I mean I love it but it's not exactly a thing that needs a proof of concept, and is more than a little surprising to see google still having fun with such a small toy! Maybe that's the better takeaway, google labs is allowed to have fun again.
So? Any video generation model must necessarily be able to do this. (consider the case of generating a pan-over of a chess board where the starting input frame is only the first pawn and rook, the model should know to generate the rest of the pieces in the style of input pieces)
ooh theres that super confusing bug .. well another bug that im finding out about too late ..., if you tried to drag and drop file from explorer to the website then it wont work, but in the same time it will show that drop indicator which is confusing, I completely forgot to implement the importing on drop and in the same time I didnt remove that indicator, well stupid me, honestly I havent got many people to test it so it is what it is ;/
> The most recent incident was in May 2021, where Google announced they're working on an update to Google Chrome that brings back RSS support. But there has been no word on an official launch since it was announced years ago. It's unclear of what the implications of this feature will be.
The feature is launched. Base don my experience: Any site you "follow" will appear in the "Following" tab of the new tab page, and I have seen these sites also pop up in the feed of my Pixel phone (Google Now?)
Given that where I live installing a heat pump water heater costs over 20 years' water heating electricity consumption for me, and it would still use some electricity, so the payback period would be even longer: no, thank you.
Every so often I do the calculation to see if replacing my fridge would be worth it. The payback period is about 15 to 18 years for that. A new fridge would have more even temperatures throughout the cabinet and better temperature control, and be quieter, so I still review it every now and then.
Obviously my internal discount rate for investments is over 6.7%.