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The great ffmpeg!, Even though you can generate commands using llm its still tedious to adjust things visually on cli so I ended up creating my own tool to generate ffmpeg commands.


I ended up creating my own tool to generate ffmpeg commands https://newbeelearn.com/tools/videoeditor/

wow, very well thought out layout manager. I want to start a project just to use it :-)

Is there a way to add gaps between the elements so it looks like a dashboard rather than panel?

True but it is very difficult for app developers to make apps for such wide range of devices. With iphone you can just test on the oldest supported device and you are good with android there is so much variation that you can't be sure even if you are targeting latest version.

What is worse is that apple has handicapped safari from taking full advantage of its HW and does not allows other browser-makers to do it either this results in inferior experience for ios owners using webapps and web app developers are forced to release their apps on iphone.

The article states that browsing on the top of the line Android phones are about the speed of a four year old phone.

If other browser makers can’t make a performant browser on Android, what makes you think either Google or Firefox is going to make a faster one for IOS?

The article states that the inferior experience is on Android. If anything you need to make an app for Android because of how bad browsers perform even on top end phones

It’s the hardware that’s the issue not the browser… so apps are slower on Android too

Chrome on iOS will be faster than Chrome on Android for this reason

How does that help in this situation? The issue isn’t iOS performance

> If other browser makers can’t make a performant browser on Android, what makes you think either Google or Firefox is going to make a faster one for IOS?

I interpreted this as you saying that Chrome wouldn’t be faster on iOS whereas I’m pretty sure it will

Chrome is less performant and battery efficient on Macs than Safari. Google isn’t going to go out of their way to be more efficient on iOS.

And why aren’t Google’s own phones the fastest Android phones?

Apple produces way better SoCs whereas Google is using Qualcomm or some other crap

Apple's SoCs have huge processor caches which makes quite a big difference

Here's the processor cache sizes for the A16

L1 cache 320 KB per P-core (192 KB instruction + 128 KB data) 224 KB per E-core (128 KB instruction + 96 KB data)

L2 cache 16 MB (performance cores) 4 MB (efficient cores)

Last level cache 24 MB

The L1 / L2 / L3 cache sizes in the Pixel 9 CPU don't appear to be documented but based on previous CPUs I'd bet they aren't going to be very large

Are you seriously saying that you think Chrome on iOS is going to be slower than Chrome on Android?

iOS Safari is very very fast.

What it is not is implementing every Google “standard” and when things break it can be a PITA to debug.

here is another user-friendly gui if you want and it generates ffmpeg command https://newbeelearn.com/tools/videoeditor/

its not just shallow wrapper, as a creator of other shallow wrapper(online and free btw) if you want to crop a video how do you plan to do it with ffmpeg cli? it would be really tedious to do so. You can easily do it visually with this wrapper and other such wrappers so its not like they are not providing value. Another example is do you remember ffmpeg command syntax? i don't! here he is taking care of generating it for you so you don't waste time asking llm or searching for google and iterating on it if it doesn't works.

It is literally a shallow wrapper!

There's nearly 2 million lines of code in the FFMPEG codebase: unless you're building the next Adobe Premiere, no matter how much value you provide, you are building an extremely shallow wrapper around FFMPEG when you build an interface to crop videos.

No one is saying a shallow wrapper can't provide value, but most of the value for the end user is derived from FFMPEG, not the layer you added to it.

If we took FFMPEG and your wrapper and separated them, FFMPEG could still do the one task that your users need: it would be harder, and it would be less convenient, but it can still crop videos. Your tool would no longer do anything but draw rectangles where we'd like a crop to appear. It'd meet no user needs at all.


Also to clarify my stance, there's nothing wrong with shallow wrappers, and I've made shallow wrappers: I know finding the user need, and thinking of the right UX and figuring out distribution is all a lot of real legwork.

But I also find it's important to realize when most of the value you're providing is enabled by something you built on. There shouldn't be shame in admitting that you wrapped something that was powerful and potentially unwieldy for your segment of users and made it useful.

Of course they provide value! They car dealer selling you that new Toyota also provides value. Without him you couldn't buy that car, certainly not so easily.

Doesn't mean he manufactured it, or invented it, or conceived of the very idea of an automobile with an ICE (or EV). It's all a big collaborative effort, and imagining that all of the $40k for that car go straight into the dealer's pocket would be absurd. Legally absurd, and ethically absurd as well.

Similar with a piece of software that builds on other work. Of course it provides value (hopefully). But on the whole, the extra value added is not the majority of the whole package.

You can also just say what you are thinking: $25 of every $29 license should go back to ffmpeg. There. I made your point for you, directly.

That's not what I'm thinking. Where exactly should those $25 go? If there is such an easy place, fine, go ahead. I personally don't see one, since there are many giants on whose shoulders he is standing on.

There are other options, many of them have been mentioned in this discussion.

I suppose my main point is that the apparently new quite inexperienced guy, as appreciated as his enthusiasm is, should at some point understand that all the tech he uses for free didn't fall from the sky and just whipping the cream that floats on top for personal profit is not a sustainable model. Even though that seems to be the trend these days.

The fact of the matter is that there are many motivations for creating software. If someone profits off of my work, that I released into the world with licensing terms that allows them to do so, there’s no obligation that I be paid for it. I could have, myself, recognized the potential and done the work to make a marketable tool, but my motivation was different.

You can fault the FOSS community for promoting default libre licensing that created the “exploitable” nature of this, but the fact of the matter is that people creating software are able to make a choice. They can make a different choice if they wish.

You a seem to be misunderstanding if not misrepresenting my point. I applaud the FOSS community for these licenses. I use them myself. And I don't expect any payment. And it's fine that if anybody invests a lot of expertise and time to build a complicated product to commercialize it. Even better if they contribute back in one way or another.

This is about a green kid coming along and quickly churning out lots of half-baked solutions, asking for frankly quite a lot of money for those, apparently without acknowledging the giants on whose shoulder they are standing. Legally they have the right to do so, sure. But we as a community can give push back in that that's not how things will work in the long run. I encourage you to check out his personal home page, you'll see what I mean. (And again, I generally applaud the enthusiasm. But those things would better be suited as portfolio-building personal OSS projects on github rather than trying to squeeze the dollars.)

There is a difference between legitimate business interests after large investments, and freeloaders.

> But we as a community can give push back in that that's not how things will work in the long run. I encourage you to check out his personal home page, you'll see what I mean.

What exactly does this mean?

> (And again, I generally applaud the enthusiasm. But those things would better be suited as portfolio-building personal OSS projects on github rather than trying to squeeze the dollars.)

Why? They are under no obligation to do so, and then they are working for free. (A common trope related to FOSS, often argued on this very website)

> There is a difference between legitimate business interests after large investments, and freeloaders.

What large investment are you talking about? The thousands of hours of free labor that went ffmpeg? Yeah. See also all of the open source software that went into the operating system and utilities they built everything on. That doesn’t stop people from selling proprietary software, so why is this any different?

This is free market capitalism. If they can find people to pay $29 for a copy of this wrapper, more power to them. That also happens to be a much more powerful resume bullet point.

most likely through one way ip hashing bounded by time duration. If you have utm's in your url than it can track otherwise probably not.

Looks exactly like plausible, may be change the ui a bit to avoid legal issues.

I was going to say that it looks exactly like BeamAnalytics, and now I'm confused to who's copying who...

I'm wondering when copying becomes just following industry best practices...

Twitter, Threads, Mastodon, Blusky all look the same. Project management apps all reuse the same UI patterns. The "AI" logo looked pretty much the same for all companies for a while. Video sharing websites all use YouTube's layout. Forums like Reddit and HN share quite a lot in their looks.

If you want to display website analytics, you will want to show the most important metrics at a glance, you'll need graphs showing visitors over time, top sources and pages... There is only so much you can do to display those and have users understand what's going on on your website.

It's not just the looks that are the same. The UX / mechanics are way too similar too, e.g. how you can apply filters (by URL, by referrer, by browser, etc.) to narrow down the stats view.

I would say pretty much the idea is as follow: "Let's do it so User would know how to use it before we are big", and once you're big enough - you can set the trend. But at the beginning it's just not worth it and highly risky

What legal issues are you imagining?

i am thankful that my side-project got liked by some hn'rs it has motivated me to work further on it. thank u all.

interesting will probably integrate as sprite mode in my ffmpeg video editor https://newbeelearn.com/tools/videoeditor/

We're using this method as part of our user media upload pipeline at editsquare.com I'm guessing you're using ffmpeg wasm on your editor? One thing to note, that I didn't mention in the article, is generating a JPEG output is substantially quicker than a PNG.

good to know and great product as well editsquare.com .Would probably contact you for api sometime in future(hope to get hn discount ;-) )

Hah! Of course. We're hoping to release our video editor early next year. So keep an eye out.

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