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Started selling pasture raised eggs last summer. First we had a flock of 150 but soon we ordered 150 more. We kept them in the Susckovich style chicken tractors[1] and sold directly to customers through Reko-rings (Facebook based farmers market). We gross around 3k€ per month with around 2000 euros profit per month. The chores take 1-2h per day and the deliverys around 3h per week. Our web page is at www.paivarinne.farm It's in Finnish but at least the pictures are nice :)

1: https://farmmarketingsolutions.com/stress-free-chicken-tract...

but how much does it cost to feed 300 chickens?

Around 25€ per day + VAT. They lay 240 eggs during day now thay it’s winter. We sell them 50snt/each (VAT included). We feed them soyfree organic feed.

Especially monks and nuns do prostrations as part of their prayer rule. Some do hunderds, some do even thousands prostrations during their prayers. We use prayer rope when recitating Jesus Prayer[1]. Prayer rope helps count the prayers but also it gives your hands something to do while praying, so it's easier to focus. I usually have one in my pocket and I roll it in my hands secretly while in meetings or sometimes even during typing code. I don't really pray then but it reminds me of the spiritual reality and that my boring Teams-meetings and stupid Jira-tickets aren't the purpose of my life ;)

1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_Prayer

The widespread use of the prayer rope with jesus prayer in orthodoxy is very recent, like second half of 20th century. Both things are ancient but the rope was more associated with monastics and some specific balkan regions where they were popular. The jesus prayer has been common but the modern hesychastic application of it was basically practiced only by monks until JD salinger made the way of the pilgrim popular.

You hear about this practice a lot on the internet and it is very familiar to english-speaking converts but this practice is not typical among for example greeks christians in greece, or even most russians I don't think but I'm less clear on that.

There are variances in the traditions also here. In Russian tradition all the people in the Church do prostration during the eucharist prayers where wine and old are turned into Communion, and also before they partake the Communion. But in Greek tradition they don't do any prostrations during the liturgy. Prostrations aren't forbidden on Sundays but if you partake Eucharist you are not allowed to do prostration during that day.

In Finnish same. We actually have a separate verb for that kind of laughing: hihittää.

Maybe Cobol?

Pärt's speech at St. Vladimir's Seminary is worth watching [1]. Extraordinary figure. Greatest composer of our time and - I'm afraid - last great composer.

My second favourite Pärt-clip is Björk interviewing him. [2]

1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qh-kjp2hLCw 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfqEAZCYcHI

A deep interview with Arvo Pärt's wife Nora (for Estonian Televison, 40 minutes, with English subtitles): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zssKYgi-aHQ

Oh, and a documentary, "24 Preludes for a Fugue" by Dorian Supin. You'll maybe notice some of Arvo Pärt's quirky sense of humor there as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRwTgme1_KE

Thank you for the documentary link. I've been looking for a certain Pärt video I came across years and years ago without success. But now took a small peak to that and I think this is it!

Like kagi.com?

We already produce food out of thin air using plants. It’s called photosynthesis. If you don’t want to eat those plants yourself you can feed them to ruminants and they’ll turn them to meat and fertilizer for you to grow more food out of thin air. It’s more nutritious and tastes much better than these weird inventions.

The problem is land area.

> Today, almost half the world’s habitable land is used for agriculture. Of that, an astounding 80% is dedicated to livestock grazing and animal feed.

> We need more forests...they are home to many billions of plants, animals, bacteria and fungi whose complex metabolic interactions make up the biosphere with its crucial role in stabilizing the climate.

The article also mentions that photosynthesis is "surprisingly inefficient," which is why there's room to drastically reduce the area we need to feed our livestock.

Bannning biofuels would go a long way to reducing agriculture's use of land.

Trying to improve the efficiency of photosynthesis is one of those "what could possibly go wrong?" ideas.

Sure but the idea at the link is more like fermenting our food in vats. (Or at least our livestock's food.)

what about hydroponics? that doesn't need vast amounts of horizontal land

Yep, and also takes up a lot of area, requires a lot of water, and produces CO2 (the ruminants, that is). In other words, it's not sustainable after a certain point. But you probably knew this already and wanted to give a provocative take in the vein of: "eww, mommmm, that thing is yucky I don't want it where are my nuggets??"

And then there's the fact that killing all those countless bacteria just for food is pretty cruel. Not vegan!

We already produce way more food than is needed to feed the all the people in the world. It's not about the amount of production but how we distribute the food and what are the intensives when doing that. Giving more power to ag-corporations haven't worked past 30 years and I have no reason to believe it will in the future.

> Giving more power to ag-corporations haven't worked past 30 years

On the contrary. World hunger has declined dramatically ever since the dawn of the industrial revolution, due almost entirely to large-scale mechanized agriculture and modern plant breeding.

It did take a jump in the last few years, but that was due to the pandemic, not a failure of agriculture.

Pretty much the only thing that can produce famine nowadays is war or a completely fucked-up government (sometimes war and a completely fucked-up government). Again, that's not the fault of modern agriculture.

We aren't going to go back to a world where guys with shovels and buckets of manure produce all the food. For one, they couldn't possibly produce enough food for the current population. For another, the "guy with shovel and bucket of manure" model was dependent on the guys being some type of unfree labor (serfs or outright slaves).

I like living in a world where 90% of the human race isn't digging turnips by hand, with an overseer standing nearby with a whip.

Cool project but please delete it. You’re taking the fun part out from bouldering and just leaving us the labour ;)

Edit: apprently I wasnt the first to make this joke. I emphasise that this is Really a cool project. Great job!

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