Interesting how this is the opposed of fitness recommendations where it’s all about mTOR activation to build muscle with protein or even pure leucine supplements. That would imply a strong inverse correlation between muscle mass and longevity, but I’m not aware of research showing this, even maybe the opposite. How do you explain this apparent paradox? Maybe the problem is mTOR over activation, not an intermittent one, kind of like insulin? In that case phases of muscle building with autophagy in between (ie intermittent fasting) could be the best of both.
And what is the content people scroll to? And how does one become a celebrity in the first place on IG or TikTok? And what teens do all day long? Yep, sharing their live.
I share your experience, but for me it is just the one of a millennial getting older.
Not only sensors: in Europe I don’t see how driving in small towns could be possible without communicating with other drivers and pedestrians, and reading custom signs. Maybe add a robotic hand to the list of required hardware.
See this is exactly what is wrong with “this time it’s different” here. AI has been useful and used for decades (but under a different name because the term was tainted by previous bubbles). Look at the section “AI behind the scenes” here
What’s the point if the capacity to deploy good products has been lost in the process? What if what you see as unreliable was at the hearth of what enabled great things to happen. This is a typical caveat of a programmer centric organization. Things get more reliable but more frozen and innovation die.
I don’t understand this argument, Google is a giant monopoly worldwide in many markets compared to Apple who only has a slight advantage in only one market. Google own the web (search), mail (Gmail), maps (Gmail), videos (YouTube), smartphone (Android)… Apple is smartphones in the US.
That's a really surprising example. Paris has nearly identical crime level to San Francisco.
From personal experience, I did not feel particularly safe in Paris when visiting (compared to e.g. Berlin).
Moreover, Paris has several neighborhoods and suburbs that are very unsafe and most people avoid going there. One could say Tenderloin in SF has a similar reputation, but it's very small and easy to avoid.
I think OP was referring to shootings. In France, as in most of Europe, it's not trivial to get access to guns. So the risk of getting shot in Paris is small, but of course you still might get stabbed.
I was talking only about shootings. But if we are comparing anecdotes regarding your example I happened to also live in one of these unsafe suburbs, and visiting LA, SF or Chicago and getting in the wrong neighborhood seemed order of magnitude less safe. Gangs are not armed, you don’t hear gunshots at night or people screaming in the city center, and you don’t encounter aggressive drug addicts. All of this never happened to me in decades in Paris but did in one trip to the these US cities.
This is not the original title, which is "Database Diagnosis System using Large Language Models". LLM as a diagnosis tool seems indeed like a really good use case as the paper show, but the changed title imply the point is replacing the whole role.
So someone has to say "yes, please commit this change to resolve the issue", that hardly feels like a role remains here, just the DBA manager is needed now.
You care indirectly because if the articles are search engine optimized it means they are gaming the search engine by being artificially ranked higher. It’s the role of the search engine to find relevant content to your question impartially, not of the websites themselves. As a user with SEO what you end up seeing is the website that is saying “it’s me!” the loudest, instead of real search results. But I know that boat has sailed, SEO has won and real search engines are dead.