I never knew you could style custom elements like <awesome> with CSS.
I wonder however about the compatibility with different browsers. Could potentially break some sites on older browsers / those on legacy machines / those still surfing the web on dusty old Windows 2000 machines.
I doubt it affects them that much, as there's always going to be powerusers. They get a lot of their telemetry from unsuspecting users / laymen buying those cheap Windows10 tablets you see everywhere now.
No that's the only caveat. I much prefer to use scripts, as these programs are a bit of a black box. But at least they're digitally signed and recommended by the wider Windows 'powertoy' community so you're allowed to trust them.
If it is open source, that doesn't make it automatically trustworthy. If it isn't open source, you can trust it as much as you trust the author(s). Open source and trust are separate things.
It's editable. There's a lot of stuff in there I had to remove. I still want Store functionality because I like the look and feel of the apps on there, especially the Twitter client.
I recall about a week after the Snowden disclosures some people saying the Snowden leaks were deliberate and that NSA has kept up this tradition of false flag disclosures. If anything, the whole web is certainly more secure now, and Snowden is even quoted as saying: "I still work for the NSA" after the leaks. I don't buy the rhetoric that NSA is simply all about slurping up plaintext. They have a duty to secure the web too. It's a weird paradox that they both want more security and want all the plaintext they can salvage.
Most of their servers are encrypted I imagine, so a seizure just means a TLA gets a bunch of encrypted disks to have fun with. My only worry is that a TLA can just ask for the keys to these disks and get Riseup rubberhosed¹.