I'm sceptical that you can create entire apps. It might be good to get an MVP off the ground, but once you need to modify code it gets exponentially complicated because: 1) you're not familiar with the code AI wrote and 2) what it writes is generally more complicated.
Identify all the elements that sap your attention and either have a way to prepare beforehand or a strategy to avoid them.
Example: I make sure to choose music beforehand so I don't have to choose something adhoc, and put my phone away to minimise social media distractions.
My version of that is to turn off my internet connection, by unplugging the modem. (After I plug it back in, it takes about 5 minutes for the internet to come back up.)
5 mins!? Why would it take so long? This is 10 years ago but my DSL (telephone) and then cable internet connection would not take more than 60 seconds. Now it's less than 30 seconds.
Lock in is definitely a valid concern, I emailed customer support and they replied with this:
Certainly understandable to worry about lock-in! We do try and make data exports as easy as possible. You can use our Backend API directly to retrieve all data for your users except for passwords: https://clerk.com/docs/reference/backend-api/tag/Users#opera...
If you need encrypted passwords in the export, you can contact our support team who will verify your account and provide a link from within your Clerk Dashboard to download the complete export directly.
Head of support at Clerk here, can confirm this is accurate. We're right at the finish line with a project that will give you a secure export of your full user data through the dashboard without needing to email support as well.
We are very committed internally to making sure that folks using Clerk are doing so because they want to be, not because we have made it difficult to leave.
The first line from the agile manifesto: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
It's all about communication and hiring. I've found agile to ensure the bottom 10% participate in important discussions (stand-ups, refinement meetings, feedback on process in retros).
If you hire the right people that take initiative and over-communicate, a lot of process suddenly seems unnecessary.
Amazing. I've tried co-pilot and tabnine extensively and I think it solves one of the major pain points both have: not having an easy way of inserting/modifying code it generates by providing an interactive patch style interface.
That, and the autocomplete is more accurate and faster (I think it has access to recent history and clipboard?)
If you're seriously worried about your health, the only solution is to reduce your working hours. If you're making decent progress with side projects and you have the financial means (no dependents, no debt, savings) I would quit your job if you think you prevent overwork :).