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This was the one that really stood out to me. MOOCs, bootcamps etc are wildly popular now and vary massively in quality. It's very easy for candidates to look good on paper but not actually know the technical side as well as they should. More importantly, software engineering is one of the few jobs where you can get a (somewhat) quantitative measure on prospective performance so it's natural to take advantage of that.

I'm not saying that All Coding Tests Are Good, but they do provide a modicum of certainty in a very uncertain environment.

The canonical source for learning Scala from scratch (at least, when I was learning a couple of years ago) is the Coursera course by Martin Odersky, one of the language's founders. It appears that the course has grown somewhat, but you can still find part 1 here: https://www.coursera.org/learn/progfun1

I took the course - unfortunately, and to be honest, it didn't have the approachability and "fun" of Zed's books. To me - it felt very dry, academic, and quickly became a chore to complete rather than a joy. I need the version aimed for "C- python programmer" / newbie rather than "eager CS student" or "experienced Java dev".

  >> Coursera course by Martin Odersky
Brilliant course.

Unfortunately, the next one in the series is not nearly as good.

I think you underestimate how much having something tactile, with buttons and LEDs, can really shift how younger students perceive learning. I volunteer teach a group of 8/9 year olds an intro to programming class and the difference between teaching them Python using CLI-esque tools and making things light up on the micro:bit is astounding.

Is that age group the best age to learn? I notice they're targeting year 7/8/9 in the UK - is that high school?

The ages for education/schools in the UK:

     5-11    -> Primary School
    11-16    -> Secondary School
    16-18    -> Further Education (often called college, or Sixth Form)
    18-21/22 -> Higher Education (University/undergraduate)
Some secondary schools are large enough/have enough expertise to have a Sixth Form as part of it. Some children go to "preparatory school" until age 13 when they enter a secondary school.

Yes, in the UK high school starts in year 7 (age 11-12)

Maybe you are right, I am just thinking it would be harder to to get a program to do something interesting.

I think you have it backwards. It might be easier to print "hello world", but that's not interesting.

Blinking an LED? That's actually interesting. You can show your friends. You can put it in another toy. A child can do a lot with a blinking LED.

I heard a good rule of thumb to follow when drawing Feynman Diagrams is that the fewer lines there are, the more probable the occurrence of the event represented by the diagram. So at the simplest case, a single line representing an unchanging particle, is far far more likely than any two particle interactions (3 lines) and so on.

This is true if the system you're trying to describe is weakly coupled.

If the theory is strongly coupled, then in fact more and more complicated diagrams count more and more. In this case the method of Feynman diagrams because basically useless---in the case you describe you know you can get most of the answer from a simple calculation (of the simplest diagrams). But if more complicated diagrams count more (as in strong coupling) then you don't have a place to start, because whatever diagram you pick to start at I can make more complicated and be confident that my new diagram counts more than the pieces you've computed.

In that case we need a different approach, the most generic of which is lattice field theory



Roughly, though it is actually the number of vertices and depends on the particles involved (obviously a diagram representing something very unlikely is less likely than some normal process)

I think that's just the nature of the query. Every single one of the first page of organic results for me is exactly the same: http://imgur.com/cypF0He

I'd be interested in seeing that when it's ready!

In the meantime check out Hitlistapp.com - though I'd like to see brad0's as well!

Strange app, claims my UK mobile number is wrong.

I'll send you a message once it's somewhat working.

If you include their laptops then they're all double screen really

no not really.

my laptop screen is dramatically smaller than my normal screen and the dpi differ as well. so screen + laptop <> 2 x screen.

Nothing groundbreaking, but good analysis rarely is.

I'd be interested to see the relationship between comment karma and age of post though - do earlier comments always get more attention?

The "What am I looking at?" section (http://www.chromoscope.net/1.4.1/what.html) says that they are:

"Don't worry, they aren't holes in the Universe being ripped open by creatures from another dimension! They are actually just gaps in the survey."

Good to know, though they could be better marked so as to less obviously mistaken for dark areas.

This is the big next step that a lot of people were expecting - where in-depth studies into all of the competitors occurs and it's gradually revealed that this defeat device game has been played by almost everyone in the industry. It'll be interesting to see the repercussions for the automakers, but inevitably this'll end with sweeping legislation changes and reform of the testing protocol and standards.

This is a very good bet. The "defeat device" turns out to be using a feature of the ECU platform provided by the ECU supplier. It would be surprising to find that VW was the only maker to cheat, when the cheating mechanism was available to everyone.

There are some markets, like voting machines, where requiring open, buildable, verifiable code is good practice. Cars might be another.

I was thinking of voting machines as well and think publicly verifiable code and hardware would be a good thing for cars (I don't think it's good enough for large scale elections, but that's another topic).

See this story about the need for open source for large publicly used systems: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/23/nyregion/volkswagens-diese...

ps. just reading this in a post from Bruce Schneier[1] that is currently on the frontpage as well[2] which is about cheating software as used by car manufacturers and the IoT that is coming up:

    Voting machines could appear to work perfectly -- 
    except during the first Tuesday of November, when it 
    undetectably switches a few percent of votes from one 
    party's candidates to another's.
[1] https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2015/09/volkswagen_an...

[2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10304428

The only problem is that hardware to verify ECU code is an actual car of particular model with equipment to analyse exhaust. Or very precise mathematical model of it which would be much more expensive and would probably require super-computer to run.

Industry self-testing has always been a bad idea. You make it sound like legislation would be a bad thing here.

It was a response to the large numbers of new models being introduced (each with a couple of engine + transmission combinations), such that the EPA and NHTSA were unable to keep up with the testing load each year.

In hindsight, those agencies should have been staffed better. Additional legislation (which is sure to come, if only so Congressmen can appear to be doing something about the problem) wouldn't have helped, as the cars didn't meet existing laws as it was.

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