The best way would be the movies. I learned to speak English the same way. While starting out focus on getting the overall meaning right instead of getting lost with semantics. good luck
It would be awesome if you can make a video /course on a topic you think everyone should know. I would be happy to pay for it to learn more about taxes.
So I didn't get to speak with everyone but I wrote up my experiences and put up on HN. If you'd like to speak again in future just let me know there!
i'm not a personal finance guy, although i did take that one class on private wealth in b-school.
I'll give you a quick one: mortgage interest deductibility makes basically all rent vs buy decisions a no brainer if you are any sort of normal net worth.
I wish voltaire witnessed this or the free speech proponent of earlier decades saw this. Today being conservative is presumed the worst crime against humanity, having a different opinion on things popularised by mass hysteria is absolutely repulsive. If the silicon valley does this, it is they, who will be doing an unimaginable damage to themselves and everyone else.
Today you can be murder, and con women and rioter and terrorist or any other hundred different other repulsive things yet in the eyes of "Liberals", "Progressives" and "feminists" you would be better than a conservative person.
Free speech warriors really waiting for rally behind Mr. Thiel or else change your name to hypocrites.
If I were uber I would simply say "thank you for participating in this experience, but we would like to end our relationship here and wish you all the best for future". People fell love with uber because it offered them freedom that was non existent in the traditional car service. It was and still a breath of fresh air about what they have been able to achieve.
Today if under stops it services in the US it may loose good amount of customer but the bigger loosers will be drivers because, like it or not, they made more money due to uber. It will just be like the thing that happened with home joy.
1. Learning how to learn(Coursera)
2. Mathematical thinking (edx)
3. Cs50( edx )