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Would it work on NetBSD/OpenBSD/FreeBSD/GhostBSD too?

Because if it does, it would worth mentioning it in the readme.

In Plan 9, Rio, the window manager, does a similar thing; it exposes a framebuffer to the process running in a window, simply as the /dev/draw device file, iirc.

I've settled on devd (modd) for the past few years. https://github.com/cortesi/devd

It's a single file go executable. Supports CORS too. I use it via direnv & nix-shell.

what's the fun in that though?

i have the impression, that the main motivation for this project was learning the intricacies of TMDS encoding and providing an open implementation as reference for other ppl, who want to learn too.

there are too many black box electronics these days, so it's very much welcome to virtually open them up, by providing software equivalents of their operation.

Fun is to proceed to the next fun faster

Which bus? The CAN bus? :)

It's hard to make that performant.

As a reference, here is a browser-adapted version of the https://cuis.st/ Smalltalk environment, which does its own rendering onto a canvas:


It’s not performant if you’re using JavaScript APIs. But it’s also possible to write to a canvas with WebGL, which is hardware accelerated and is much faster than jQuery. I believe (although I can’t find a source for it now), that xterm.js used this strategy.

I've also noticed this a few years ago, but where is this documented? Was it already the case in IE6 for example? Have you found any definitive source, which states this behaviour?

The relevant WHATWG specification: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html...

It was said to be introduced in MSIE 4 or around and then eventually standardized by WHATWG (because `window` was never formally specified before that point, AFAIK): https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9740275/html-element-id-...

HTML Spec:

> Named access on the Window object

> window[name]

> Returns the indicated element or collection of elements.


I would be cautious believing these stats... How much of those sales are real ones? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SEfwoqKRU8

Their hybrid cars has serious problems, including catching fire on their own. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXrsmYQvK8E

It's not like Tesla didn't have issues, but not so serious and numerous ones.

it just sounds like you might have ADHD.

how many browser windows and tabs do you have open usually?

The built-in Cmd-` (backtick) cycles through the windows of the currently selected app.

I find it better than Context.app, which i did buy and used on a few machines for a few years.

it's like navigating within a sparse table.

columns are the apps, chosen by cmd-tab.

rows are the windows of an app, chosen with cmd-` .

I've also spent breaks between classes in primary school, at age 6-7, by writing BASIC programs on graph paper. Within a year or 2 I've transitioned to writing in Forth for XZ Spectrum. I used a Roland DX 80 plotter to "print" my source code. I've even sold plotted images from AutoCAD 1.0 for DOS.

I've also learnt Z80 assembly at the same time, coz the "4th Forth by Fébert Csaba for ZX Spectrum" had built-in assembly too.

I've seen my father designing and building a ZX Spectrum clone from scratch. He did explain the process too, so I got to know how a CPU+ALU+RAM+BUS+IO made up a computer.

So I very much consider those years part of my programming career, because they were very much formative and it was a continuum as programming became my career.

Also, don't forget, that all this was cutting edge shit, because there wasn't anything better available for affordable prices for everyday ppl!

even access to the ZX Spectrum was only possible for me, because my father could bring it home from work for the weekends and I could use it a little bit after school, at the University he worked at. my classmates never even saw any kind of computer up close, other than LCD wrist watches...

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