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Quote : "A Jerusalem court rejected the petition shortly after it was filed, and hours before 'The Bibi Files' is scheduled to debut at the Toronto Film Festival"

Censorship in the only democracy of the Middle-East ;)

full article : https://archive.ph/iMed0

I don’t understand - the (implausible and unenforceable) request to censor was rejected, right?

I think the idea is that having the Prime Minister even request to attempt censorship of civilian information, and be shot down like this, is an embarrassment that makes the whole country, and its attempts to broadcast a good image to the world, look like corrupt, stupid rubes.

(Yeah you can tell I bloody hate this government.)

quote : Israelis and Palestinians are making a terrible mistake by looking exclusively to Washington to solve their problems, says former negotiator Daniel Levy.

Quote : So far, Israeli air strikes have left more than 42 million tonnes of debris across the Strip, according to the UN. That’s enough rubble to fill a line of dump trucks stretching from New York to Singapore. Removing it all may take years and cost as much as $700 million. The task will be complicated by unexploded bombs, dangerous contaminants and human remains under the rubble. ...

'They're Ashamed and Hurting, but They're Leaving': Doctors Are Moving Away From Israel on an Unprecedented Scale

Quote : 'It's a new phenomenon, of the past few months, and I'm concerned that it will only intensify,' warns a senior administrator at one of Israel's largest hospitals

full article : https://archive.ph/6rs9m

There is a degree of depravity rarely attained in our current era, the moral compass is definitely broken or revealed some might say.

In 2005, the American Association of University Professors spoke out against this form of protest amid calls for scholars to spurn Israeli institutions. Now, the group says boycotts “can be considered legitimate tactical responses.”

What happened to the guardian journal after the WikiLeaks scandal and revelations and how it was dismantled

Quote: "Apparently bribes. Yes, bribes! It turns out that early Wiz investor and current Wiz board member Gili Raanan, head of Israeli VC Cyberstarts, has been accused of paying bribes to major CISOs for buying software from their portfolio companies like Wiz. The bribes came in ..."

Hamas and Hezbollah exist in reaction to Israel politics, actions and crimes operated during the last decades. Context is key. Words like terrorists could change like we saw with PLO or the ANC in South Africa. What doesn't change is the inalienable rights of a people to self determination.

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