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Merry Christmas to all on-call folks too!

What do you guys use for on call managent?

We recently began trying out https://github.com/linkedin/oncall

The smart notifications you are mentioning are from Google Maps. You can disable them individually by going to Settings -> Apps -> Maps-> Notifications and then unchecking everything under "Your contributions". But I agree they are anoying.

Or slide a notification about one-third to the right, then adjust the settings that appear.

I am playing with a RetroPie based gaming system on an rpi3 and all nes and snes games I tried worked without any problem. It even works for PS1,though I only tried one game so far.

Dos games are hit or miss, and it does horribly for N64.

> Dos games are hit or miss, and it does horribly for N64.

Use an optimized video plugin, such as (shameless plug): https://github.com/tachiweasel/mupen64plus-video-videocore

I used to have problems on my Pi2 with N64, but enabling overclocking fixed those issues for me :-)

Proving that the code was used to aid a company is not a good measure of the seriousness of of the crime. What if you take the code and store it on a device with really low security? You don't share it, but you allow "hackers" to easily take it, so you are in fact aiding competing companies.

I like my Pebble a lot. A had Sony LiveView before it, and, even though it's not color, it cannot even be compared to it (I haven't seen the Sony SmartWatch though). Other grat things about it:

- managed to get 9.5 days out of the battery, having it connected to my phone only during the day

- there are some really cool watch faces available already

- the hardware packaged within is impressive, even if developers can't access it yet (compass, accelerometer, bluetooth 4.0).

I do think they might have trouble with their users hearts. If you read the comments on the Kickstarter campaign, they are filled with dissapointment regarding repeated delays and lack of communication. They haven't done a great job at keeping their backers informed.

This even has a name. It's called a "smudge attack"


RavenDB knows auto indexes, though I haven't tried it yet. http://ravendb.net/

They might also think about bombing the US because they don't want an "atheist capitalist state" to have nuclear power. This kind of non-argument can go both ways.

Only if you think that a free liberal state like the US, and a theocracy like Iran where (for instance) they hang people for being gay is in any way morally equivalent.

I was under the impression the US is the only country that have used atom bombs in anger?

I don't trust the US just like I don't trust these Muslim states. Neither are really pro-freedom.

People should read the posting guidelines before down voting.

I am wondering if Google will implement an Ingress play mode especially suited for Glass. It would be really nice to walk around town, be notified when you are near a portal and be able to hack/link/whatever that portal without taking your phone out of the pocket.

Someone on HN recommended "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" by Oliver Sacks. I was fascinated by how fragile "normal behaviour" is.

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