Google Colab gives you $free GPU (usually a 16Gb T4) preloaded with frameworks, ready to run. Later, you might be tempted by the Pro(+) version, but there's plenty of scope to move up the learning curve before spending any money.
I should check that out. Jetbrains just integrated remote management for code and notebooks into their IDEs and this seems like the perfect way to test. Thanks for the tip!
If you go to the associated code, you'll see that it needs a 'backbone', 'neck' etc. What is a backbone? Questions that arise directly from the code will lead you towards good blog articles, etc.
OTOH, you could go and have a look at (for instance) the Stanford vision courses for a more 'theoretical' approach. But the code itself is often solid guide to what's going on (the frameworks used for Deep Learning map well onto what's being discussed in blogs/lectures/papers).
So, to clarify, does this mean that companies cannot use these models in the course of business, or is it more about selling the translation results directly?
Could be... Except their page (should you choose to believe it, of course) specifically addresses the advantages:
"Advantages over Traditional GANs" : Thus, we observe that our model exhibits _better training stability_ and mode coverage.
"Why is Sampling from Denoising Diffusion Models so Slow?" : After training, we generate novel instances by sampling from noise and iteratively denoising it _in a few steps_ using our denoising diffusion GAN generator.