It is a ChatGPT wrapper behind AWS Lambda. We use gpt-3.5-turbo model.
The extension sends the text of the commit message to Lambda. Lambda asks ChatGPT to grade the text for politeness, constructiveness, and agreeableness. The score is the average of those 3.
It can be helpful in any text input. We decided to validate the idea on GH for the starter because most users can try it as a Chrome extension. If the idea gets some traction, it can be extended further.
Four years ago, I found a small niche for a tiny project. Not that there were no solutions yet, but all the existing solutions lacked accessibility aspects, so I decided to develop my own, introducing the accessibility flavor [0].
The scope and limitations I had:
- Should be framework-agnostic
- Should require the minimum effort in installing
- Should not conflict with anything on the page
So, Web Component was the perfect candidate for the lib.
The framework-less approach felt overwhelming, and lit-html smelled like Polymer. So, initially, I picked up Stencil. It is still fantastic for creating component libraries, but it happened to be overkill for a tiny component. So in a few years, I rewrote my WC without Stencil, and now it feels just right.
I developed several more Web Components professionally in the past few years. I saw them as a perfect fit for the problems I had to solve. The scopes of problems were similar:
The extension sends the text of the commit message to Lambda. Lambda asks ChatGPT to grade the text for politeness, constructiveness, and agreeableness. The score is the average of those 3.