WASM really is the way to go for this kind of thing IMHO; I love me some Java and have for decades, but Applets were painful, especially when hooking in native code. HN seems to have killed the demo, I'll have to remember to come back later when the hoopla dies down.
Not to take away from Tibia, which I've never heard of, but I was playing Marches of Antan on the UCSD system via Telnet back in the early 90's. So longest running might be a stretch.
I had an issue using quiche as a dependency via JNI and it was a blocker (I've moved on). The event would lose its reference and segfault; I was unable to track it to an actual cause in the debugger; lots of time wasted.
If you have a passion for writing code, I'll give you the best advice that I followed: Join an open source project, learn it, play with it, get skilled with it, submit patches. If you're good and the stars align, you'll be able to more than support yourself and your family. Last tip; always be learning, keep reading, stay on-top of your game!
If it is indeed legit, then the price would rise to roughly the same as on other sites.
Since this hasn't happened yet, I think there might be some issues with payout.
All the players are doing their own thing, this includes the browsers. Getting everything to play-nice isn't as simple as it was suggested and you're seeing the results of this. Ideally it will settle, but its gonna be a rough year or so. All my opinion of course, but I've been in the WebRTC trenches for over 2 years now.
That link is a great example to demonstrate how much Github search sucks now. You've explicitly searched for filenames of "tits.jpg", but it's showing you a complete mishmash of different files.