1. Born into plague
2. Never learns maths or writing
3. Nor spelling
4. Half the time your life ends before childhood does
5. Nothing happens in your life
Nevermind that "nothing happening" sounds positively amazing, especially if my surroundings were a bucolic river side European village.
Farm work done? Picked all my parasites out of my hair and clothes? Now to settle down for the very-zen "sit by the fire, sing some peasant songs and do nothing" -- sounds amazing
No, it was dynamic based on voltage. iPhones with worn batteries had higher performance at full battery and swapping the battery with a fresh replacement restored full performance even at low battery percentage. In fact this is how the slowdown was discovered: someone replaced their iPhone battery with a non-genuine replacement and it got noticeably faster.
Given that a) most human rated rockets have had 0 flights before use, and b) I'd expect each starship to have at least 10 flights, and at least 100 in total without mishap before launching, the statistics should be good
I don’t think (a) is true. The Shuttle flew with people on its maiden voyage, but that’s the only one I can think of.
(b) is true and should make it substantially safer than other launch systems. But given how narrow the margins are for something going wrong (zero ability to land safely with all engines dead, for example) it’s still going to be pretty dangerous compared to more mundane forms of travel.
Most rockets flew test flights before sticking people inside the same model, but most rockets are also single use and so each stack is fundamentally new.
A future starship could plausibly be the first rocket to fly to space unmanned, return, and then fly humans to space!