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OneTab - saves all unused tabs and its memory.

Microsoft Editor - Grammarly but better?

HN Enhancement suite - Saved me tracking new comments, the features I use most are a click away and rare are buried.

https://snowflake.torproject.org/ - Circumvent censorship.

Bypass Paywalls Clean - well, you know...

ad break - When you won't let me skip ads. Auto skip ads, otherwise mute and blur and play a game while you're waiting

Bionic reading - The reading comprehension stays the same but speed increased for me.

BitWarden Password manager - better among competitors.

DeArrow - Crowdsourcing titles and thumbnails to be descriptive and not sensational.

AdNauseam - obfuscates ad tracking.

Reddit Enhancement Suite - Thanks to developers.

Toolbox for Google Play Store™ - I sometimes download OSS recommendations displayed on play store website.

WaspLine Reader - Read faster with colour gradient [when bionic reading doesn't work and vice versa].

Vimium, uBO, Sponsor Block,Tamper Monkey, libredirect, uBlacklist are already mentioned at the time of writing this comment.

> Microsoft Editor - Grammarly but better?

It harvests even more data from you than Grammarly. So, not better. Use LanguageTool instead.

RES which enhancement you setup?

What do you think about this tool changing the landscape of software testing?

I think you could change the roles of SDETs and other quality assurance jobs dominated by Selenium and Playwright. I mean think about it. It would half the number of testers needed to do the same work.

I think if you added additional function calls to detect visual bugs or breaking flows, tools such as this could automate much of QA in addition to detecting non-intuitive UI design patterns.

Back in the day the hardcore passionate lovers used to recommend CJ Date.

You can support them by buying their thong - https://notepad-plus-plus.org/resources/#notepad-stores

What alternative do you suggest, If I may ask without any intent of rhetoric?

Directory Opus is the best file manager on Windows

Wow! This is the true spirit of HN comments. Everybody should read this.

I trying to decide between Kotlin and Java 21. Please suggest me the advantages of Kotlin over Java 21.

Kotlin all the time, for these reasons:

* Nullsafe typing.

* Nullsafe typing!

* Inline extension functions for existing APIs. These are supremely useful. You can write features like locking and unlocking around a block, or try-with-resources in a one-liner, without compromising performance.

* (Nested) When statements, if-else as expression etc.

* Reified generics. You can actually write: "if (xy is T)" or use T::class

* Nullsafe typing

* Data classes

* Getter/Setter syntax as property and indexing syntax.

* Only unchecked exceptions

Kotlin really is Java 2.0.

If Android, then Kotlin, else Java.

But on a serious note it’s far too complex of a decision that includes your personal situation. I have a mixed codebase of Java and Kotlin and I tend to prefer Java now. I do use Kotlin’s Data classes a lot though. That’s my favorite feauture of the language.

How do they relate to Java’s records?

They do have similarities, but data classes actually predate records. One can declare a data class a record by using the @JvmRecord annotation, which probably introduces some JVM benefits in how records are represented in the Java memory model.

All in all you could use a Kotlin data class just like you'd use a Java record, but it gives you much more flexibility like inheritance and mutable fields.

I don't know. I don't want to, so long as I have HN Enhancement Suite. It works befitting to the shortcomings of HN design.

Why don't people forget Google Reader once and for all?

There must be some unique feature which, to this day, is either too costly to access by the masses in others or not yet implemented by others.

Had there bean feature parity with google reader, and say Bing or DDG picks that up, would we still be missing Google reader?

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