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Maybe the service wasn't illegal, but he is still a criminal. Just look up his history what he did to the warez scene with his friend Gravenreuth. He also was involved in other criminal activities, so I don't know how people can say "The poor guy".

I don't think he care much about internet freedom and he would probably sell his mom if he could make money with it.

PS:(google translation of a paragraph on https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Schmitz)

"Schmitz, who claimed to be a "highly talented high school" placed at the boarding school at Plön have visited, in reality, Henry Harms school, a school principal Plön. After leaving school he spent two years in boarding school Rohwedder, a facility for adolescents with behavioral problems."

I would sum him as fat, retarded, wannabe hacker chav with a strange drain to criminal activities, who try to place himself in the center of attention. He couldn't get attention without doing this things, because nobody would give a fuck about him.

I would sum him as fat, retarded, wannabe hacker chav

I was with you up until this point. None of those things are relevant to whether he engages in criminal behaviour.

I agree with your point, but would you really trust sensible data to such a person, which is known as a liar? I think the risk is too high. Lying to customers can also be fraud in some cases.

Regardless, prosecuting someone in an illegal fashion for something that wasn't a crime is something a government shouldn't do.

That's true and the USA also did a lot of things wrong. I just dislike that he get that much support now and people see him as a star, just because of megaupload. I doubt that the guy changed his mindset and he will stay a criminal.

Yet you still maintain your anger at him and not the agencies who "did a lot of things wrong."

Still, breaking the law to prove someone is breaking the law taints your claims; and these claims have taint all over them.

Well, the EU is already experienced with lobby work. It shouldn't be a big surprise for the most.

A bit of topic, but wasn't tm the expensive tld which you need to register for 10 years? When no can you tell me where you registered yours?

Yeah, it is, but I have a long commitment to my last name. :)

Sounds plausible. I had also a lot of luck with a .ch domain, which fits my lastname ;)

I notice a huge growth of the links to .io domains here :P

I already have far more than I should, as you can get some really nice names which are normally taken. Now if only I had a use for -any- of them.

I'd order one, but paying that much for a domain is too expensive.

Facebook and privacy in one sentence. Seriously ;)?

How about not using facebook? I just don't see the value in it. The most people post any bullshit on facebook like "I'm in the train now. It's warm here." I think it's a waste of lifetime to read such things. There are a lot of other things to do and new things to explore, which are more fun and don't monitor your activities all the day.

Facebook is the electronic total surveillance, just on a voluntary base. They have enough users and nobody seems to care much about it, so it won't get better.

maybe you should recommend them some other tracking sites, so that they can add them to their collection ;)

I know this cases from work:

* perl.org => pornography * duckduckgo => web proxy * google images => image sharing * flickr, devianart, youtube, vimeo etc. => media sharing * HN => hacking * securityfocus => gambling

There are more cases, of course. That's why I use tethering to access the internet at work ;)

What are the arguments for using Haskell over Ruby? For which purposes fit Haskell better?

thanks, should have looked up this source..

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