The account with your handle is following only a handful of people, and is broadcasting content rather than engaging in a conversation. Consider the reverse.
This is it, the typical model of throwing things out into the ether and hoping they go viral is less effective here. It's easier to build an audience by thoughtfully engaging in discourse rather than trying to advertise yourself as some kind of thought leader
While others are stating that you should not, the court of public opinion delivers results (including to Wordpress) a lot faster than the formal court system. So get ahead.
In general it’s better better the hear authentic voices than none or lawyered-up PR consultants, and this site has hammered companies that do so in the past.
If that’s the case then (and this is for any company) give customers the option of a lower price than today’s without the (generally invasive and poor) AI experiences.
I'm a New Zealander who lived in the US for ~5 years amongst other places, and have been back here for 20 years. I worked or studied in a new location, used the money earned to travel for a few months (up to 2 years), and then started afresh in a new location. It was an amazing way to combine learning and great international travel experiences with career progression.
Some learnings to consider
1: Fit in a box. Accountants, teachers, nurses, doctors are easy jobs to travel with, once they understand how to get local accreditation. So for tech/engineering jobs it's good to have a very clear definition and track record of what you are and for that to be in demand. (Even better - have your own business and operate from anywhere, and/or study abroad)
2: Be in the right time and place. Cities and countries have a sweetspot for life stages, and also for political and economic cycles. I got to be in the UK doing the 90s, and US during the dot com boom, and Australia in a mining boom. Go where it is easy and fun.
3: Balance work and travel. Work hard, but enjoy the location while you are there. But if work is all consuming then take a lot of time between destinations to travel locally and internationally.
Come to New Zealand! We have a number of ways to get in. At one end is the working holiday visa (1), which is available to a few countries, costs NZ$420 to apply and gets up to 12m work.
At the other end is the Active Investor Plus Visa (2) (Our fund is on the eligible list). And there are the usual options in-between (3).
The auto-handing to get freight to destinations is big advantage. This is not about delivering from one end to the other, which is better done by ship, but about sending materials to and from entities within the intensively populated and industrialised region.
Engineering issues include maintenance on the many rollers and other moving parts, wear and tear on the belts, uptime when maintenance is happening and general inefficiency in energy, speed and asset utilisation versus rail.
Flip it around - it becomes a condition of the deal happening imposed by investors, who themselves are motivated to present the best deal to founders, and to have founders less economically stressed. No secondaries - no deal, and that doesn’t help anyone.
MGA Thermal uses tiny aluminium droplets in carbon matrix material to do heat storage with 1: constant temperature storage and 2: at much higher temperatures and energy density that allows for steam generation etc.
Read Superforecasters. Look at the two linked-from-article forecasting sites. Look up Adam Braff's blog - he runs an annual forecasting contest. Enter prediction markets. Read up about Brier scores. Try, fail, try and learn.
And one easy way to give yourself time out is to go on a long adventure. Walk some ridiculously long track. Cycle North and/or South America. Motorcycle around Europe then to Asia. Spend a year in India. Live in a fishing cabin, or more remotely. The possibilities are endless and $100,000 gets a lot of travelling if you give yourself 12 months. (A lot longer than that even).
(Doesn't work so well if you have dependants of course)