What do you think about this tool changing the landscape of software testing?
I think you could change the roles of SDETs and other quality assurance jobs dominated by Selenium and Playwright. I mean think about it. It would half the number of testers needed to do the same work.
I think if you added additional function calls to detect visual bugs or breaking flows, tools such as this could automate much of QA in addition to detecting non-intuitive UI design patterns.
* Inline extension functions for existing APIs. These are supremely useful. You can write features like locking and unlocking around a block, or try-with-resources in a one-liner, without compromising performance.
* (Nested) When statements, if-else as expression etc.
* Reified generics. You can actually write: "if (xy is T)" or use T::class
* Nullsafe typing
* Data classes
* Getter/Setter syntax as property and indexing syntax.
But on a serious note it’s far too complex of a decision that includes your personal situation. I have a mixed codebase of Java and Kotlin and I tend to prefer Java now. I do use Kotlin’s Data classes a lot though. That’s my favorite feauture of the language.
They do have similarities, but data classes actually predate records. One can declare a data class a record by using the @JvmRecord annotation, which probably introduces some JVM benefits in how records are represented in the Java memory model.
All in all you could use a Kotlin data class just like you'd use a Java record, but it gives you much more flexibility like inheritance and mutable fields.
Microsoft Editor - Grammarly but better?
HN Enhancement suite - Saved me tracking new comments, the features I use most are a click away and rare are buried.
https://snowflake.torproject.org/ - Circumvent censorship.
Bypass Paywalls Clean - well, you know...
ad break - When you won't let me skip ads. Auto skip ads, otherwise mute and blur and play a game while you're waiting
Bionic reading - The reading comprehension stays the same but speed increased for me.
BitWarden Password manager - better among competitors.
DeArrow - Crowdsourcing titles and thumbnails to be descriptive and not sensational.
AdNauseam - obfuscates ad tracking.
Reddit Enhancement Suite - Thanks to developers.
Toolbox for Google Play Store™ - I sometimes download OSS recommendations displayed on play store website.
WaspLine Reader - Read faster with colour gradient [when bionic reading doesn't work and vice versa].
Vimium, uBO, Sponsor Block,Tamper Monkey, libredirect, uBlacklist are already mentioned at the time of writing this comment.