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I rarely visit HN anymore because of shit like this, but I decided to check back over here to see what everyone had to see. not surprised

I guess we have to wait for the arstechnica writeup so it can get posted and discussed.

We use Clojure extensively at Room Key. Our main web API, various scheduled cron-like jobs, and AWS Lambda functions are all written in Clojure.

Are you willing to say how much money was at risk?

I'd rather not disclose the exact capital for personal reasons, but every month has been profitable so far.

Yes, significantly upping the ulimit would have probably been sufficient for all practical purposes, although we might run out of JVM heap space if we are up long enough. Plus, it really bothered me that I didn't know what was going on.

There were only two threads stuck, so monitoring the threads wouldn't have set off any alarms. One was a Clojure agent thread, which basically allowed all the clients marked for retirement to queue up.

I used both Yourkit and Java Mission Control for monitoring the JVM. They both have some functionality of deadlock detection, but it did not flag these two threads. Yourkit identified these threads as waiting, not blocked, but I'm not sure how it makes that distinction.

This course is great: https://www.coursera.org/learn/machine-learning It's all done in GNU Octave, which is mostly compatible with MATLAB.

Ah, missed that. Well, fair points then :)

I rest my case.

You actually have to buy an add-on called WPAR Manager[1] to enable live mobility; it's not available in baseline AIX. They have been shipping this tech for several years now. Disclaimer: I was on the WPAR Manager dev team for several releases.

[1] http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/power/software/aix/sysmgmt/wpa...

HN is awesome. Where else do you get someone who had something to do with a project post a comment about it? :)

On Reddit ;-)

Damn, this is sad. I'll echo the other comments here that he was a nice guy. I was an undergrad at Duke circa 1999-2000 and knew him through the Duke LUG. I was a noob, and he always showed a fair amount of patience with my questions on the mailing list. Later on the LUG started meeting for beers on Friday afternoons and he was just as friendly in real life. He was one of those guys that seemed like a computing god for me so early in my career.

Very well stated. A few months ago I wrote a post on my company's blog pushing Clojure, and the ideas just seemed to flow. Now I'm getting around to writing a specific post on ClojureScript, and even though I love writing cljs code, I'm having a hard time making a convincing argument to others. There are however a few things that still stand out about ClojureScript I think, but I don't think they are mature enough to qualify as a killer app, but mostly just something to pique the interest of a certain class of programmers.

One is the port of core.logic. AFAIK there is not a comparable Javascript logic library, although the ClojureScript port does not have all the features of the Clojure base.

Another novel feature is integration with nrepl via the piggieback library[1]. This allows you to evaluate ClojureScript code directly in your running web app if your editor has nrepl connectivity. Again, I don't know of a way to do this with current Javascript tools. But here again, the solution still feels like it lacks maturity.

I don't understand enough of core.async to really comment, but the excitement around it seems to point to another rather exclusive bit of ClojureScript functionality.

[1]: https://github.com/cemerick/piggieback

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