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Where can I get update to my existing Firefox 56?

Sublime. I want to get rid of annoying popup asking to buy Sublime.

Then buy it. The idea behind open source software isn’t to provide software for free but to provide free software.

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Learn HTML and CSS, Python, and then Django. Think of a new idea. Try build when learning Django.

Thanks Pydox. I do know html and css. I've been doing that for a little over a year now. Currently design a lot of landing pages for work. I'm currently working on www.correlate.pro with Django :) My website www.samuelpiecz.com is built with Django and I've built a couple other little projects. My website does need to be updated badly though..

I have tried learning C, C++, C#, Visual Basic, Java. I could not grasp much of these language. I found out Python while working on Ubuntu. Learning Python is much easier. Other languages I find easier are PHP and JavaScript. There are more content, help available online for these language. Most importantly, I enjoy Python.

Great Resource for start learning Python Python for Non-Programmers https://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide/NonProgrammers

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