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i think it might be some accounting trickery from a BTC miner to avoid some regulations.

today is the BTC halving.

It has no benefit unless you have a guarantee of winning the block. Its most likely a mistake.

If you don't announce the transaction then you're the only one who can mine a block containing the transaction.

Who exactly gets the transaction fees and how are they calculated in the BTC case?

when i started my career, being a lazy dev was seen as a positive trope. it was understood as someone who is pragmatic in their choices.

we all spoke the same language.

now say you are lazy and your "resume" will get immediately trashed.

different culture and people.

The Three Virtues according to Larry Wall: laziness, impatience, and hubris. https://thethreevirtues.com

reddit front page used to be all memes and humour

...now it's all US bizarro world politics and weird interpersonal sexual TMI stuff.

That's got to be Reddit's biggest challenge.

The default subreddits are ultra-useless, ultra-high noise. Quality of discussion is on par with YouTube comments (ie abyssmal)

A lot of the individual, smaller, focused subreddits are extremely valuable. But, nobody would know it at first glance.

> The default subreddits are ultra-useless, ultra-high noise

I have a really, really, really hard time believing that the ultra-uselessness of the default subreddits is anything other than a _deliberate_ attempt on the part of the reddit admins to make them that way.

Or, to be more direct - I do not believe at _all_ that the political slant of reddit's main subs is organic.

I've seen too many forums degrade into political shitfighting to think that reddit's political bent in the popular forums has to be manipulated.

Like, it might be, but it honestly takes effort to not have something like that form into a big political pile.

It definitely is manipulated and the evidence is there if you start digging into post histories. Normal people don't go posting the exact same article of political fodder to three dozen subreddits a day. Thats a bot trying to establish a narrative in a community.

Nah, that makes no sense to me. Why would they do that on purpose?

I think this one is pretty Occam's Razor-friendly. Any high volume free-for-all discussion (meatspace or online) is guaranteed to devolve into a useless cacophony.

    Or, to be more direct - I do not believe at _all_ 
    that the political slant of reddit's main subs is organic.
Feels like another discussion entirely?

Always remember, they make up the rules for whats a default sub and how posts are weighted on the front page. This is a table they have set themselves.

>Or, to be more direct - I do not believe at _all_ that the political slant of reddit's main subs is organic.

The day after election day 2016 in the US, it was actually possible to post non-leftist comments/articles in /r/politics. Basically, the mods and bot owners hadn't been given their new marching orders, and didn't know what to do.

Don't forget the heartbreaking betrayals: "I just figure out my husbands supporting a child molester, and even taking their side" "My wife of 10 yearz told me none of the kidz r mine, banged all my friends in giant orgy, then they beat me up, put me in a hospital. Anyway I was also fired"

Pretty new, but now 80% of reddit goes to reddit to vent all relationship problems. I think it was less of a problem 10-20 years ago, but ~5 years back we started to see more and more.

We can probably blame /r/relationshipadvice, /r/aitah, etc., etc., etc. It really makes me want to never be in a relationship again.

You can make it a lot better by taking some time to remove a lot of the default subreddits and adding content you like. I think that's pretty much why I created my account years ago: to get rid of politics on the front page.

"move fast and break things"

turned out to be prophetically true in many many ways.

from my exp. hiring for ages, they interview lots of people, then it goes quiet - nothing comes of it.

6 months later you hear some nepotistic hire takes the position.

maybe companies prefer people they know rather than 1000s of applicants.

also a toxic culture of seeking perfection and a cargo culting attitude prevalent among many senior/lead engineers and managers. maybe justified, i dont know and i dont care anymore.

I have a theory that a lot of the jobs listed are to prove you tried to find qualified candidates before you hire a developer's friend.

In defense of hiring friends: If the referer is considered a trustworthy employee, it's probably going to be your highest information hire.

they should have focused on supporting the genesis and the saturn for as long as possible.

sega was a dysfunctional business reacting to fickle changes in the market (32x was a response to the Atari Jaguar lol).

probably as they didn't have the strong cash reserves of a nintendo, sony or microsoft.

but ultimately i think they were an arcade business and the transition from arcade to home killed them. the same as snk/neo geo.

> Sega of America rushed the Saturn to market

interesting. i always thought this was an order from SOJ.

It was. Kalinske tried to push back, but for some reason after all of his success at SoA, SoJ kept undercutting him in the mid 90s with the 32X and early Saturn launch.

the lack of font and icon smoothing in old windows was always off-putting

apple and linux fonts/icons always looked much nicer to me

I don't find the initial Cleartype algorithm used by Windows to be exactly good either. You could tell from miles away that it's distorting fonts significantly in order to fit them into the pixel matrix. I think they've improved it for Windows 10/11 though.

> You could tell from miles away that it's distorting fonts significantly in order to fit them into the pixel matrix.

You could? To me, the jump from Windows 98 to Windows 2000 was MASSIVE when it comes to readability.

I'm referring to the original Cleartype introduced around Windows XP - if I recall correctly. The hinting used was quite aggressive.

for me i feel totally detached from my work, it's just a means to an end, a salary

as such i find it very difficult to care beyond doing the minimum not to get fired

yet the work gets ever more complex and layered with technical bureaucracy and ever changing landscape of idiots to deal with

i am planning to quit by eoy. thats my solution. life is too short to waste it.

we need some html tag or attribute for slow network detection.

instead of this nasty js feature detection that 99% of time no one does.

prefers reduce motion was a good start. although its rarely respected.

Should be easy enough for the server to detect when the connection is slow. That could be done now without having to update the clients and give them more things to process.

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