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Had no idea it was in active development! I spent a weekend with Factor about two years ago and it was enlightening.

Yes! And we have a Discord: https://discord.gg/QxJYZx3QDf

I think Slava Pestov bowed out and ended up at Apple, or vice versa. His GitHub traffic looks like he’s working on the Swift compiler? But others have taken over.

I used to use JEdit, and Factor was new during the era when people still had blog rolls so I ended up hearing a lot about Factor.

A lot to admire in this post about passion and long-term thinking but this is too egregious.

> Back in 1979, for example, I’d invented the idea of transformations for symbolic expressions as a foundation for computational language.

I hope at 65 to have the energy to work this hard, but I also hope at 65 I'm surrounded by people who will kindly correct me when I take credit for ideas that aren't mine, and that I will listen to them.

> Back in 1979, for example, I’d invented the idea of transformations for symbolic expressions as a foundation for computational language.

Right, so math then. You invented math.

Indeed I agree it is an egregious claim.

Impressive! I wonder what this guy went on to build /s

Haha! For those unsure, this is one of the co-founders of Figma, and he also maintains esbuild. See the root domain (https://madebyevan.com/).

Just saw his WebGL water running on HaikuOS Firefox this morning. It's quite a strange thing to see the same name like this.

I find Lua so dang pleasing to look at

I agree, but I miss static types. Has anyone here ever used Nelua[0]?

[0] https://nelua.io/

Luau from Roblox is gradually typed and has great support

Teal, man

I do and I'm quite pleased with it.

I read too fast and thought you wrote something like "I like Lua so dang please look at it" :)

Yea, but who starts an array index at 1!?!?

Algol 68, APL, AWK, COBOL, Fortran, Julia, Mathematica and Wolfram Language, MATLAB and Octave, PL/I, RPG, R, Smalltalk, etc (including Lua).

No experience building exactly what you're describing, but the Adafruit MagTag may work for you https://www.adafruit.com/product/4800.

I've only done so much as display text on it (json response from a server). Unsure how difficult it would be to connect a microphone input to it.

Dan doesn't use 98.css (krazam does!). You can tell by the 45 degree angles on the button borders.

It includes J and K. One more than the Rosetta Stone!

I can't seem to figure out what you mean by inverse. Is the inversion of addition subtraction? Neither post seems to explain what it is (or maybe it assumes knowledge of ⊥ and ⊤?)

Given a function F that accepts an argument x and returns y, its inverse is another function which, when passed y will return x.

For dyadic functions, the incerse argument is always the right side one.

So negation is its own inverse.

So the inverse of 2+ is indeed subtraction of 2.

Surprised how much I enjoyed this. Great work! If you made a mobile app with, say, 40 puzzles I could easily see myself throwing 5 bucks your way. Perfect subway game.


Rainbows End by Vernor Vinge (ChatGPT helped with the search)

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