GPT-4 and claude models work great, but these cost some money. Some users were very interested in running these on Ollama, but it didn't work very well for any batch methods.
Well, you are not really seeing an eye in a mirror, you are just seeing a representation of it. The medium cannot depict all the dimensions and details of the object, so again you are able to see depictions, representations, and simplifications of it, but never truly be able to grasp the object itself.
Sure you can say that everything I see is technically a representation in my head. But there is very much a shared reality, a domain of objects and state of affairs for which we both agree about the presence or absence of the same representations. There's a difference between a value and our measurement of a value. If every multimeter we touch to a battery reads 5.9v, its possible the battery is actually 6v and every single multimeter was coincidentally wrong. However from the inside the situation is indistinguishable from a 5.9v battery. We may as well accept the reality of our perception and its representations as the real thing per se, because even if it is delusion we are still stuck playing by its rules as if it were real.
I am "really" seeing an eye in the mirror in the sense that I'm seeing the same thing other people would call an eye, and thus it exists in the shared domain. To have a shared domain of objects and facts is to have a common ground. There is no "object itself" for us to reach out and grasp outside of our mutual perception of objects. We might all be in a computer simulation. Doesn't matter. The conversational/perceptual reality is reality.
Right, it's a three dimensional object projected onto a two dimensional surface and your knowledge about it, from looking into the mirror, is merely superficial. What's to say our world isn't a five dimensional space projected onto four dimensions? What can language say about anything, everything, and the universe when great amounts of it is hidden from us?
Why not remove the ability to set a key to the null value then? Raise an error in the compiler. It seems pretty undesirable to have undefined behavior in the language, and if high performance is one of your goals, remove the ability for users to do the low performance things.
Seems like an interesting way of doing it. Why generate the argument configuration from the documentation rather than generating the documentation from the argument configuration? Where there some pain points you wanted to solve from `getopt`, etc.?
Kind of neat that the configuration is the ground truth and that you can't update your interface without updating the documentation, if I understood it correctly.
A river flows in one way rather than another because the particles that form the river have momentum one way rather than another. The reason they have this momentum is because the surfaces of the river interact with the air, obstacles, and the rock bed underneath it, and then pass on momentum to internal river particles, which pass on that momentum to other particles, etc. In this way, is the river not processing information regarding things it can directly "observe" about its environment at its surface, as well as the things it has experienced in the past, then processing that information deeper and deeper, until it ultimately leads to a decision on which way the river flows?
Its a complex system but I wouldnt say its processing anything.
I suppose for what I'm calling processing there needs to be some order. Things that do processing (our cells, processors, etc) use energy to keep some order in the system (keep lower entropy than their surroundings by using energy from those surroundings). Whereas the river is just at maximum disorder relative to its surroundings the whole time.
You could make a water computer where water flows through pipes and collects in cups and then the weight of the cups implements AND gates and OR gates and so on. But in that case the order is provided by the pipework and the energy input is whatever gets the water to the top of the system (and maintains the pipework from being worn away over time)
This is cool! I suggest adding some more hints to indicate how important/relevant different papers are. Maybe some tags to classify papers in different fields, and number of citations or amount of discussions online as a metric of how big a paper is? (I know that's not a great metric but I think it's still better than seeing a bunch of papers and not knowing which ones are worth reading). You can also spark discussions. Seeing "0 comments" discourages anyone to look at the comments, but even having an AI-generated summary as a comment can be encouraging and spark discussions. Just a thought.
This is great! I've been looking for something like this for a while. My only question is: does this do constraint-based modeling like other CAD software or do you have to specify individual parameter values?
Hey. I'm glad that this is what you are looking for. At the moment there isn't constraint based modeling. However given that you have a programming language at your disposal you can model your constraints yourself.
Would you accept a PR for first-class support for specifying constraints between variables (and object measurements) as part of the language or would that be divergent with the goals of the language? I find it to be an important part of SolidWorks etc. because often times I'm trying to build something where I know one of the dimensions is constrained a certain way but that's not how I'd parameterize the object. And I don't want to be doing math for e.g. calculating the diagonal over and over again as part of calculating parameter values or modeling constraints, I like that in Solidworks that's part of the package. I believe this issue is important to other mechanical engineers as well.
However I do want to say, great work, I think a programming language is a great step forward for CAD regardless, and this project seems to be pretty well done!
For sure I would accept a PR! One of the goals I have here is to try and make it approachable to expand for others. If you have an idea on how to make this work please feel free to work on it.
To save time up front I would suggest doing a bit of design work. Feel free to make an issue and post things like example code snippets of how you would like to see this work. We can work together to make this feature a reality.