No, the feature set is not finalized. This is just a random blog post, nothing more. Like who says "New Features Are Officially Announced"? Which source? They make it look like Java 23 is done, but it's not.
If you want see what's coming in Java 23 you have to check - the only source of truth. If you look at the Schedule of that page you will see at least before Rampdown Phase One there still is time to add new JEPs. And there will more JEPs be added for sure, that's how it was done in the past.
It likely will never happen, properties based on naming conventions is a misfeature according to the design team (I have a field named IP, should it be getIp, getIP, or what?)
I'll flag it with the team this week. I'm not sure what the blocker was previously, but it might just be a matter of submitting the patch again (with minor changes) so that it's "in" for commitfest, with someone willing to own the work over the next few months.
I think the things that needed to be fixed from last year are already committed (more general stuff not directly related to the JSON patches).
Also according to this message at least partial stuff from the JSON patches should be committed " the next few days..." however that was two weeks ago:
I am a bit worried, even though the patches seem to be "stable", they will miss the deadline... (since I would need those features as well)
I don't know any of the people involved in this patch, so I've sent it to Alexander Korotkov to get his opinion. I'll let you know his response after he has a chance to look at it.
> This is very long story starting from 2017. This patch should finally be committed. Some preliminary infrastructure already landed to PostgreSQL 16. Regarding SQL/JSON itself I doubt it will be committed to PostgreSQL 16, because feature freeze is coming soon. It's likely be postponed to PostgreSQL 17.
> Regarding replacement for pg_jsonschema, I don't think it will be a good replacement. Yes, one can construct a jsonpath expression which checks if particular items have particular data types. But I doubt that is nearly as convenient as jsonschema.
It looks like there would still be some benefit for pg_jsonschema, unless the community decided that they wanted support jsonschema validation. We could propose this, but I don't think it would arrive to pg core any time soon.