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It's been a few years since I last read it but Menger's take was the first I've ever read that just makes sense: https://mises.org/sites/default/files/On%20the%20Origins%20o... (1892)

It may “make sense”, but it’s also an ahistorical just-so story.

If you want a more accurate description, I recommend the first half of David Graeber’s book Debt: The First 5000 Years, also mentioned by another top-level comment.

For me, mises.org has the same credibility in economics as the DailyCaller or PoliticaUsa have in politics.

Same here. I used to read articles from mises.org, but they seem to have some fishy characters as contributors and authors.

Note, however, that Menger is not a columnist or blogger: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Menger http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/374958/Carl-Menger

It's a great read that actually gets you to understand how money came to be, in a theoretical sense. The book the other poster suggests is more about the history of money and monetary phenomena.

Not a dumb question at all. I left my Tufte books at the office, so I can't check, but I thought he cited sources throughout.

Either way, between Cleveland, Robins, Few, and Ware there're tons of studies and references:





Better is subjective though and related to what you're trying to do. A lot of past research was about efficiency of information transfer. There's more recent research looking at memorability. In one report, different graphics could have both goals.

There's a "Useful Junk" paper delving into that topic. There's a link to it in Few's reply: http://www.perceptualedge.com/articles/visual_business_intel...

There's plenty more. Stanford Vis group is a fun place to check from time to time: http://vis.stanford.edu/ Heer specifically has a range of papers and some online slides for a vis course he taught http://homes.cs.washington.edu/~jheer/ (uses Tufte for the course text)

I'm drawing a blank on a few others I find informative...

Unfortunately, I don't have any about fonts but I'm sure there are plenty out there.

For someone with a programming background, this is one of the best introductions I've seen: http://medianetwork.oracle.com/video/player/2623621262001

Thanks for joining the discussion. Just want to say I'm working through the the videos for your coursera course (https://www.coursera.org/course/progfun) and, in addition to being a great introduction to Scala, it's changing how I approach other functional languages like JavaScript and R

At most JavaScript is an imperative language with functional flavour

Try LiveScript: http://livescript.net/

JS semantics are those of a functional-oop language. It lacks a few standard functions (LiveScript has prelude-ls) and a ton of syntactic support for things. Once these are in place, you can write the code which looks and feels like Ocaml.

For example, moment.js function is `moment(dateString, formatString)`. In LiveScript I used it as:

     parseDate = (flip moment) "DD/MM/YYYY"
Now tell me that this doesn't look like functional code :)

(The only really lacking feature in JS is of course TCO, but then Clojure, so yeah, let's just trampoline everything.)

Seems like they would alienate enterprise clients but free certainly sounds appealing for small shops.

The Relite mention at the end looks very worthwhile. We were just about to begin a large rewrite of analysis code from R to CUDA; Relite has the potential to save the effort of rewriting our existing code.

Relite author here. I'd love to learn more about your use cases, feel free to get in touch!

Definitely, thank you for the offer. I'm running through the install now but will send you an email once I've run a couple tests. I see your contact info is listed on your home page.

This seems like a great bundle of courses. The big data topics caught my attention but I'm actually looking forward to exploratory data analysis. Especially with the Tukey mention: https://www.udacity.com/course/ud651

Sounds like a market opportunity. Aside from simple accounting (tracking revenue and expenses), what's the range of startup needs that are covered by Excel?

If these needs aren't met by current accounting / finance packages, it definitely opens the door for a new competitor.

I wouldn't mind taking a closer look at that. They do have a data API to store individual key value pairs http://snapsvg.io/docs/#Element.data

Definitely different than what I'm used to in D3js, but worst case scenario you would have to loop through each key value pair. Worth testing out.

You're right, noahmarc, it's the same for me, I'm now too used to working with D3j, that I definitely need to find my way in Snapsvg library, as it really looks promising; maybe it'd be better to arrange a high level specialized class library to handle not only worst case scenario, but even common chart functions, as the Api itself looks quite low level code...

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