Do you monitor your `founders@` email inbox or is the dreaded Discord server the only real way to give feedback? Are you planning to create a public issue tracker... which can be indexed by search engines?
Have you implemented any logic to prioritize official in-house documentation such as the software `man` pages and the output of the `--help` flag? I've gotten the impression that you've mainly weighted the Stack Exchange / Overflow pages in the results (while negatively ranking the information-wise ever-awful Quora and Amazon) and otherwise the scraper accesses the Bing's hits (or other search engine API you're using) in order.
Not feasible to entirely trim the results myself. Many programs host the documentation on their own domain and an absolute ton, especially smaller projects, don't have any online presence. I was wondering if you could maintain a database on Phind's end.
Nothing necessarily in this case, I just assumed that a vector image format would be much smaller and obviously scales with the resolution (how much that matters for the arrows, I don't know).
I see, if Mozilla has a dedicated newsletter. Filtering may be trivial of they use descriptive titles (e.g. changelog announcements always have the "release notes" wording).
Do you announce these major changes anywhere, outside of perhaps dropping a reply (which you may not even pin) on the Discord chat?
Some form of changelog would serve all users.