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Just a quick bug report: the "Strokes" counter resets to the rolled number before you click a destination

Enjoyed hearing about this on The Changelog recently!

I got a "cease and desist" type email from one of these (Tracer AI) last week. Really annoying, but I guess spam is a prime LLM use case...

Spam is, when it comes to it, basically the only proven LLM usecase at this point. Everything else is all a bit 'jam tomorrow', "doesn't really work now, but it'll be magic soon, we promise!", but it has very much revolutionised the spam industry.

What's the difference? Is it just being able to manage billing in a central place? The actual offering and price seem identical to just giving people their own account, right?

Isn't that an important difference for enterprise?

The new checkbox that's required to log into WordPress.org:

> [ ] I am not affiliated with WP Engine in any way, financially or otherwise.

From the article I expected a link to very long terms, but this feels very on-brand for the pettiness of the whole drama so far.

I might be wrong, but I think that it might even be illegal in some countries like France.

Except for banks, business are not allowed to discriminate customers and refuse to serve equally everyone. Imagine like saying you are not allowed to take gas in a shell gas station if you are an employee of Exxon or something like that...

I mean yeah, something like this was bound to happen. It'll be interesting to see what becomes of the WordPress ecosystem after the current crises is 'resolved'.

From my view, WordPress usage was definitely already in decline, but its status as an entrenched juggernaut kept it relevant. Perhaps bringing attention to everyone that quietly used WordPress means those people will start to look for alternatives?

Personally don't feel like it's going to shift much.

For devs who make a living off hosting/plugins/themes they might keep an eye on things but why move if the money is still coming in?

For users, I doubt much of them will ever know or care -- unless you're on WP engine.

Wordpress is still the most widely available, cheapest and easiest (for non-tech user) to customise software to make a website with.

If I were a WP plugin developer / hosting provider I would be scared out of my buttocks and look for more reliable environments. If they do it to WP Engine, what stops them from doing it to me? Seems to me that it's just "Automattic doesn't have a problem with me" which might change at any time.

Good luck, which more reliable environments should that be? Every other system is too small, or has too much fractions.

Speaking as a user of wordpress (hosted on my own infrastructure, not theirs), this is an entertaining - if pathetic - fight between two entities that doesn’t really involve me.

What would change that, and make me more likely to abandon Wordpress (taking the money my business spends in that ecosystem with it), is if things start to happen, such as a login checkbox with potential legal implications, that gets in my way of using the thing that Wordpress wants me to use.

Whether or not that sentiment is shared across a larger subset of wordpress users I do not know, but I have a pretty strong spidey sense that this crusade is burning down the countryside it’s supposedly trying to save.

My gut says there are sharks circling this issue waiting to pounce once this storm passes. They want to see it gutted so they can strip the carcass to the bone and try to extract rent from half the internet.

Enshittification comes for everything, eventually.

I would assume it's pronounced like ref-sys, which seems not too bad to me.

> such as fourth-generation programming language (4GL). If you’re not familiar with that term, suffice it to say that the Wikipedia page lists several examples, and Cobol has outlasted most of them.

I'll have you know I was approached for a FileMaker project not too long ago!

cries in maintaining our entire business backend in Aestiva HTML/OS

The king is worth 1024, so as soon as you have a 1024 piece on the board you can capture the king to make 2048 and win the game

Then maybe he shouldn't be King XIII, but King MXXIV ;)

What happened here? Did someone buy the rights to the original Winamp? The linked site doesn't look very related to the original Winamp.

Oh great. Yet another bunch of people trying to claim their not-at-all-Open-Source custom license is actually Open Source.

Hopefully one day they'll actually Open Source it. I mean, they're trying to pretend it is, so why not just do it properly?

Thanks for sharing. Wonder if they've ever heard of color contrast. Dark blue on dark blue is not very readable. Had to highlight the article to read it.

Looks like a bug in their light theme - it's using the dark theme's background. There's a theme toggle top-left to switch to the still-functioning dark theme.

Guessing they probably started with a light theme then retrofitted a dark theme & rolled it out without realising it would regress the existing light theme.

Coincidentally, I thought it was this bug that bit you; it was reported a couple of days ago https://github.com/mui/material-ui/issues/43823

I'm not seeing that colour combination -- are you sure you don't have Dark Reader or some such add-on enabled..?

Nah, I'm on my work computer. No browser add ons. Just standard chrome in dark mode. Clicking the light/dark toggle on the page (as some others suggested) does fix it.

Here is a screenshot of what I see if you're curious: https://imgur.com/a/eRchEn7

I also don't see the bugged light mode until I allow 3rd party scripts on the website in uBO

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