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Boeing's deliberately defective fleet of flying sky-wreckage (pluralistic.net)
52 points by unclebucknasty 37 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

After reading that piece, I’ll do my best to avoid flying with a Boeing airplane. I hope the author survives his article.

So after years of investigating, the worst the they can find is Boeing knowingly using a defective galley (kitchen)?

I’d say it’s a sign to buy Boeing stock?

The article mentions at least a dozen defective parts.

> Swampy sent his own inspectors to the factory floor, and they discovered "dozens of red-painted defective parts installed on planes."

It also mentions that employees were regularly ordered to commit felonies by managers.

This points to something seriously wrong with the company culture.

However, this is public information likely already priced into the stock. So it wouldn’t surprise me either way which direction it goes from here.

What horror show exactly are you imagining that you think this isn't easily, on its own, bad enough that Boeing should be immediately shut down, its shareholders zeroed and possibly sued, and its managers - if not arrested pending trial¹ - then at least universally barred from ever running a company again?

I mean, I think Microsoft is a deeply damaging company and should have been split up at the least, but heck, at least Bill Gates has never had an employee murdered. I didn't know this was even in the cards for modern-day multinationals that are not, say, the Mafia. One assumes that, as a company gets big, it distances itself from the criminal actions of individual leaders and develops protocols to handle problems. Apparently at Boeing, these protocols include felonies and also murder. How is this not, blatantly, a criminal enterprise that you've for some reason left in charge of a massive part of public transportation, instead of in jail?

It seems to me like Boeing is American Wirecard. And that led, eventually, to arrests and a government inquiry into its own failure to do anything sooner. I expect no less from America, and I think its citizens should demand it.

¹ "Arrested? Is that necessary?" "Well yeah. They're clearly a flight risk."

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