I have had reasonable success with Youtube's built-in algorithm-massaging features. It mostly always respects "Do Not Recommend Channel", and understands "Not Interested" after a couple repetitions.
I seem to remember part of TikTok’s allure being that it learned your tastes well from implicit feedback, no active feedback required. We around here probably tend to enjoy the idea of training our own recommenders, but it’s not clear to me that the bulk of users even want to be bothered with a simple thumbs-up/thumbs-down.
i don't know who Benjamin is, and i am unfamiliar with anything you've done since, but fwiw i also recognized your name from the sneedacity incident. you're cooler than i remember you being.
those are very dissimilar licenses in the sense that wtfpl is basically a cute way of putting something into the public domain, while MIT et. al. do actually have (albeit minor and reasonable) restrictions on the conduct of people using the code.
There is no disclaimer of liability and implied warranty. You may be on the hook for damages if someone uses your code under the WTFPL and there is a bug that causes them to lose money.
>With ChatGPT, this can be extended to create emails that look very personal - as if someone has followed all of your work and is genuinely interested in what you are up to - with extremely low effort. And people are already doing this, I already get emails like this today.
shit, now i don't feel like sending e-mails to people i'm actually interested in
I read up on that situation, and it sounded like the three letter agencies were working with Cloudflare all along. They never even asked them nicely to stop hosting lulzsec. To top it off, Sabu from lulzsec was an informer[1].
So Cloudflare wasn't bravely standing on principle, they were just doing garden variety collaboration with the feds.
One the greatest "real" things I've ever read in sci-fi is the /physical/ turing machine in a museum at the start of Fall; or, Dodge in Hell that actually speaks ICMP, and (with a long enough timeout) is pingable from the external 'net.
the idea of a 14 year old skid with a grudge blasting reqs as fast as his python script can manage taking an appreciable amount of money from someone using