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deep learning

There's a node candidate named "DRAICON BALL"... https://icon.community/iconsensus/candidates/

You mean something like this? https://youtu.be/YaA3dAJz6sI?t=45s

TVbeat | Zagreb, Croatia | ONSITE | https://tvbeat.com/careers#jobs

  - Senior Software Engineer - C++
  - Software Engineer - C++
  - Senior Frontend Developer (AngularJS, D3.js)
  - Software Development Engineer - Frontend
  - Software Engineer, Backend, C++, Threading
  - Senior Product Manager
  - Technical Support Engineer
  - Dedicated Support Engineer
  - Dedicated Support Engineer
  - Client Service Executive
  - Big Data Engineer

Thanks, I'll check it out.

  Big Data Engineer at TVbeat, Slovenia
  A real time TV audience measurement startup
  More info: http://tvbeat.com/job/big-data-engineer

> Otherwise it's like saying that HTML was initially very cumbersome and, simply because of that, you're willing to dismiss all the cool things happening with HTML5 nowadays.

But HTML wasn't cumbersome. It wasn't (isn't) the most elegant format either, but it was simple and fun to use, people were excited and enthusiastic about it and published their pages. IMO, these early adopters were critical for making the critical mass that eventually led to the WWW explosion.

If you make the parallel -- that critical mass has never happened with the Semantic Web / Linked Data. How many Linked Data people are really eating their dog food and using RDF today? A way too little, and that's what matters.

I like the tutorial. One thing that catches my eye though is the unnecessarily complex example from the beginning:

    .text(function() {
      var index = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(this.parentElement.children, this);
      return (index % 2) == 0 ? 'Even' : 'Odd';

No need for calculating the index variable - it's already provided as the second argument of the function passed to the text() method:

    .text(function(d, index) {
      return (index % 2) == 0 ? 'Even' : 'Odd';

Or in javascript..

  new Array(100).join(1).split(1)
    .map((function() { var i = 0; return function() {return ++i;}})())
    .filter(function(x) { return !(x % 15); })
    .reduce(function(x, a) { return a += x; }, 0);


Languages for a particular paradigm:


Example: http://hypernotation.org/data__/dbpedia/Functional_programmi...

Example: http://hypernotation.org/data__/dbpedia/Imperative_programmi...

Example: http://hypernotation.org/data__/dbpedia/Object-oriented_prog...



Example: http://hypernotation.org/data__/dbpedia/Clojure/rdfs__commen...

Influenced by:


Example: http://hypernotation.org/data__/dbpedia/JavaScript/dbont__in...



Example: http://hypernotation.org/data__/dbpedia/Lisp_(programming_la...



Example: http://hypernotation.org/data__/dbpedia/CoffeeScript/dbpedia...



Example: http://hypernotation.org/data__/dbpedia/Miranda_(programming...



Example: http://hypernotation.org/data__/dbpedia/Arc_(programming_lan...

Paradigm: /{LANGUAGE_NAME}/dbpedia2__paradigm/

Example: http://hypernotation.org/data__/dbpedia/Common_Lisp/dbpedia2...

File extension: /{LANGUAGE_NAME}/dbpedia2__fileExt/

Example: http://hypernotation.org/data__/dbpedia/Python_(programming_...

Not every language has all the properties, in that case '404 Not Found' is returned.

More about the project: http://hypernotation.org

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