Doesn't that just mean that NZ outsourced taking care of the expat NZ nationals that have Covid - and the cost of part of the Covid epidemic - to other countries though?
Not allowing your own citizen to return home is something that should be unthinkable really.
Git bfg should do the job, it works well for that and to remove files with secrets... or really anything you want to pretend never existed in your repo :)
Git Extensions has certain shortcomings (search doesn't work that great, deleting branches is clunky etc.), but its competitors - on Windows at least - are even worse, I agree.
Besides, Git Extensions is written in C# and open-source... once I finally have some time on my hands (read: never), I'd gladly add some simple features that I'm missing in it
I really like Git Extensions commit screen, the best from the git GUIs I've used.
It has great shortcuts to stage/unstage/reset and you can even separate lines to be commited.
I've been in China from 2004-2014 and built a startup there that was sold to one of their internet giant.
I can confirm that the parent is on point. Imo, your best bet - if you dont want to give up the Chinese market - would be to raise from a reputable Chinese investor. Without that you wont have much pull with any partner you find in China and they will happily stall and then copy your stuff. That is completly "fair game"
to them and most wont even comprehend what your trying to tell them - a bit like the guy telling you that he admires/like what you've done after you asked him why they copied your stuff as-is...
If you want to chat feel free to contact me, email in profile.
Shameless plug:, something similar that I build & maintain somewhat as a hobby. Its free to use, you can share, embed tag and there's a disqus based comment section.
The major difference is that you have to use the desktop app to upload, but that app allows you to do a lot more, you can build interactions, do animations, day/night cycles, custom shaders, it does physics, audio, etc...
It's been used (desktop app & publish part) for a long time in production (5+ years) by me and various companies (including Alibaba which acquired my previous company) so its decently robust.
It does lack in term of documentation/tutorials and on boarding in general, but if you're interested feel free to join the slack channel, I'm happy to help getting you started.
Oh and you can also export to desktop, android, iOS, etc... and there's an alpha build for OSX (ask on Slack if you're interested).
I'm not from Cheerp, but it looks like the main difference is this (taken from their front page):
Dynamic memory management. C++ objects are translated directly to JS objects, without the proxy of an emulated, flat memory space. Allow your applications to exploit the JavaScript VM garbage collector and co-exist with fair, on-demand memory allocation.
I don't think that's a good thing though, since the reason why emscripten compiled code is fast is because it has a flat memory space and doesn't create expensive JS objects.
Only advantage IMHO is that you don't need to allocate a big chunk of memory ahead of time (although I think emscripten still allows a growable heap as an option, but with a performance penalty).
Even if js files are usually delivered compressd by gzip (which is very effective on unminimized js files), we are aware of the issue and we are working on reducing output size.
An integrated code minimizer is in the pipeline for release 1.1, and for the medium term we are working on an optimizer which cuts away unneeded libc++ initialization, which is preventing the dead code eliminator from pruning the non-useful libc++ code (which is a great part of that 1.7Mb).
So, expect big improvements in this area!
Disclaimer: I am one of Leaning Technologies founders.
Not allowing your own citizen to return home is something that should be unthinkable really.