitty Win32 software. This allowed us to throw out a legacy Windows PC that needed to phone home all the time.

I just use one as a Plex server. Can't beat the cost of running it, which is roughly $6/year worth of electricity if I remember correctly. Previously I was running my Plex server on my gaming rig which cost a relative fortune to have running 24/7.

Do you otherwise not leave your gaming rig on? Me and all of my roommates leave our desktops on... they draw about 50-60W so abbout 1.5kWh a day which is less than 15c a day each. Perhaps your conflating the extra cost of the GPU activity incured what actively transcoding files? Which the Pi really can't do so Plex ends up just being a dumb DLNA server.

Tor relay with Display-O-Tron Hat to visualize the tx/rx speeds.

Wardriving rig with GPS puck that runs kismet, airbash, and bettercap to steal PMKIDs and also 4-way handshakes from nearby networks for offline cracking and data visualization. Also has UPS supply for backup power.

An aborted project to make a Hindustani raga time-of-day player, based on a Pi Zero W with a 128GB SD card, that would stream a continuous loop of music appropriate to the specific time of day (8 distinct periods), via a network interface such as Plex. But it was too complicated.

I've also used an RPi3 as a node in https://github.com/lennartkoopmann/nzyme.

One runs CUPS and is my printserver for an ancient but very reliable HP laserprinter.

One is our Internet radio in the kitchen.

One Pi 3 with a PiNoir infrared camera is used in a home-made camera trap for recording the local wildlife.

Two Pi Zero Ws are used in my son's high altitude balloon cosmic ray high school experiment, recording video, and reporting GPS altitude and Muon count rates via 50bits/sec RTTY.

One is used in a beetbox I built for a BBC TV show. Not this one, but pretty similar: https://newatlas.com/beetbox-vegetables-musical-instrument/2...

Then there's assorted robots, but none of those are currently operational.

* Security camera with motion detection, which uploads clips to my personal Google Drive.

* Always-on, ssh-authenticated gateway to my LAN. I used it while traveling to tunnel through and remotely control my desktop computer which had some credentials I didn't have with me.

How have you set up your security camera? I'm looking to do this myself!

Used "Motion" for monitoring and capturing interesting video clips:


...combined with rclone to copy those to Google Drive:


This sounds awesome! Can you share some code for it?

See my answer to beachwood23. Good luck!

I have a few.

1) PiHole. I'm upgrading this to a RasPi4 and seeing if I can also merge 2) 5) and 6) into it.

2) NAS/VPN/Media Server/Hass.io

3) RTL-SDR for ADS-B Receiver feeding to numerous data warehouses (Flightaware, ADS-B Exchange, PlaneFinder, etc)

4) Connected to RTL-SDR and running rtltcp for generic HF/VHF/UHF radio receiving which was previously part of a SATNOGS automatic cubesat/Amsat/ISS receiver build I've not completed yet.

5) Debian desktop on my workbench

6) A Pi Zero W running a ZNC IRC bouncer

7) Experimenting with remote ham radio control but linux-based ham radio software is still a bit too frustrating, so this isn't an active project.

8) Two extra RasPis and three PiZeroW's just lying around because Microcenter always has them for ridiculously low prices.

I'm using it to build a modern take on a "word processor", a hardware keyboard + microprocessor that only writes text to its onboard memory.

My current roadblock is getting a relatively high resolution rather wide aspect ratio screen. Hard to find, it seems.

I'm giving my son a classical education with it. Using Retropi

Every now and then we play "Daddy's games", so he has NES megadrive, and MAME (PacMan mainly). As he starts to master those, I'll add the next generation to it. If we've played some of the same games, hopefully it gives us some form of common framework, and him an interest in how he could code something similar i.e. a gateway in to computers. If he decides he doesn't like it, that's fine too.

So far it's goign well - we set off on the adventure 6 months ago when he was 4. I'll also get another microUSB card and try trhe same with my daughter when she's a bit older (currently she's 2).

Low-cost Aarch64 development machine! I run Aarch64 Fedora on a Pi 3B+ for porting personal projects to Aarch64 and for testing. When mainstream desktop ARM arrives (ARM Macs perhaps?), I’d like to be ready in case I have to make a switch from x86-64.

Nothing yet, though I'm looking at possible projects.

The router and modem both run OpenWRT, which addresses any number of basic sins one might hope for, including adblocking, firewalling, and media server.

I am looking for options to provide streamed media over existing audio equipment in the flat. This might be applied to a media library (DLNA audio and video), podcasts, Internet radio, and borrowed items from libraries (local, online).

There's a set of devices which offer to talk to local audio equipment, much of which costs as much, and often several times more than, a RaPi. Seems that a full SoC system might be the better option, particularly if WiFi and Bluetooth are built in.

For those of you commenting about the mechanics and pitfalls, I've found that a Pi3B+ with the 7" screen and a keyboard/trackpad is a wonderful tool for provisioning new cards. I do headless system configuration on that, then swap to the Zero or whatever it'll actually use. Since the BSPs for every board are tiny, there's no reason to limit yourself to something that can't work on all of the boards out there. It makes troubleshooting a lot easier. Also, don't buy crap SD cards, and probably have 2x the number you'd like to have running. This stuff is cheap so that you can have multiples for testing.

1 runs RISCOS so I can run old beeb games on and emulator;

1 keeps a log of temperature/pressure/humidity using sense hat;

1 has a backup of my photos on an external hd (and also has an sds011 dust sensor (https://github.com/glgraca/sds011).

But my best project has been a picture frame using a Pi Zero W that receives photos via Telegram. My kids' grandparents have this also and they love it (https://github.com/glgraca/PiFrame).

I once took one on a holiday to watch Netflix at night.

I have several running 3d printers-- OctoPi or NanoDLP. I've been able to modify OctoPi to run several printers at once, but it is way more work than its worth.

I also made a media player for my daughter that has all of her kids shows on it. I designed/printed a case for the RPI+vesa mount. I'm super excited about the new RPI that was announced todayish-- because it has a hardware h.265 decoder meaning, I'll no longer have to transcode some things.

I tried PiHole and I really liked it, but it caused some problems with some sites my folks frequent, and it broke mDNS discovery on my network. I may reinstall it and just exempt their devices.

Not technically my Pis, but I built a digital signage (https://info-beamer.com) product around it. So I enjoy working with the Pi and making a living from it.

I did a whistle box. A NAS for whistle blowers and journalists. https://github.com/Guiraud/WB

The Idea is for anyone to make a low cost NAS that allows a TOR service to upload/dowload files , pgp encrypted them with the key of the journalist, while having the simpliest interface as possible. I did'nt update for a long time tho.

There's a Slide in french language here : https://fr.slideshare.net/Fred2baro/la-whistlebox

My father built this wild automatic glass cutter with one. https://twitter.com/Eric_WVGG/status/1010952072139890694 [edit: I'm a dummy, this is built on an Arduino]

He also built a solar panel that's mounted on an upside-down bicycle frame, slowly turns all day to keep facing the sun. Lot of interesting math to track the sun across the calendar year.

I'm boring, just building a NAS with Nextcloud Pi. Although it will likely be built on a different board that's better-suited for NAS…

I use a B+ to run a print server. Its wired directly over serial to a receipt printer. Since it exposes a standard CUPS interface, I have a few bots that call it to print out things. (messages, memes, weather, diagnostics)

- 1x Raspberry Pi (older, not sure exact model) - exposed to the internet and acts as a bastion host for ssh'ing into other devices on my home network

- 1x Raspberry Pi Zero W - monitors several Wemo Insight Switches around the house and turns them on if they are in an off state (if the power goes out, the Wemo switches do not turn back on so I have to do it manually)

- 6x Raspberry Pi 3 Model B - running in a k8s cluster (1 master, 5 workers) doing nothing until I can find time to continue working on this project... found out I need to build Docker images on an ARM host so my CI/CD first choice did not work :(

I work for Codefresh, a CI/CD solution that has ARM support.

Maybe it can help you? https://codefresh.io/docs/docs/incubation/arm-support/

Nice, I'll have to look into this further!

Video playing through Kodi and nothing else. Nearly all other "competing" boards are either cheaper or more powerful or both, and more open, but the PI has the best CEC imlementation along with good video acceleration which makes it ideal for the task. The freshly announced PI4 seems a step in the right direction price and performance wise, although I don't expect the Pi Foundation (aka Broadcom) to solve the openness problem anytime soon, so although it could soon become my main video player I won't consider it for anything else, especially if security related.

1x RP3 running OSMC https://osmc.tv/download/

2x RP2/3 with HiFi Berry DAC driving an amp. https://www.picoreplayer.org/ connecting to http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/Logitech_Media_Server

1x RP2 running PiHole and Apache + Owncloud

1x RP3 running RetroPie

The OSMC and music players get daily use and have been in use for a few years

The Pi Zero W can act as both a USB host and a USB HID device, i.e. can act as a keyboard/mouse. This makes it a very capable bad USB/rubber ducky/automation tool with Wifi enabled.

I've created a small repo to demonstrate this. Connect a zeroW to a computer, the Pi will expose a hidden Wifi network that by connecting to it you'll be able to send remote keyboard commands (or execute ducky scripts) on the host computer: https://github.com/ozkatz/pi-remote-ducky

Pi-Hole, RetroPie, and for my 1st-grade son I installed Kano OS for his first computer. I see a couple of Pi 4s as upgrades in my future.

Also looking to get my SDR rig up and running on one of the other Pis i have waiting to be used.

Anything you've learned to share about having it as a computer for your first grader? I recently set one up for my daughter, same age, but haven't put much thought into the software side yet. She's played Minecraft-pi a couple of times, we made the cat meow in Scratch, and we used it to watch a movie the other day, but that's it so far.

Since I only installed the Kano OS image on a bog standard Pi 3, it's basically this without all the accessories. https://kano.me/store/us/products/computer-kit

It's great that Kano makes it available standalone. Kano OS has all the activities built into the image, including visual coding of Minecraft and other tools, and guided lessons around using the Terminal. Chromium and LibreOffice are also installed by default. There's also a curated app "store" like experience to add new games.

Installing CUPS to add our printer to the Kano OS Pi was pretty straightforward, so he also uses it for personal writing and printing out stories.

It's really engaging for our son, and provides ample time for parent-child learning opportunities to boot. We ended up getting the Pixel Kit while we were at it, and Kano OS picked up on it immediately and exposed all the lessons for it.

Hoping their move to Windows 10 doesn't leave their Kano OS image locked to a Pi 3, though. I'd love to upgrade his Pi to a 4 soon.

Kano OS Image: https://hello.kano.me/downloads/

I'm not really using one regularly right now, but here are the few things I've done with my Pis:

- Hosted a blog using Rails and a Cron that updated the A record on my Route53 domain to point to my local IP address. I'm not sure anyone ever read it, but I had it up for about a year.

- Attempted to reverse engineer a treadmill controller with the UART pins. I successfully figured out the baud rate and captured bytes, but never figured out how to control the treadmill motor board. I have a feeling the motor board had a problem.

- Connected a piezo element to GPIO and made a controllable alarm device.

Nothing that cool, really.

A programmable, annoying, rotating alarm. Triggered every time a Jenkins build fails.


1. RPi Model 2B: running Kodi, and connected to my TV. Utilized for watching movies from my NFS-shared movie storage drive.

2. RPi Zero: used to prototype a device for my company. The RPi is connected to a LimeSDR Mini and an UPS. Meant to work out some of the software and form factor for a deployable electronic warfare device.

I'm starting to replace RPis with ODroids for the most part. I'm actually waiting for 2x ODroid-HC2 to arrive any day now. One will be hosting a Syncloud instance, as I want to experiment with Diaspora social network. Not exactly sure what I'll use the other for yet.

Mine drives an LED pixel frame in my living room: https://www.instagram.com/p/BIgFP9dhkPZ/

With my 16 year old son, I built a weather balloon with one, including an Arduino, a few temperature sensors, a GPS, LoRA radio, and we're going to launch it next month. Having a hard time finding Helium.

As a further science project, why not liberate hydrogen through electrolysis? Much less expensive than helium, and greater lifting capacity...

good idea! I think we're just going to get a hydrogen tank, some protective gear, and go that route.

Don't most party stores have helium tanks?

I need 200 cubic liters and they won't sell that much

Welding supply store may be worth checking.

Yes they won't sell except to existing customers. New customer == no helium.

Shameless plug but run a basic weather station (currently in my room until I find a weatherproof enclosure) https://alonsoarteaga.me

We use them in our stores for digital signage - we use 60" screens in the store front and behind the food counters. We created web app that allows our Marketing team to allocate posters/menus/videos to stores or groups of stores. Changes are pulled by the store from the server every 60 seconds. If the store loses network connection it will just continue to cycle the existing images/videos until the connection is restored. Even with the price of the screens it's very cost effective compared to commercial offerings.

Among other things, I use it for a cycle-exact emulation of the Commodore 1541 floppy disk drive:

Firmware: https://cbm-pi1541.firebaseapp.com/

Hardware: https://www.hackup.net/2018/07/pi1541io-revision-4/ https://github.com/hackup/Pi1541io

Outside of off the cuff experiments, most of my Pis are provisioned as MotionEyeOS[0] security cams. Each client can be linked into a central "server" so you can view them all at once, and lots of nice config options for storing or sending image and video either continuously or based on motion. I have the streaming set up so I can peek in from anywhere using VLC on my phone.

[0] https://github.com/ccrisan/motioneyeos/wiki

Do you need one pi board per camera?

There’s only one camera ribbon connector on a Pi board, not sure if you could also plug in a USB cam or not.

1. Buy 8 of them with large-capacity SD cards, hoping to make an awesome Ceph cluster.

2. Build said Ceph cluster.

3. Become disillusioned with both SD and USB I/O.

4. Place all of them in storage.

5. Buy 8 Tinkerboards, hoping to make an awesome Ceph cluster....

A project I want to do: use an rtl-sdr to catch temperature readings from a BBQ thermometer off the air. Then push that data to prometheus/grafana and get alerting when the brisket is done.


* I use a Raspberry Pi Zero-W and a neopixel strip to tell me the time at night. This post describes part of it: http://www.thebacklog.net/projects/smart-light/

* Run a piHole at home.

Things I've done in the past:

* Use a Raspberry Pi as an intervalometer to do time lapses with a DSLR camera

* Make a photo booth for a 2 day workshop.

* As a cheap computer to run coding tutorials

* Monitor water levels in a hydroponics system using a ultrasonic sensor

* As a WiFi access point to access a wired network from my phone

Pi Zero running a digital picture frame that I made from a discarded 17" laptop screen

Pi 3B running adsb-receiver and feeding flight data into Flightaware, ADSB-Exchange, ADSBHub, FlightRadar24.

Pi B Rev 1 running node-red with a Jeenode decoding weather station data from my weather station. Sends data over MQTT to Home-Assistant.

I have a BananaPi M2 Zero running Armbian and doing nothing at the moment. It's likely going to be put in a box close to the ADSB antenna and take over ADSB duties in order to free up the 3B for AIY/Snips.ai experimenting.

At home: emulating old games, wifi hot spot (not needed so much these days) for hotel rooms with wired internet, and a plex server to serve videos to the kid's iPads in the car during road trips.

At work: show Grafana dashboards on our 4k monitors. Currently using model 3 which doesn't like 4k so much. I'm looking forward to upgrading to the 4 in this case, see if they are more reliable. The 3's like to crash/reboot periodically and really struggle to drive the 4k display at a decent speed.

I run Pi-hole off a RPi Zero W on my local network. Set it up over Ethernet with a bit of cron automation [0] and later expanded Gravity (the blocklist) along with firewall NAT rules to redirect all DNS queries to go through the Pi-hole [1].

[0]: https://paul.af/adding-pi-hole-to-my-local-network

[1]: https://paul.af/pi-hole-revisited

I wrote up a Medium post about what I do with mine: https://medium.com/@adamargo/how-i-use-raspberry-pis-for-hom...

Mostly home automation. 1x homebridge server, ffmpeg transcoder for security cameras, 1x for controlling an electric fireplace using an IR shield and power monitoring outlet, 1x for controlling model train switches and bridging that into HomeKit

I used to turn my pi into low power consumption devices and donate them to the solar berry project [0]. Side loaded with rachelpi [1] software that brings the better part of the internet to kids in dark regions of Africa.

[0]: https://turingtrust.co.uk/home/our_work/solarberry/

[1]: http://rachelfriends.org/

I built the RadioInstigator, a mobile SigInt attack platform for around $150.


If it wasn't for F5OEO's Rpitx library, I would have been stuck with non-SDR Tx. https://github.com/F5OEO/rpitx

Not using the Raspberry Pi yet but have been exploring the idea of using it as a way of delivering our educational content to rural areas of Zambia.

Idea would be to provide enough information in a booklet to get students to a point where they can power the pi and then teach them the basics of electronics and coding by building a power monitoring system, with the pi at the heart.

You can what we are doing here: https://localelectricity.org/

I have a few:

- v3 that runs RetroPie - v2 for PiHole - a zero W with a vibration sensor that I use to text me when my washer is done (turned off the washer's alarm so as not to wake sleeping kids)

1. RPi 1B (256 MB RAM) as my home phone/voicemail system, using Asterisk PBX (with FreePBX). Have used it since it first came out. 2. RPi 1B+ as a car media server with minidlna using a USB WiFi adapter. 3. RPi 2B as an ownCloud server. 4. RPi 3B as a LibreELEC (Kodi) media (streaming) center. 5. RPi Zero W. No use yet.

I have used the 3B for RetroPie as well in the past. I am planing on using a RPi for different kinds of webscraping in the future. I would also like to set up a NAS/backup server.

Besides the standard PiHole VPN so on I have several RPis I use. 1. I run Samba to manage access to provide AD to my home computers and manage the attachment of various network shares.

2. I have a RPi with an attached set of 12v switch controls that I use to manage various things in my Airstream trailer such as internal/external lights a backup shut off valve for my LP tanks as well as a watering system for plants that I keep in the trailer that I don't always get around to watering.

Homeassistant (Hass with mqtt and grafana), Octoprint, MotionEyeOS, pihole, pivpn, Donkey car, Robot operating system (ROS), and a wireless controller for my crazyflie quadcopter

I have one running pi-hole and Ubiqiti controller (powered by my router's usb port), one sitting under the TV running Kodi connected to a NAS, avoiding the need for discs (big plus when you have small children), one sat next to an old hi-fi which also links to the NAS and lets me stream music to the hi-fi, and a couple of older ones which aren't connected to anything having been replaced with newer models. Oh, and a Zero, which I've never found a use for.

I also do the PiHole + Ubiquiti controller w/ PoE, it’s a cheaper and more robust solution to the CloudKeys!

Really simple stuff, compared to the self watering plants, etc.:

- AdGuard Home DNS (Pi Hole was just not stable for me)

- Unifi Controller

- Torrent box (come get your Linux distros!)

- Always on platform to host various scripts on; one backs up my blog to Internet Archive when it changes, for example.

- Twitter bots that report the RPi status (just went down for reboot, etc.)

- Bot that watches Caltrain for delays and Tweets them to me.

- Platform to play around with orchestration, DevOps, etc. I learned Ansible using them. Still want to move it all to Docker, but that'll have to wait.

When reading specs of the new raspberry pi I decided I will buy two in the near future to serve as a desktop for my girls. I still have a raspberry pi 1b with 512mb. I was too soon and missed the free upgrade. Tried it once as media server. Was not impressed. After that I bought a pine64 with 2Gb ram that runs my bookmarks web application I personally use every day. Also bought the hardkernel mc1 cluster to play with. Still the support for raspberry pi is unbeatable.

1. Retropie 2. Pi-hole 3. Bluetooth presence detection 4. Previously ran a Hassio instance on one 5. Wireguard server 6. (HiFiBerry + Volumio) x 3

great for multi room sonos-like system

Does work-in-progress count? I have two with cameras I am attempting to rig up as a frontend/backup camera in my Humvee (very necessary!), hopefully w/ UI on iPhone

Things I use Raspberry Pis for:

* Pi-hole

* Home Assistant

* Processing assistance and PPP/Serial and tcpser connection for an Amiga 4000

* MyCroft personal assistant

* Octoprint for 3D Printing

* MotionEye camera management (Moving across to a NUC)

* A 4 node pi-zero cluster using a ClusterHat for distributed Pi approximation optimization I normally run once a year on Pi day.

Much of this is due to the segregated way my network is set up, and the Pis have largely replaced previous OpenWRT devices, although some of these Pis have now or are in the process of moving to other more reliable systems.

I run my own energy monitoring business. We use many RPi's for remote customer site energy meter data collection and forwarding to our cloud based REST servers. Once we got over the SD card issues, I have had zero problems and no hardware failures (including SD card issues) in four years now.

Because of the low cost, I always install two units on every site; one is powered and idle but ready to take over if the other fails. Not hot-standby but close enough for my purposes.

A Pi for UniFi, a Pi as a print server (older model) for a USB laser printer, a Pi as a print and input server for a thermal receipt printer that only has serial (or a 350$ option for a 10Mbit ethernet addon) + a button to fetch a hotspot code from UniFi and print it for a guest for limited guest access. And a free floating Pi for various functions, sometimes as an I2C board, SPI interface, Scan server, placeholder when one of the others is in maintenance etc.

Nothing too exciting. I've got an air purifier set up with homebridge and run a PiHole from it. I've also used it to practice setting up websites from scratch.

I have several Raspberry Pi's in use: - One Zero with AudioQuest Dragonfly for PiMusicBox - RPI v1 with a camera for motion detection - RPI v3 for HomeAssistant Hub

I haven't built it yet, but I want to buy some clickable rotary encoders, some knobs and build a light switch for my smart lights.

A knob you can click to turn the lights on or off, and turn to control the brightness.

A knob you can click to toggle between "natural light" and "color", and turn to control either the warmth or the hue.

Not sure if I need a whole Pi for this or if I should attempt it with something more bare-bones, but that's the project I have in mind.

- Network controller for my latest file server and video NAS, which is based on a USB RAID-1 drive. The box that produces the graphics however is a small Intel-based box (not a NUC though).

- Network controller (using CUPS) for a very old laser printer that only has USB.

- Various hobby electronics projects like controlling an Arduino robot via photo and ultrasonic sensors and wifi, developing networking software for ESP8266, and various other simple electronics experiments.

On my original pi, I use it to sense whether my washing and drying machine is working and sends me a notification when the load is done. It uses 2 adxl345 accelerometer with 1 pi. Instructions are on github https://github.com/jebeaudet/time-to-fold-alerter

On my rpi3, I use it for download automation with couch potato, sonarr and radarr.

I think I have at least one of every variant. I had fun playing with all of them. But in the end, I wanted to use one for a Linux development machine and it was always just a bit too slow to be useful. This one sounds like it might have just crossed into the lower realm for laptops so I'll give it a try. And yes, I know, using it as a development machine was not really the intended purpose, but a $55 machine is so tantalizing.

I have a Raspberry Pi 3 where I host my personal website including a nextcloud instance, with it I learned more about Linux.

With the release of Raspbian Buster I am currently rebuilding it because it was the first one I bought so there was plenty of residual stuff from when I had no idea what I was doing.

I have a Pi 3b+ I use as a Pi-Hole, samba share and whatever I want to try at the moment. I have to rebuild it after I "finished" with my site.

And I want a Pi 4, or two.

I have one pi3b+ running Dark Ice transmitting my local police scanner to broadcastify. I built it manually on raspbian and it was a bit of a pain to get setup.

I have a bunch of them scattered around my house.

2x LibreELEC media players 1x RetroPie emulation station 1c OctoPrint/OctoPi 3D printer controller 1x Home Assistant automation controller 1x Car PC project 1x retrofitted old alarm clock 1x hosting RTL-SDR stick in attic

One of the media centers is actually a Tinkerboard, but that's been annoying due to half-assed support and I'll be replacing it with a Pi 4 as soon as I can get my hands on one.

2 RPis running Octoprint for the 3D printers 1 RPi connected to the laser cutter which I'm currently fixing 1 RPi that I take with me and connect to from my phone through ssh (moving to mosh and a Bluetooth terminal when I get the chance) 1 RPi that I leave in the lab so people can play with it with numpy/scipy/octave 1 RPi that I'm setting up with something like Jellyfin for my home media server

If you don't mind me asking, which laser cutter do you have?

Hey, some random Chinese one from Alibaba that we assembled. It works great but we are using LaserWeb on a PC and I want to have the RPi handle it.

Experiments mostly.

Yesterday I tried steam link. Previously a vpn AP. Also a air quality mon. And a flightaware station. And a file server.

ie i Format it quite often and start from scratch

Which sensor did you use to measure air quality?

Right...back on a laptop - I purchased the item linked below. Amazon should have similar for a couple bucks more.

Integration part was easily...bit of hackey python does the trick.

Noted very slight buzzing sound which was irritating if next to bedstand. Not a major concern.


Don’t recall. Nova something. Like 15 bucks off amazon. Looking at the pictures they all seem to be same thing rebranded.

Measures 2.5 and 10. Def works ie reacts to window being opened but I wouldn’t stake my life on accuracy

Good for a project though

Fairly pedestrian uses.

One running OSMC (Kodi) media server.

One that manages nightly backups for all the machines on my network. Does wake-on-LAN as needed, uses rsnapshot to encrypted external drive. I also run Pi-Hole on this.

Have one in the office that serves as a terminal server via X2Go. Let's me remote desktop to office machines as needed.

I'm quite a fan of DietPi as my distro to use on these. I also use Ansible as much as possible to configure and manage them.

With an amazing team, I'm helping run a fleet of a few hundredish pi3/3b+ and hundreds of pizero-W cameras in an evolving automotive IoT solution.

It's definitely been a challenge using them in volume, but they've been surprisingly reliable once you control for things like heat dissipation and get a decent networking solution. (At our scale we're approaching having to decide if we want to be a MVNO.)

take a look at my project at cattlepi.com

Mine is running Hypriot OS (https://blog.hypriot.com): Everything on it is dockerized.

The coolest application: An Airconnect container (https://github.com/philippe44/AirConnect) which upgrades my mediocre Internet radio device with AirPlay.

After reading the replies in this thread, I just feel so inferior. I can't solder to save my life and here people have made amazing things. :(

I am using The Pi for

1) video security system using zoneminder

2) text and email me alerts

3) Automate lights/devices using 433MHz RF sockets, crontab and RF433Utils

4) A cloud storage for my files using owncloud

I have one set up as a sprinkler timer (https://github.com/callahanrts/sprinklers). Scheduling my sprinklers with cron jobs gives me a lot more flexibility over water times. It also runs a local webserver so I can turn a zone on for just a few seconds when I'm fixing a leak.

You should check out Open Sprinkler. I've got mine running on a Zero W in a docker container and it's been solid.

I use it to remotely start my computer. My raspberry pi is always on and i use "wake on lan"[1] to start my desktop whenever needed. My desktop is powerful and consumes decent amount of power. Using Rpi to start is lot more power efficient.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wake-on-LAN

I use it with Elixir - https://github.com/nerves-project

various IOT things - plants, HVAC etc etc

for real world: deployed "kiosk"/touch POS using https://github.com/LeToteTeam/kiosk_system_x86_64

I used several Pi Zeros with EnviroPhat sensor hats to monitor temperatures and light levels in my Bitcoin mine. I have a Pi 3 setup as a game emulator in the basement. And I used to chop up rc toys from the thrift store to make RPI robots to chase my cats:


Are the light levels important for your Bitcoin mine?

I use it to control my 3D printer: https://octoprint.org/

Absolutely nothing.

Because i still need to buy a micro HDMI cable :)

The plan is to setup a piHole, make a SMB share on usb HDD, and if it has enough juice left - connect it to TV and setup it with some streaming services.

I would love to have a small home server rack but both power costs and space constraints prevent me from setting it up. i might do it on multiple RPI's - and maybe add a NAS for storage later on.

I use it to run my automated watering system in my garden.


I used to use an esp8266 but replaced it with a Pi after a lightning strike destroyed it. The Pi is just so much easier to write software for and it's been no less reliable in practice.

Why would it be less reliable in theory? The obvious argument against is that it's 'expensive' [relative to what you need], not, I wouldn't have thought, that it's unreliable.

There's a lot more going on with a Pi than an ESP chip. More bits, more failure modes is my reasoning.

- Hosting personal website from my DMZ at home.

- SDR and packet radio (Direwolf) projects

- Kodi

- rpi zeroW with usb serial for connecting back to my house from work/travel.

I had more projects, but I've been able to replace them all with ESP8266's. Rpi is overkill to do simple things like toggle a gpio pin or take temperature readings. Use it if you have it, but it's nice freeing up extra rpi's with a $2 ESP.

I am planning to build Voip server using raspberry pi. Any idea how to start with this?

Take a look at RasPBX (http://www.raspberry-asterisk.org).

I keep buying them, but so far the only thing I've done with one was years ago when I entered an RPi-powered "pumpkin computer" as the IT department's entry to the company jack-o-lantern contest.

I keep meaning to buy a bunch of 'em and build a portable Erlang/OTP cluster. So far I've only done the "buy a bunch of 'em" step ;)

Personally I have a Model B running Alpine and SSH to receive incoming connections at home.

I’ve also convinced the company to buy 8 3B. Each of those is connected to a 1080p display through HDMI and each one of them boots raspian with chromium-browser in kiosk mode into one specific Grafana panel or playlist. I control what URL each of them boots into from Saltstack states.

A Pi 2 at work runs a Grafana playlist on a spare display.

A Pi 3 at home runs a Flask server that collects data from sensors around the house (ESP8266 + SHT20 for temp/humidity), and provides a web page that overlays sensor data on a diagram of the house. I've been curious about CO2 levels in the bedroom overnight, and have parts for that experiment on order.

1. A raspberry pi 3 on which I use git-annex to archive data on a bunch of large USB disks.

2. A raspberry pi 2 at a different location which provides off-site backups for the data archived by the first pi

3. A raspberry pi zero to run magic mirror on a leftover screen (I cannot be bothered to turn it into an actual smart mirror though)

4. And I recently added another raspberry pi 3 to play with RetroPie

I run a Newsreader server. It collects news from many hundreds of places and at any time offers a beautiful timeline view for all my screen devices: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=2381...

I have a Pi3 in a case that looks like a NES. I'm running RetroPie on it with a few ROMs I've found around the internet. It works pretty flawlessly.

When the pre-order frenzy for the Pi4 has died down, I'm going to buy a 2 or 4GB model and use it to replace the old and slow crappy Windows 10 box we're using to stream Amazon Prime stuff to our TV.

I made a fairytale phone as a present for a colleague's kid. I played with Arduino's before and this was my first Pi project. Pretty fun to do.

Roughly followed this tutorial: https://www.instructables.com/id/Fairytale-Phone/

I have a live stream of my bee hives, the pi reads the stream from the camera and frame copies it to the correct format for YouTube live: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2E5s3LTU9ObXjiOL7K8KPg/liv...

ffmpeg right? can you elaborate a little more on your setup please?

I have a script check Hacker News every hour for stories on VIM and Tweet them out. Love my Pi.



Pi3 runs piaware (aircraft tracking via rtl-sdr), pivpn, and pi-hole. Another Pi Zero runs an RF hotspot for ham radio stuff.

I tried making a "travel access point" with mine, so I could have all my devices already setup to access a single access point and funnel all the traffic through that. I was previously using a $20 router, but curiously the Pi 3B just didn't want to play ball, dropping packets / connections and generally sucking. :(

One Pi 3 running Pi-hole: One Pi 3 hosting a Picroft instance; One Pi 3 with a camera to experiment with simple video capture; One Pi 3 and several Pi zero W's on a custom network ( the Zero's act as temperature sensors in different rooms, reporting back to the Pi 3 as a control node; eventually it will be running our HVAC).

I use one to control a 3D printer with https://octoprint.org and another to integrate some smart home devices that are not homekit compatible with my homekit setup, using https://homebridge.io.

I previously used mine to drive my synchronised Christmas light display. It worked great one year, then for some reason the next year, retrieving the playback position of an audio file in Java was taking nearly a second (previously it was practically instant).

I never figured that out, so I bought a second-hand Mac Mini to power the display instead.

All headless:

One for Kodi+VPN. With yatse on Android I have my own Netflix and Spotify for my own owned content on demand whenever.

Another for a baby monitor that feeds TinyCamPro with audio and video

A third that is a slave Kodi to play music in different part of the house as well, but mainly to operate the electric gate from my phone.

About to buy a rp4 to build a synth with a keyboard I just got.

I just recently went on a vacation that included two 14 hour days of travel. I setup a Raspberry Pi as a Wifi hotspot for the car, added a 128GB USB thumb drive, loaded it up with movies, attached it to a 20,000mAh battery pack. My wife and son were able to watch movies on their iPads using the VLC iOS app for the whole trip.

I have a rpi2 I use as a low power server that keeps me connected to my irc server and runs tasks for me.

I have a rpi3 installed in my truck that acts as a media player. It also reads my OBDII so I know how my engine is running and other diagnosis information. I also use it to map wifi/bluetooth spots and other random data as I am driving.

I have a pi with a Displayotron HAT which is designed to wake me up with a loud klaxon noise if it detects service outage. It also emits a soft glow to show that all is well.

Aside from valuing my sleep, I have a lot of incentives to ensure it never goes off, including the fact my wife says she'll divorce me if she ever hears the klaxon :D

Better media center with Raspberry PI and Dropbox ( or whatever you like ) -> https://medium.com/@efazati/better-media-center-with-raspber...

My aspirational goal is to make a "mission control" panel for my kids - basically take a bunch of panel mount buttons and switches and combine it with an old monitor to make a fun toy! The Pi would control the monitor but I will need to add/design an input/output board to handle the buttons and switches.

I run https://pi-hole.net/ on a pi-zero.

I have a small Internet kiosk for one-off browsing and guests.

Currently, mine is running on an ODROID-C2 but the Pi 4 should have more than enough performance for one.

My setup is a stripped down install with a minimal window manager. There's only one icon for launching Firefox which is configured in an amnesic mode. The DNS is set to my Pi-hole.

I have a wall mounted 20" TV in my garage above the corner of my workbench. Use it to look up stuff or watch how to videos or just play music.

I love minimalism and part of my minimalism approach is not having vulnerable things in vulnerable places. So if the Pi gets destroyed because a workshop is fairly volatile, no big deal.

I setup a pi 3 running OpenLighting Architecture (OLA) connected to 2 ENTTEC USB->DMX adapters, connected to 2 Wireless DMX transceivers as an ARTNET->DMX gateway to allow our team to remote control all the stage lighting at the church via software without running cables to all the lights. Pretty cool setup.

I'm trying to write my own micro-kernel from scratch that runs on a Raspberry Pi 3B.

It boots up and has support for virtual memory, interrupts, timers and very basic multi-threading.

You can take a look at the source code here -> https://xbhatnag.com/xyos

1. Telegram chat bot from this rust crate: https://crates.io/crates/telegram-bot 2. Some web microservices that the chatbot communicates with 3. Pi hole adblocking.

This is all on one 3b+ with plenty of resources to spare.

I have 3 use cases for my RPi:

-PiHole as an ad/tracking blocker (adding PiVPN tonight to VPN into my home network)

-Plugging sensors to measure temp/humidity and controlling AC state (on/off) via IR Led (https://imgur.com/a/pYugqXz)

-Unifi Controller

Currently have one Raspberry Pi serving as a home git (Gitea) server, incase a widespread GitHub outage occurs. Good to have multiple repositories and take advantage of the distributed nature of Git anyways.


I created this project with my kids: https://greenido.wordpress.com/2018/10/09/raspberry-pi-as-se... Fun stuff!

Currently using Raspberry Pi to expose the speakers through the AirPlay protocol, since my AirPort Express died.

There was a time I was super into a project where I had a streaming server that used my Spotify account and would allow anyone with access to the server to change the song. I was basically trying to replicate what Sonos does with a Pi. It worked, but I abandoned it after a few months of not using it.

It was bought with the intention of using it as an emulator for old games, but it just sits unused in a closet.

I used RBPs when working on museums. For example as mini video players, to connect sensors and trigger a video or turn on some light, etc.

Also to serve as RS232 to wifi adapters. You'd be surprised how much stuff still uses serial to interface with the outside world (tvs, projectors, audio switchers, etc).

I've set up a SatNOGS (https://SatNOGS.org) ground-station using a turnstile antenna. I'm able to retrieve signals from satellites and assist the rest of the community to retrieve signals from my location as well.

I have multiple but the one I use the most has Kodi installed. It's connected to a projector and I basically use it as a media center streaming files from one of my desktops over the local network.

Another one is used more like a custom IoT hub/gateway for various BLE (and even some LoRa devices).

RPi2: Hass.io, switches the lights and reads my electricity/gas usage from mqtt. RPi1B: sends smart energy/gas meter values over mqtt to RPi2. RPi3: Recallbox, mainly for Mariokart 64 and GranTurismo 2 with my son but also does Kodi. Probably will be replaced by a 4 soon :)

Streaming via airplay (we have iphones at home). Currently connected to a jukebox: https://twitter.com/0x0ece/status/1137487161974972416?s=21

I run my new daily newsletter (btvdaily.com) from a Raspberry Pi 3. It generates the content and mails it out each morning (via Mailchimp) from my house. The website is not hosted on it though.

It also runs a Twitter bot I made that takes a picture of my backyard each morning (@walkburlington).

I use it for a personal project implying scraping some websites. One of these websites was behind Cloudflare (I think), and thus was blocking request from my OVH server. Therefore I used my Raspberry to do the job, on my own connection. I also put recently a Pi-hole on it.

I use a Pi 3 running FreeBSD 12 and CUPS as a print server for my Brother laser printer. The printer has an option for a network card, but finding one is many times more expensive than the Pi, and it's so old I wouldn't entirely trust it on my network anyway :)

I use them to convert old industrial equipment into oddball control surfaces. For example http://www.digitalesoterica.net/projects/honeywell.html

Pi-hole and Syncthing. And I have Apache installed that just spits out a list of upcoming Doctors appointments since I have a few of those a week and they frequently change. I don't drive and my sister drives my to appointments so it helps her keep track of things.

I used mine to build an egg incubator this year, http://www.velvetcache.org/2018/03/04/chicken-cam-incubator-...

Good question! I have quite a few Pi sipping small amounts of power here, so... Web server, mail server, gopher server, key server, NTP server, SMS gateway (with SMS hat), NTP client network reference clock (Pi Zero), MQTT server, Flightaware box, PiHole, XMPP server.

Doorlocks of our hackerspace has been RPi controlled almost since the original RPi came out, maybe 2013. Nowadays we got 4 doors on 3 RPIs (internal and external), with over 200 members that has access. Using MQTT to communicate with our membersystem since 2016 or so.

Please think about failure modes, and don't take these guys as an example: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10302686

Of course. Our system controls electronic latches in the door frame, while the door-bolt is unmodified - so all doors can be opened from inside without any electronics. Additionally there are separate fire-exits from all our rooms.

To run Kodi as a frontend to my Mythtv backend. The 4 out I am wondering how I could replace the backend desktop with a Pi. I would need to find a way to connect a TV tuner to it. That seems the biggest hurdle. My current card connects through PCI slot as I recall...

I spent a while figuring out the cheapest possible way of doing front end dev for a series of blog posts (that I never wrote) . The result was using a Pi3B+ and a lot of open source tools, Github and Netlify. It works so well I'm still using it for a ton of dev.

1 x Rapsberry Pi 3 as RetroPie/Kodi/Printserver for an old Dymo Labelprinter 1 x Raspberry Pi Zero W as Dakboard (http://www.dakboard.com)

I think i want to make useful wireless NAS out of a Pi 4 once.

- pi hole - NAS - Plex server

working on

super interested in the work Nick Busey has been workingon


tons of cool stuff, lots of awesome software to install.

I have been enjoying the open source community a lot lately


In production since 2016 with 3 x Raspberry Pi 3s. Very reliable - they only need a reboot once a year. These guys are hardcore - processing bursts of thousands of records from a serial interface 24 hours a day 7 days a week and shuffling it off to the cloud.

Did you do some work to run 100% from ramdisk after boot? Conventional wisdom says that the SD cards should fail eventually from log writes, etc.

Has anyone used it for any car-related mods? I share my passion between coding and cars so I'd love to push some boundaries there if anyone has tried before? Gauage display from sensor units, just a cool OS display for music, or maybe something cooler?

I have 4 raspberries running 24/7:

- 2x Raspberry PI 3B+ in my office running 2 custom dashboards with info related to my web projects. One also runs Homebridge.

- 1x Raspberry PI 3B+ running pivpn.io

- 1x Raspberry PI X running an energy monitor (bough it as a kit

I threw my first Raspberry Pi in the trash just last week.

- LED Light alarm

- Living room music player & "radio" streamer -- I need to set this up as an A2DP audio receiver too

- octoprint server

- Stratum 1 NTP server (GPS referenced)

If I didn't also have a "big" linux system running 24/7, it would be doing things like DHCP, DNS, MQTT server, etc.

I'm interested in learning more about your LED light alarm set up—I had a similar idea a while back but am less familiar with the world of Raspberry Pi.

Thanks for asking! I haven't documented it anywhere, and the source code isn't suitable for consumption by others. But, I can tell you about the basics.

I bought a "12V" LED strip intended for automotive use, and created a simple circuit with a +12V DC supply and an NPN transistor. By hooking the NPN transistor to a PWM output on the Pi's I/O (via a resistor), I can control the LEDs from nearly full darkness to their maximum brightness. Here's a tutorial that covers the same ground: https://dordnung.de/raspberrypi-ledstrip/

There's also a switch for "disable alarm no matter what" and "turn light on/off right now". (I also use it as a nighttime reading lamp, with the added bonus that it starts ramping down the brightness after about 25 minutes and turns off after 30: a good reminder to go the f--- to bed)

This all hooks to some not very interesting software to listen to the buttons, carry out an alarm schedule, ramp the LED intensity up and down, and so forth. In my case, it's written all in Python in a sort of timer-and-event-driven style.

Since this pi has wifi, one part of a traditional alarm clock is missing: it sets the time from NTP and applies the standard DST rules to obey summer time; there are no controls to set the time, and even after a midnight power outage it'll generally alarm at the right time in the morning, as long as power came on at least a few minutes before the appointed minute.

I've had a number of variations on homebrew light alarm over the years, AVRs and arduinos, TRIACs switching standard incandescent lamps, RGB LEDs simulating the sunrise color sequence, etc. It's the sort of project you can always do again and explore more of the problem space and find what works best for you.

I appreciate the writeup! I had originally looked into using the Arduino for this project but the prospect of handling times and daylight savings seemed like more crunch than I wanted to dig into. NTP is a good solution.

Have you found waking up to light a good alternative to standard alarms?

I am going to use one to try to replace my Echo Dot with. I only use Spotify, TP-Link lightbulbs and power plugs, timers, reminders, and weather, so I think replicating this functionality with RPi and Mozilla IoT Gateway should be a fun little project.

I have been trying to build an Rpi+eink screen laptop, using https://github.com/joukos/PaperTTY But haven't touched the project in months now.

One runs pi-hole, and maybe soon will also run pi-vpn. The other runs a small Nextcloud instance that I use for org files and such. In the past I also had magic mirror installed on one and used it as a sort of weather/reddit/news dashboard.

I used it as a ad hoc game camera last summer (we had something coming through our back yard, so wanted to see what it was, and I won't say no to buying more electronics I'll use once), but that's about it. Been powered off ever since.

1. pihole and unifi cloud key (not pleased that this is a requirement, but glad i can run it alongside my pihole)

2. retropie

3. commodore64 disk drive emulator! [1]

[1] https://cbm-pi1541.firebaseapp.com/

I got a RPi 3B+ to build and test some open-source amateur astronomy tools I contribute to - everything has been working quite nicely so far (I use Fedora on my computers and it also works fine on the Pi). I'm eyeing the RPi 4 with interest.

A Pi Zero W at work, controlling an LED from BlinkStick which change color depending on my presence and status, monitoring my position and calendar through IFTTT.

I I can also change it manually through HTTP GET commands on the BlinkStick server with my API key.

I've got a first-gen Pi that's filled a variety of roles through the years. Currently it's hooked up to an old black-and-white TV where I play old TV shows and the occasional youtube video (omxplayer `youtube-dl -g <url>`).

I rigged up something where by I can see and operate the garage door at home. It even works by talking to Siri to get it to do its thing...


One runs my 3d printer. I've also tried using them for robots and I've built a couple microscopes/telescopes where the pi ran the video subsystem. But for that case I always end up switching back to an Intel NUC or a laptop.

I didn't fiddle with it for quite a while, since I was bored of updating and using old code, so I removed it from the chain, but a few years ago I ran it as an ad-filtering, transparent proxy in my LAN. Very nice (for a tiny network) !

I used mine as a dlna server and file server, but I was constantly having to restart it or delete the database to get it to pick up new files I had recently dragged on to it. Has anyone been able to use one successfully for serving media?

I run minidlna on it to host music. No issues scanning for new files, but IIRC detecting new files was an issue when I ran Plex under docker on it.

Another friend of mine also used a Raspberry Pi with MagicMirror (https://magicmirror.builders/) to build a smart mirror. That was a neat project.

1x Raspberry Pi 3 to power a weather station sampling wind direction, wind speed, air temperature, soil temperature, air humidity, rainfall and push data to Weather Underground.

1x Raspberry Pi 3 to teach the kids how to code in Python and do math games.

I set up a camera facing the door to the apartment with it but I haven't gone farther with motion detection like I planned to. Also got some IR emitters to try to control the AC unit with it but haven't gotten around to it.

I have a bunch of headless Zero Ws spread around the house, each monitoring temperature and reporting themselves over multicast DNS


A lot of folks have said "pihole". I have a linux server at home that does my DNS and a bunch of other stuff. I also have a pi3 still in the box.

Would there be an advantage to me running pihole on the pi3 instead of on my linux server?

I still don't understand how pi-hole became so popular whereas privoxy didn't

A filtering DNS server is much easier to add into your network - don't have to play with proxy autoconfig, and because it's not mucking with the http content, very lightweight.

Better marketing and a cool name.

Energy use, probably. I bet the RPi uses a ton less energy than your linux server. But in this case that's not really a tradeoff since you'd be running your server in addition to the RPi.

I don't see why, its just neat to have a little dedicated device next to your router IMO.

Not at all. I run the service in a VM on a windows server.

Right now: I use it as a Flashrom rig, for flashing BIOS chips.

The new Raspberry Pi looks powerful enough to use as a media center PC, I ordered one and want to see if it can do that well enough (read as: I’m curious to see emulation performance.)

I've been happy for a year or two (not even sure, now that I think about it...) with two Pi3s running openElec. Both run over wired ethernet to SMB media server. I'm generally stingy with my storage, so I usually opt for the 1080p file sizes. I don't know how well or if it can handle 4K.

Beside the classical setup of homeassistant I have a telegram bot that parse the website of a local used camera gear. Sometimes you can find good deals, but they last a couple of minutes, so having the new deals on time is vital.

Hack NASA, mostly. Also it makes a great pihole and man-in-the-middle for phone apps.

Stepper motor control - I use the Adafruit DC & Stepper HAT https://www.adafruit.com/product/2348

Pretty easy to use, so far I like it.

I wrote a small network monitoring system to check jitter, packet loss, RX and TX speeds (single and multi threaded) on a regular basis. Had some troubles with an ISP a while ago and having metrics like this on hand are useful.

Pi Zero W running Pi Hole

Besides having to hit the reload button 10 times day or so, it works a treat

Like most people on here I have several raspis that I don't use. Two raspi zeros are wild life cameras for my dog. I like to see what she's doing when I'm not home.

One raspi 3 is a camera covering the entrance to my apartment.

RetroPi + [8bitdo N30](http://www.8bitdo.com/n30pro-f30pro/) controller is the best gaming box I've ever owned.

* A Pi3 running RetroPie. Might upgrade to a 4 if I can find a use for the 3. * An original Pi that I gave to my brother in law because he was interested in setting up a PiHole (he might have used it for RetroPie, though).

I use 2, one controls fans and pumps, linear actuators, and sensors for my greenhouse. The other does likewise (plus heaters and heat lamps) for my chicken coop. I prefer rolling my own to ensure it works without internet.

https://pi-hole.net. Just installed, very happy so far.

How do you deal with it breaking things like Amazon-based UI(Fire, Mobile shopping etc...)?

So far I have not found anything broken yet. I think I would go for a whitelist in that case.

I tried that in the past. Unfortunately shopping and multiple FireTV apps would break due to non-trivial data being sent from multiple domains.

I'm not OC, but my solution there would be to seek non-Amazon based UI :)

Of a number of different solutions, Amazon has consistently delivered the best UX for streaming, shopping, and wireless music playback. Why would I switch?

I'm sorry, what?

Have you tried searching for a show with multiple seasons on Prime video? It's a fucking joke.

>I'm sorry, what?

"Of a number of different solutions, Amazon has consistently delivered the best UX for streaming, shopping, and wireless music playback. Why would I switch?"

I view shows on Prime with multiple seasons all the time.

I used it to make a game about High-Fiving, and I got to show it at GDC! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RGjEkkfuwA

We're actually running multiple of them (different generations bought at different times, one is even some similar product)

* company ownCloud server

* company wiki, company IRC server

* private RaspberryMatic instance for doing smart home (HomematicIP) without cloud

A programmable, annoying, MQTT-triggered rotating alarm.

Used to annoy people when a Jenkins build fails.


There are so many amazing projects here, all of which are more impressive than what I actually get around to doing with mine! I really just use mine a simple way to play around with assembler in a simple environment.

I created an internet-controlled rover, with live camera feed. Tutorial: https://limitos.com/tutorials/rover .

PiHole service is the only project I run on my raspberry pi. Setup is not as user friendly as we are accustomed to these days, however, with a few hours you will have a robust ad/analytics block system in place.

I've been using the docker version of pihole for a few years now


It made the setup process really very simple for me

I have a Raspberry Pi 3 that functions as a multi-purpose home server (Pi Hole, laptop backups, data scraping jobs, etc).

I have another 3 running MotionEyeOS that I keep pointed out the front of my house to catch package thieves.

I just ordered a complete Raspberry Pi Set to grab CAN BUS informations of my old landrover defender to send engine metrics to a remote sink on my synology nas at home. Maybe incl. gps tracking. Thats my plan :)

I currently have three around the apartment attached to the network:

One running Seafile (https://www.seafile.com/en/home/) with an old laptop hard-drive connected via USB enclosure. It acts as my own Dropbox. I mainly store notes and photos on it and sync them to a few other devices for redundancy. It also has a Samba share with all of my music and has an open vpn server so I can connect to it from anywhere.

One with a HiFiBerrry Digi+ hat (https://www.hifiberry.com/products/digiplus/) connected to my sound system via toslink running an MPD (https://www.musicpd.org/) server. I can control it with M.A.L.P. (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.gateshipon...) on my phone. This one also has a 7" touch screen (https://www.amazon.com/Raspberry-Pi-7-Touchscreen-Display/dp...) which I use to sometimes display ncmpcpp (https://github.com/arybczak/ncmpcpp) inside edex-ui (https://github.com/GitSquared/edex-ui). This one also acts as the living room clock with an USB LED message board (https://www.amazon.com/818-Dream-Cheeky-Message-Board/dp/B00...) controlled by dcled (https://github.com/Conservatory/dcled).

Another with a GPIO breakout and breadboard with an individually addressable LED light strip attached. I got the idea from this Adafruit tutorial (https://learn.adafruit.com/light-painting-with-raspberry-pi/...). I wrote a program in Python to make it softly glow between random colors and sync to any beats-per-minute.

I'm partial to PiZero/Ws.

I have one connected to a big screen TV with a USB stick loaded with home videos playable using omxplayer. I use Raspicast to control the playback using my phone.

Also, like using them for projects using Rust.

I use it mainly for music streaming via Spotify (raspotify) and airplay. It's paired with an 10-year old EMU 0202 USB DAC which haven't had working drivers for OS X since Snow leopard or something.

I use one to receive GPS signals. Whenever I'm <500 meters from home, it turns on my air conditioner and starts making coffee.

Not fully automated since I still have to put the capsule in the morning, but works great.

1x nailed to my wall and acting as a jump box for my home network and a DNS server

1x running OctoPrint by the 3D printer

1x responsible for remote serial access to and cycling power on my RISC-V board

1x updates the weather on an e-ink display every 20 minutes

As I mentioned in another post in here I'm running a 4 Raspberry Pi Kubernetes cluster at work (based on K3S).

At home I use RPi Zero W for controlling my media centre in the living room (Mopidy-based) from my kitchen.

I'm using a Raspberry Pi 3 as an airplay receiver for music streaming at home. The software is called shairport-sync and is open source. My other Raspberry Pi 3 is a Retropie retro gaming console.

Lots of things, but the most useful yet is the RPi Zero USB stem which turns it into a dongle that gets power and network from my Mac. Very useful for quick and easy access to GPIO pins for ad-hoc use.

I have two Pis currently active:

1. Pi3: media server (minidlna), nfs & samba for backup to usb drive, Pi-Hole, weather station with BME280 sensor and gnuplot for graphing

2. Pi2: wifi bridge for my tv box

And two (Pi2 & Pi3) waiting for some use.

1x House power monitor 1x Solar power monitor 1x DVBT airplane tracking (flightradar.com) 1x Fridge temperature and humidity graphing for Salami chamber 1x Pi-hole (I also run a second pi-hole on a VM)

What sensors for your power monitor?

1x Raspberry Pi 3: Retropie powering a converted cabinet

1x Raspberry Pi 3: Home-assistant.io, perennial WIP

1x Raspberry Pi 1b: Prototype of Pandora streaming box w/pianobar and an LCD char display

1x Raspberry Pi 2: WIP for next rev of Pandora box

Have any of you done something with machine learning on rpi? Like face recognition or some fun robot. I'm looking at rpi4+google coral and it seems impressive enough to run interesting projects.

I have a script that retrieve photos from an attached camera and then uploads the images to an AWS GPU instance and train an image recognition model there. This is all for controlling my model trains :-)

I use my Raspberry Pi 3B+ as an AdGuard Home server, as an OpenVPN server, to wake my PC via WoL, plus as just a basic Linux box that's on my home network that I can remote into from anywhere.

> that I can remote into from anywhere

I've been looking to set up something like this, do you have a static IP or use an external server you could recommend?

All you need is a DNS provider with an API, and a check for external-IP change.

That's correct. The one I use is duckdns.org - it comes with a script that you can add as a cron job that updates the DNS record every few minutes with whatever your current IP address is.

I‘m running Bind9 and ISC-DHCPD on my Pi.

Having set a bunch of DNS blacklist zones to completly eliminate necessary of ad blockers on all my devices.

Following, I have set up dhcpd, thus I‘m not bothering about setting static IPs.

How do you maintain the blacklist? Is there a good community project around dns blacklists?

Meat curing fridge, plant watering system, LiDAR controllers on my truck

I have two that control fridges for cheese making and aging. I used to have one running a custom news aggregator my gf made for me. I use them as controllers for large scale art at burning man.

I use my raspberry pi to automatically delete my tweets: https://github.com/mkaz/ephemeral

I use it to monitor a Tilt submersible hydrometer to keep track of the fermentation status of my beer. It displays the data on a small oled display and pushes it to a couple of Google sheets.


I run home assistant, unifi controller and to test out restic backup to my nas.

I don’t maintain it that well, right now unifi is crapping out for an unknown reason, but my one access point still works fine.

1. Rpi 3 keeping my IRC session up and working as small server for small tasks. 2. Rpi 2 has zigbee-module (raspbee) which controls lights. 3. Zero W with camera is currently doing nothing.

Buy it, think of the cool projects I'll make with it, then hide it in the cupboard. Every few months I'll take it out, set up a webserver on it and after few days hide it again.

I've got a Zero running my PedalPi guitar pedal from ElectroSmash and a 3 running with a USB dongle as a digital radio hotspot (soon to be upgraded to an MMDVM board with PiStar).

I use mine to run and monitor my 3D printer remotely. I use octopi and the little webcam extension.

Since I have a permanent use for it now, I'll probably be buying a second to play around with.

retropie, pi-hole and running misc temporary servers like minecraft

How does it perform as a Minecraft server? Do you use any mods or just vanilla?

Vanilla. It’s so-so performance wise. A raspberry pi 2 has been good enough for our 6 player games. Newer models I’m sure would perform better.

Installed raspbian then stored it in the closet for 4 years unused

I turned mine into a simple Apache server. It's really nice to save a file and instantly see it live. If I like a program, I just save it and play around with on my server.

I have a Raspberry Pi 2,3 and 0W. 2 as a media and games center with RetroPi and Kodi. 3 as a Web server using LAMP and Wordpress. And 0W as a server for my non wifi printer.

I use a Pi as a bridge to control some lights using an Arduino and a 433mhz transceiver. It has a simple web API that IFTTT hooks into so I can use them with a Google Home.

I have a Pi 3 running Kodi, and I have another that I'm using as a border router for a thread mesh network. I'm going to get another at some point to run piHole.


Raspberry Pi 1B+: Streaming radio scanner to Broadcastify

Raspberry Pi 2B: Octoprint

Raspberry Pi 2B: Signage, looping videos on a 32" TV

Raspberry Pi 3B: Duplicity "server" (backup software)

Raspberry Pi 3B+: Web dev box


Raspberry Pi 1B: Hylafax server

Raspberry Pi 2B: Kodi

What are you using to play the looping videos?

If you need a professional solution for more than a single screen, consider taking a look at https://info-beamer.com (my companies product). Otherwise omxplayer has a -loop argument IIRC.

I’m using one as a smart lock so I can get in my house using my phone.

I have another one running HomeAssistant with a USB z-wave adapter as well as some esp8266/tasmota switches.

1. I used a Raspberry Pi Zero W to flash Coreboot onto my Lenovo X200.

2. I have a 3 B+ running RetroPie.

3. I use a model 1 with USB Wi-Fi adapter as a wireless print server for an old LaserJet printer.

Networked sound card that can also play by itself via ssh/screen/mpv when the main workstation is down.

That was the easiest way to avoid ground loops in my home audio setup.

What software are you using for the virtual sound device, and does said software work with Windows?

Pulseaudio with network plugins. It does not.

Maybe some ancient version does:


Pi 1 here. Sits on a shelf collecting dust. I use lower power or more specialized micros for actual micro work and old x86 parts for higher performance workloads.

I have a Raspberry 2, 3 and 0W. 2 as a media server with RetroPi and Kodi. 3 as a web server using LAMP and Wordpress. and the 0W to work with my non WiFi printer.

I have the original Pi. With it, I started a collection of various organic and inorganic particulates. The collection site is a shelf in the corner of my basement.

HTPC for local home IPTV, another one as a wifi camera photo forwarder (security camera), another one as ADS-B receiver for adsbexchange.com and flightradar24.com

PiHole... Also I have Transmission handling torrent files for downloading entirely legal movies, and keeps seeding them. I use MiniDLNA to stream them to my TV.

...plug it into networks I'm not authorized to with the default password and forget about it...

but I actually use one w/ octoprint for my 3D printer, really like it.

Primarily, an always-on node to run wake-on-lan (via etherwake) on other home network nodes, and to act as an SSH bastion when other entrypoints are failing.

I use one as a hardware ad blocker on my home network (the project is Pi-Hole)

I also attached a webcam for home security (motion-project) that sends me a gif over telegram.

- One running my home automation setup (zigbee2mqtt, home assistant, influxdb, grafana, and nose red)

- OctoPi for my 3D printer

- RasPlex (Plex client attached to TV)

- Lakka, an emulation OS for retro gaming

Run my home automation system with Gladys Assistant! :)


here's what I used mine for:

    - znc bouncer
    - tiny public http server
    - attempt at osmc/kodi
    - see how low (Hz) can it go while still be emacs capable (https://monkeyplush.blogspot.com/2012/09/raspberry-pi-underclock.html)
plans that never realized:

    - pi as electromechanic controller
    - pi as atmel flasher (thinkpad bios fix/coreboot)

Controlling a precision stage and camera on my 3d-printed microscope.


I have 1 Pi and 2 Odroid XU4. - Pi for Pi-hole - Odroid for VPN and home assistant server and also a CCTV. - Another Odroid XU4 for RetroPie games.

Feed my rat online – http://neelkadia.com/feedmyflash

I'm running CoreFlight on a rapsberry pi zero and I want to mount it on my bike with a GPS (and maybe some other sensors) to track my rides.

I haven't used RP before but I am planning to get one and use it as Voip server. I wanted to start with blogs but most of them are outdated.

call me a little paranoid but - a RPI security camera. I have it running locally on my network, capturing still pictures of cars/people/things walking by (I live near a train). Its really just a passive monitor, but I'd like to add more difficult things to it like tell me if someone comes within x feet of my house - phone me, or something, it works for now though.

got any tutorials you can point me to for something like this? I want to make a front door peep hole camera after someone recently stole a package from my apartment entrance.

- Huelights control - PiHole - NFC card hacking - ARM assembly programming - Kubernetes + OpenFaas cluster - Postgres DB (with SSD harddrive)

Current and former use cases:

1.) Arcade emulator box for a custom control panel I made

2.) Host machine for a twitter bot

3.) Octoprint server

4.) Virtual disk drive for an Apple II computer

5.) Internet connection quality monitor

I run PiHole on a raspberry 1 rev b. Going to get the new model to run a bitcoin node at home (instead of running it on my old laptop).

I use my Pi2 as a media player (LibreElec), and just ordered a Pi4 4gb which I'm planning to replace my ageing server and NAS with.

Mines not as cool as all the others here, but I use pi's to run all my homemade machines: A few 3D printers, pen plotter, CNC etc.

Mine runs my game http://decwars.com (or telnet decwars.com 1701)!

I have mine set up as a motion detector, weather display, alert scraper for local gas, electricity and bad weather condition alerts.

Unpowered in a drawer.

If yours has wi-fi (Pi 3 and above or Pi Zero W) you can always just leave it plugged in somewhere innocuous as a pi-hole. It's super useful and takes almost no time to set up, provided you can change the settings on your router to use it as DNS.

I'm scared that if the pi is down then the whole internet is down (i'm not always home with my family, so if I'm away I couldn't fix it). How do you manage failover ?

If necessary I can SSH in (if the pi is on) and troubleshoot. No one runs a business out of my home so Internet isn't super critical, and the smartphones have data connectivity if need be. I have a couple fresh SD cards in storage and take quarterly SD card images, so if it fails I don't have to rush out and buy anything. If the pi itself blows up, I can talk my wife through changing the DNS server on the router config page from her laptop, or she can just wait until I get home. Not a huge hassle.

Even so, normally you can set a fallback DNS server on your router, and you could have two little Pi Zeros on a plugstrip in a closet somewhere! (Or just set the fallback at opendns or something)

FWIW, I ran Pi-Hole on a RPi for about six months, and it was flawless (long enough for me to forget the root password :p).

One option would be to set up two Pis, and distribute both IPs in DHCP. If one is down, or can't resolve, clients will fall back to the other one. The chance of both being down at once (unless it's something that takes your network down) seems low, and the cost of a Pi Zero W (~$10) wouldn't add much.

How do your manage your router failing? Do you have a second one in hot standby? Sure, the pi would add a second point of failure but personally I never had a router or rpi fail, so I think the advantage of running a pi hole outweighs that increased risk.

Yep. As much as I’d like to play around with it, I have no projects in mind that aren’t pure-software and easier on my laptop, or just end up filled with pre-made solutions to save on support time. Shame, but there you go.

I'm making a toy that prints a nice message through a receipt printer to my coworkers when they scan their key cards on it.

1. Pi3 controlling my swimming pool pump (basically a fancy timer)

2. PiZero controlling a mousetrap (servoe controlled trapdoor with IR sensor)

IIRC Pi3 gave no access to hardware crypto so using it as a VPN server could be slow. Anyone know if that changes with the Pi4?

I monitor several solar plants with old syntronic inverters using node installed on rpi. Works 24/7 without any problems.

There are tons of great comments and use cases here. Perhaps I'll have to dust off my old Raspberry Pi and repurpose it.

For a while I had a doggy puppy cam running with a real old Pi.

Just grabbed a 3b+ to use as a dedicated Pihole DNS server for my home network.

I have 2 Pi3. Nothing special, one is for retrogaming (recalbox), the other is for files server / backup (raspbian).

I've a Raspberry Pi 3B hosting my NextCloud instance. That's the coolest thing I'm doing now with it.

RetroPie to run video game console emulators and MAME. Maybe the new version can finally run a proper N64 emulator?

1x Pi-Hole

1x Pilight (working together with HomeAssistant in a different machine)

1x sandbox (testing software, web stuff, etc)

1x Asterisk/RasPBX

1x backup manager

1x honeypot

1x bastion host

1x media player (also integrated with HA)

I have a pi0 running pi-hole on my home network, and another one running a network drive.

Just got the 4B to use as a Plex server

Using it to run an order scheduling system in store of an automated coffee chain startup we're developing.

3 rpi w 8mb camera to create a HD CCTV. 2 rpi to serving to 2 viewsonic touch screen 1 backing up PROD server

PiHole for one and Media player for the other.

Will be buying the new one to up my media player then I'll have a spare :-D

One RPi 2 for RetroPi, one RPi 3 for PiHole & PiVPN and one RPi 3 running motioneye as a security camera.

- WiFi garage door controller - OSMC x 2 - Stratux

I had PiHole, but moved it to a tiny VM in an effort to minimize cables.

What I would pay for is:

A preconfigured raspberry pi, maybe with case, that automatically saves multitrack audio from a USB card. When you plug it into a Soundcraft Signature MTK audio interface (USB soundcard), at boot it waits for sound and reads all the live input channels and saves them to disk.

That way, we could record the full multitrack of our sessions very easily, and not necessarily need to have a laptop computer involved.

Edit: I would also pay for this if it shipped: http://www.samplerbox.org/ which is a sample-box for a MIDI keyboard. So also taking instruments off a laptop and into a smaller device.

I don't know why people don't sell prepackaged RPis for a mark-up for installing software that just boots and has sensible defaults.

I've done this for clients as part of projects (automated firmware flasher sort of stuff) but never thought of offering it as a service. People definitely do do this (I know people have done for HTPC stuff, and as VPN boxes, and for adblocking) but I haven't seen it at scale. If you're interested, email me and we can look into making it a product.

I use to control WS2812 LED strip and synchronize it real time with the music being played in the party room.

Also- a PiHole.

Mine runs Domoticz. To monitor gas and electricity usage via a USB-P1 cable (which plugs into my meter).

DNS and DHCP server running on NetBSD.

openHAB home automation. The Raspberry Pi is a recommended base for openHAB and a prepared image is provided for easy use. I use more for other purposes but openHAB is the important one. The Rpi is also nice for it as many hardware receivers/transmitters are compatible

    Pi hole.
    SSH server for tunneling
Anything else that needs a tiny Linux box.

I built a device that pulls the weather from Darksky and displays it on electronic paper every hour.

Wearable computer with head-mounted display (Vufine+) and one-handed keyboard+joystick (Twiddler 3).

at an Airline, we are designing a IOT feed for Aircraft Turn Around processes (RFIDs, Cameras, Sensors, etc), fed to a Pi per gate and transmitted to a MongoDB with a custom made GUI, it's a prototype/lab kinda thing though not made for full production...

1. Programming AVR µCs via ISP/SPI

2. Home automation based on a 433 MHz transmitter

3. Media centre

4. Small router bridging from WiFi to Ethernet

I have one with a DAC running shairport-sync to recieve audio from iPhone and one running pihole.

It's a great paperweight!

I'm sure it does other things too but I haven't got round to it yet :).

All four of mine sit on a box of wires and parts, waiting to be used. Have for some time now.

I have one hooked to a RTL-SDR that pulls down Earth snapshots from NOAA weather satellites.

Anyone has any experience using it as a NAS? Is the I/O too slow for it to be smooth?

Tracking aircraft within radio range and feeding data to ADSB Exchange and Flightaware.

I use it to play old movies and video games with a projector in my bedroom. Super fun

Transmission daemon + Kodi + Running home assistant (just preordered the rpi4 4GB)

1x 3b+ Retropi cabinet 1x 3b+ Prometheus metrics scraping + grafana 2x 3b+ Volumio

1 x Pi3 running hassio for home automation 1 x Pi3 running osmc for some media

I run a print server on one of mine, and shairport for AirPlay compatibility

Stuck a 2TB disk drive on it and I’m using it as an offsite backup server.

I have used it as a server to control electronics, among other things.

- MagicMirror - Nodejs IoT Azure Gateway - Lamp server for Greenhouse

One raspberry pi to water the plants on my balcony every night at 4am

Internal network services. Mostly UniFi controller, Emby, Syncthing.

Pi-hole, and my home backup target using an external HDD and Samba.

1. Trello displays in conference rooms.

2. Admin terminal that sits on my desk.

pihole, nodered domoticz mosquitto for home automation, plex sonarr bazarr radarr jackett emby deluge for home media server, all in one little rpi3 and dockerized

A DNS server, running MyController, serving media in LAN.

I block all YouTube ads using PiHole in my local network.

Running a distributed database cluster TiDB as a Demo.

mine gathers data from my weather station and uploads it to various places. I’ve been thinking about using for some robotics recently though.

Pihole, Owncloud, Ambient particulate matter sensor.

I use it as a visualization server for my research!

i created a digital scoreboard that can be hooked up to a large led for sporting events, can be used.from rpi 2, 3 to a, b, and zero

Octoprint - 3d printer monitor & controller

Check out hass.io

Pentesting. PiHole. OOBM device for my Infra.

I got it running an OpenVPN server, love it!

I have setup RetroPie on my Raspberry Pi....

I have three connected in a Spark cluster.

I turned mine into an old Atari system.

piHole, UniFi Cloud Key, Wikipedia Bots (not for spam of course, these were officially sanctioned :))

Persistent IRC bouncer with Weechat.

It runs OctoPrint for my 3D printer

I use it run RISC OS on the metal.

main pi: pihole and google cloud print spare pi: retropie loaded with all the good goodies.

UniFi controller, Emby, Syncthing

SSH/IRC client for a VT420.

one as a baby monitor (shoutcast + microphone) and one for my weechat irc bouncer

With the Raspberry Pi:

I've made a four wheel drive robot called Rover that uses brushless motors and 3d printed planetary gears. It's all CC0 open source:





I've made a smaller classroom style robot named Skittles that also uses brushless + planetary and is open source:


I taught a robotics class using the robot Skittles, and the students did a great job picking up Raspberry Pi. There's a lot of tutorials on the web they found to do their work!


I've made a "fake Philips Hue" light out of a SK6812 RGBW LED strip to go with my existing Philips Hue system. That uses this github project:


I made a humidity controlled chamber for mushroom cultivation:


I've made an RTK GPS system using two raspberry pis and two $75 GPS receivers to make a GPS system that so far looks to be accurate to within a few centimeters (when you have clear sky).


I replaced our dodgy bluetooth audio sink on our stereo with an Airplay node using this software:


I've added a wireless front end to some of my 3D printers using Octoprint:


What else? Well I just keep going. Professionally I'm a robotics prototyping engineer and I cannot tell you how much joy I get from the Pi and the things I can make with it. :)

mostly for running pi-hole as a DNS server for my local network on it.

Is collect dust an option?

Smart dashboard for TVs

Keep them in a drawer.

Playing with retropie

Pihole and tvheadend

Kodi media centre.

pihole and instapy

ctrl + F 'emulator'. lol only 3.

Watch TV shows.

print server for an older printer




pihole with my rpi1

retropie with my rpi3

As a braille user, I was always fond of "laptops" without a built-in display, simply to save ssace, weight and power.

I found a braille display which features a small compartment with micro-USB inside. Used a Pi Zero (these days 0w) to transform that braille display into a full-features Linux laptop. I documented the first version here: https://blind.guru/brlpi.html

This is amazing! I played (very very briefly - like literally a 5 mins hands on) with a braille display sometime in the mid 90's. My dad was an early blind computer + speech user. like Apple II with ECHO-II speech synth kind or early and one summer had a visitor to the house with an earlier incarnation of the braille display. The guy had a whole load of adaptive tech with him but the braille display was the most interesing at the time. My dad never got into using anything like that, in fact never really got into portable tech as it was all still very big and bulky up to the point he passed away in 2003. I think he'd have loved getting involved in the Raspberry pi ecosystem and had he still been alive may have nudged me to making more use of them in assistive use cases. Thanks for the link!

This has got to be one of the coolest uses of pi ever. Amazing !


You make reference to fonts. I assume this isn't font in the traditional sense, ie the look (feel?) of a character.

Nope, I actually do refer to fonts as you know them. Long story short, prior to linux kernel 4.19 and brltty 6.0, only those characters that are mapped to a glyph in the currently loaded console font can be backtranslated to the actual codepoint. So to be able to read unicode braille (0x2800-0x28FF) I needed to load a braille font in addition to the standard latin glyph.

This dependency on the loaded font has been removed with linux 4.19 and brltty 6.0. Now, there is a new device (/dev/vcsu) which can be used to read the unicode codepoints of characters on the console, without having to go through the loaded font.


I assume its for differing reasons? You would want an X to always be an X and what feels most like an X to you, and not be worried about whether the X is Ariel or Times New Roman.

Does it extend further to do italics and such?

I had naively thought the screen would do all the heavy lifting in this situation, feed it text, and it converts it to braille.

I'm kinda concerned by the number of mentions here of using the Pi to run OctoPrint (I think that's right?) to remotely admin and monitor a 3D printer...

I've always been of the mind that a 3D printer should never be left physically unattended - even with monitoring (via camera and such), as they can potentially start a fire if something goes wrong (failed print spewing random filament?).

Is this a wrong viewpoint? Are there certain failsafes put into place to make the possibility of a fire non-existent?

I can think of a few failsafes (fire/smoke detector to shut things down, encasing the system inside a fireproof cabinet, perhaps with some kind of instant extinguisher system, filament/jam monitoring sensors) - are they enough?

Most of the 3d printer firmwares can detect heat spikes and stop heating the extruder to prevent fire and you can control your printer's power with rpi with a simple relay circuit. You can also setup a bot with camera to alert you via mail/message/telegram if there is a fire risk. These are the common precautions I have seen people take.

that's a very good point. Especially because there is a large community of hackers that love tweaking their printer (I'm one of them). Things like using the wrong voltage on a hot bed or fan can start a fire.

Here is an example of what this guy had to go through: https://www.thissmarthouse.net/dont-burn-your-house-down-3d-...

I agree, I use octopi but mainly because it is convenient and not to run it remotely.

I'm thinking of eventually enable remote printing though (just to be able to perform long prints), but I will have some safety measures installed before that. All of the below is probably mandatory for me.

* A webcam that I can watch from wherever I am (mobile and browser). Also with audio so that I can listen in on it. I think it would be possible to have an automatic system to listen (or watch) in on the printer to hear anomalies - but I will not have the energy to pursue that.

* I will be able to shut down the power via internet.

* Perhaps automatically shut down printer and then cut power if internet connectivity is lost - preferably with sms notification.

* A smoke alarm that automatically cuts power (will most likely be software controlled though, so not foolproof)

* A heat activated fire extinguisher (haven't done research on it yet but exists quite a few, popular for caravans etc.).

* Decent printer with good track record (prusa), and all the automatic protections enabled (temperature sensors giving up etc.)

I have not yet decided if the above provides a satisfactory level of assurance that nothing will go wrong. I know that just the webcam will provide immense ease of mind - but that is just me being human.

OctoPrint user here. I'm surprised that unattended printing is somehow supposed to be the primary use case for OctoPrint.

For me the point of the software is not to leave a printer unattended for long periods of time. To be honest, I don't see how OctoPrint is fundamentally different from the printers' physical panels in this regard: my printers did not come with deadman switches either! If I wanted to start a 2 week unattended megaprint, I could do that from the standard printer panel as well.

The draw of OctoPrint comes from the fact that it's a standardized and networked UI. It allows you to upload files to your printer, manage its settings, take a video of the print. It's a deluxe firmware.

I mostly use OctoPrint because it gives a nice web based interface that I can access from more than just the 1 PC that used to be connected to my printer. Being able to send jobs to the printer via the network is also pretty great.

I was touring one of the 3D Printer manufacturers when they were first setting up, in little more than a garage. I'm not mentioning names because, honestly, it doesn't matter. But I remember it being said "We aren't running the printers unattended until we've gone a full day without one of them catching on fire... I have no reason to expect that is still the case, but it's a funny memory.

I always think how i would feel about a known fire in my house. Would i leave my fireplace unsupervised for a longer period? Definitely not, and that is the one place that should be fireproof.

I use my Octoprint mainly for three things:

1: Controlling the axis for manual bed leveling (yes i level manually)

2: Upload the gcode files to octoprint (no fiddling with micro sd cards)

3: Watching the picam. So i can sit in another room, but so close to hear if a motor jammed or something else.

You can also get a small automatic fire extinguisher like they have for grow rooms and over stoves to help mitigate. Having that in an enclosure with some leds and a webcam would be a decent mitigation. Checking in on the print every now and again is a good call too.

I've heard that purging the 3D printer with e.g. CO2 gas is something that you can do to improve layer adhesion. It should be sufficient to prevent fires also? Seems most plastics have a limiting oxygen concentration of around 16%. Purging from 21% down to, say, 15% requires that one adds 40 L of CO2 (at STP) to dilute a 100L chamber. Your typical 2.6 kg small CO2 bottle that people use for home-brew beer kegs would last for at least 35 fillings.

interesting thought but it's hard to seal up a vessel for any length of time. you could perhaps do a positive pressure vessel that slowly leaks from inside to out. (this is a common tactic in clean rooms with purified air a psi or two more pressurized than the hallways so the clean air always flows out to the hall.) not sure what the effects of leaking CO2 into your room would have though.

I wonder when we will see the first 3D printer that can validate what it is printing via some camera and image recognition software.

And maybe even correct errors it made a second ago ;-)

Stratum-1 time server using a GPS module; was a pain in the neck to set up; reminded me of the old days, compiling kernels on a 386, or building things on Ultrix. Served its purpose for a trading project though.

I should probably do something else with it as its been gathering dust for years now.

Could you maybe go into more detail on your "trading project"? Very interested!

Using one for a DMR (ham radio) hotspot.

Plan on using one for a GPSDO data monitoring.

The problem with the RPi is the SD card file system. It’s just not reliable enough. I have had better luck with the Beaglebone Black, which as on-board eMMC.

I have 1 in my dmz running wireguard (VPN for safe public wifi browsing) and nextcloud on ubuntu 18.04. Another inside my network running Freedombox for Privoxy and Searx.

I don't use it, I never got around to it because I'm not actually all that interested in computers, at least not in the sense that I thought I was.

I bought a Pi 0 W. The USB port failed on it. Sent it back, the second did the same. Booted probably about 10 times in all. That was the end of that.

* DHCP server for my LAN

* DNS server including pi-hole

* headless bittorrent client (transmission daemon)

* NFS and miniDLNA media server

* git remote

Pi Hole!

I think I'm just going to nope out of this one before the over-engineering makes me want to burn the world.

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