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+1 for Typora. I've been using it for maybe 5 years (it feels like that at least) and it hasn't let me down.

Like others, I have single file and a section for each week containing all my tasks. Then I move the unfinished ones down to the next week at the end.

It's easy to sync those files in git of course.

Ya you can do that in bangle too, plus you can have a split screen.

I think there's an error in the first example.

  Poly [1, -3, 0, 1]
Should be:

  Poly [1, 0, -3, 1]
EDIT: My mistake.

It's not - it starts with the unit coefficient (1), then x (-3), then x^2 (0), then x^3 (1). Some things become easier this way - including addition of polynomials of differing degree - and as an added bonus you can phantasize about representing power series as (lazy) infinite lists.

I thought so too at first but given the way addition is defined later on, it makes sense to keep the coefficients sorted by increasing power (the leftmost element in the list is its head, and the easiest to access when doing anything recursive)

Evaluation also becomes easy this way, using Horner's method: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horner%27s_method#Python_imple...

Something along the lines of this right?

  eval =
  v [] => 0
  v x:xs => x + v * eval v xs
You do have to love how clean definition by cases makes these sorts of things.

But this doesn't argue for the low-to-high order, because of reversed(). This code would be simpler and faster with the coefficients in the opposite order.

You're right, the process does start from the higher coefficients, and so does not really support the ordering presented.

You either need to use foldr to defer the multiply-and-add until the end of the list is processed, or reverse the list before processing it.

I'd say the full quote to be, "Luckily, even without JVM support, the Scala compiler can perform tail-call optimisation in some cases. The compiler looks for certain types of tail calls and translates them automatically into loops."

This wouldn't be actual TCO in that case.

If it’s done right, there would be no observable difference.

If anyone is looking for another language that also uses the actor model for concurrency and has very similar ways of handling it like D, then checkout Erlang. It's language lessons are clearly still relevant today. :)

Erlang does go way beyond concurrency into the domain of distributed and highly-reliable systems, and has more than lessons for us IMO - together with OTP, it’s still arguably one of the most effective and battle-tested environments for highly concurrent systems.

Like anything, it has its envelope and sweet spots, as well as its warts. Some people find the Erlang language syntax to be ugly; I quite like it and find it easier to comprehend in general than Elixir, which is much more verbose to my eyes (except for the very nice pipe operator!)

Yes, the semicolon / period thing in Erlang can be annoying, but not so much that it really gets in my way.

The tooling can be a real barrier to entry, and I’m glad that Elixir is bringing more people into the fold, although I can’t bring myself to really like Elixir for purely subjective reasons.

For example, one of my major complaints about Elixir is that it is literally Erlang with some syntax changes, rewritten libraries, and extensions like macros - but if you don’t grok Erlang thoroughly, you will get frustrated when you hit the bottom layer - like exceptions and error messages - and it’s full of Erlang data structures. I had the same reaction when working with non-Java languages targeting the JVM. They all feel a bit like bolt-on kits. At some point, you really need to understand the core.

In my opinion, of course.

Important to point out Elixir as well, which is touted as a "more modern" way to write code that runs on the Erlang VM (so you get the same concurrency features, etc.)

The _only_ downside I find of Elixir is that it looks too Ruby-ish to my taste. I'm still waiting for the day a C-like language that runs on BEAM becomes mainstream enough.

Here's my thought process while reading your comment, which illustrates why we can't have nice things:

> The _only_ downside I find of Elixir is that it looks too Ruby-ish to my taste.

Yeah, preach it!

> I'm still waiting for the day a C-like language that runs on BEAM becomes mainstream enough.


Haha yeah, I've become too used to C-like syntax (C, Go, Rust, etc).

I wouldn't mind a Lisp syntax too, but Ruby and ML are definitely a "no" from me. I just can't bring myself to like them. Their syntax feels too "loose", not sure if that makes sense.

Btw, I know there are some Lisp-like implementations out there, but same criteria applies: still not mainstream enough as of now.

No, I agree with you completely, I'm just remarking on how everyone will have different aesthetics and things they're used to, and, ultimately, that might not be a valid complaint. Like, sure, I don't like Ruby's syntax much, but if the ecosystem is good and the language is a joy to write, eh, I'm going to compromise because you can't please everyone's subjective preferences.

There is Lisp Flavored Erlang (LFE) from Robert Virding that you may enjoy[0]

[0] http://docs.lfe.io/current/

Could you clarify, what's wrong with the Ruby syntax, exactly? I don't think there's a single programming language I like in terms of the syntax, but I don't see anything really wrong with Ruby. Surely not to the point I wouldn't use otherwise nice language because of it. Is python a no-no as well?

It's not "wrong"; it just doesn't appeal me.

- `elsif`

- `end`

- `unless`

- `a unless b`

- `f 1` vs `f(1)`

- Implicit method calls (`f` vs `self.f`). I know both have different behavior, I just don't like this "implicit self".

... etc.

I find Python okay-ish though, as paradoxical and nonsensical as that might sound. But in my toolchain Python has been reduced to little more than a calculator, since it's been replaced by Go for most of my automation needs.

Btw, friendly reminder that this is my subjective opinion regarding my own tastes, not absolute truth on aesthetics.

EDIT: Formatting.

Speaking for Elixir, a few notes:

I rarely find myself using if/else statements and I definitely avoid 'unless'.

One of the 'Rubyisms' I really disliked was the optional parentheses for method calls. While these are still optional for good reason, in practice this is no longer the case. The formatter will add parentheses and IIRC the compiler will give you a stern lecture too.

Obviously taste is subjective, but I do agree it matters.

I'd say if the Ruby-like syntax is what keeps you from trying Elixir, remember that's it's only skin deep and at least for me, the bad stuff is not really there compared to Ruby.

Furthermore, the advantages of having a functional and 'lispy'/homoiconic language that doesn't look like my bathroom floor after clipping my toenails is worth any remaining 'niggles' like the begin/end thing, or optional [] in the last parameter of a function call, etc. (which just like the optional parentheses is there for a very good reason).

He thinks the syntax doesn’t “pop”, clearly.

I had the exact same reaction.

> The _only_ downside I find of Elixir is that it looks too Ruby-ish to my taste.

Granted. More ML-like would be nice.

> I'm still waiting for the day a C-like language that runs on BEAM becomes mainstream enough.


>I'm still waiting for the day a C-like language that runs on BEAM

I used to have a similar desire!

I actually started working on a language that transpiled to Haskell, like CoffeeScript -> JS. What I found, however, is a lot of little ways to make it more and more terse, until I ended up with something resembling Haskell’s syntax.

After this happened several times, I had some new found appreciation for Haskell’s syntax. It’s god awful for someone coming from a C-like background, but that seems like a very temporary problem.

I went from hating Haskell’s syntax so much I wanted a language wrapping it, to realizing it’s actually rather well thought out and other languages have a lot of noise to them. Lots of curly braces and semicolons that seem to mostly be there to make writing a compiler easier.

I still love C-like syntax, and still don’t like Haskell’s syntax, but not enough to write a CoffeeScript-like language.

Funny, I love Ruby and it's my primary language of choice, but I'm a heretic, using braces whenever I can:

    # events per day
    ndbh.fetch('select ts from tbl').all.map { |row| 
    }.map { |t|
    }.each { |day|
        days[day] += 1
(yes this could be conciser)

This is generally frowned on, and I'm sure everyone who likes having this style

     .map {}
     .select {}
     .blah {}
will frown as well, but it's so much more visually appealing to me, coming from a C/perl background when I first encountered Ruby (many years ago).

Funny how important syntax is. So easy to look at code in another style/language and go THATS NOT RIGHT!!

> Funny how important syntax is. So easy to look at code in another style/language and go THATS NOT RIGHT!!

I'm waaay too picky in this aspect. I once was reading about Ada (before my bias towards C-like languages kicked in). It looked interesting and all, and I was like "Hmm, not bad, learning this might be interesti--"

> Put_Line


The irony here is, my current language of choice is Go, and tests must be named like `TestType_Method` and I'm like "arrrgggghhh".

EDIT: Btw I don't really mind indentation styles, brace placement, "dot placement" (like your example) and those things, as long as they're consistent across the codebase.

> "more modern"

Is it really touted as that? It's just a more Algol-looking way to write for Erlang semantics.

The other reply mentioned tools and documentation, which are the big differentiators in my opinion, but there are also some language level tools in Elixir which feel more "modern" I guess, the macro system which is on part with Lisp, protocols, a consistent standard library which extends Erlang rather than replacing it (although it does duplicate some things, both because binaries are the default string type in Elixir, and because OTP has a bit of an annoying problem with switching the position of the subject), and some conveniences like pipelines, the `with` construction - basically it produces something which semantically is like Erlang at its core, but how you go about solving problems in it offers a lot more options, which oftentimes result in a lot less code written for the same effect.

It's more than that; there's a lot of tooling and documentation around Elixir that either doesn't exist in Erlang or appears to exist only via tribal knowledge ("Well, of course everyone knows you need to {X} to {Y}, why waste time writing it down?"). My experience trying to write a gen_server that could be upgraded on-line in Elixir was vastly simpler than trying to figure it out in Erlang.

That said, I think Elixir has helped inspire the Erlang community to get better at documentation and tooling, so that's a definite win for both.

Would any sort of actor model language have the raw throughput for a AAA game? I get how this model is nice for the web, for example, but I'm wondering why it doesn't get used for high performance computing (that I know of).

There are languages, like Pony [1], that use actor model for the sort of high performance you are talking about. Also check out Anna paper, there is a description and argumentation on how and why they use actor model in C++ for high throughput.

I would also say that performance wise actor model is usually better, than low level shared memory multithreading, because it enforces locality-friendly contention-free architecture and fundamentally maps better to modern hardware.

[1] https://www.ponylang.org/

[2] http://db.cs.berkeley.edu/jmh/papers/anna_ieee18.pdf

Thanks for addressing the latter point. I forgot to draw that distinction. That's a curious point, however, and I'll have to check that out more for myself as you suggest.

See seastar framework for c++

For their AAA games cloud infrastructure it does! In fact, it is a backbone for some of Microsoft's Halo AAA game. Microsoft has this framework called Orleans which uses the Actor pattern. They have used it in various other project's too.

Who is using Orleans: https://dotnet.github.io/orleans/Community/Who-Is-Using-Orle...

Video presentation on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OVU9Mqqzgs

Now if you are wondering about raw throughput for graphics and physics stuff in AAA games, that I don't know. I believe that to be a completely different beast, with different requirements, which may or may not benefit from this paradigm.

The Erlang VM (BEAM) is unusual in that it, like the languages it hosts, is very opinionated.

It is designed for robustness, scalability, concurrency, distributed environments. And immutable data. So far as I know, you literally cannot implement a language with mutability on the VM.

So, raw performance will never be its thing.

In general, I think the actor model could achieve high performance, but perhaps only if messaging is syntactic instead of truly distributed with mailboxes, network transparency, etc.

I'm a beginner, so by all means correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand BEAM is relatively good when it comes to 'soft realtime', and especially when 'latency' is a concern (in part due to per-process GC?).

Am I correct in thinking that this would be pretty okay for most games, AAA or not? Would an FPS be possible (quick updates, small messages)? Or a World Of Warcraft or Sea of Thieves style game with many actors that need sort-of-realtime performance but don't rely on it entirely?

I've been looking into creating a game, and I'm also learning Elixir, so I'm curious what would be realistic when combining both.

In performance terms, Erlang is broadly speaking a scripting language, in the 10-20x slower than C range. It would be unusable for a AAA game because even using Erlang without any concurrency, it's too slow. It will get even slower if you do what you might be inclined to do for a game and make a separate process for every entity in the game and communicate entirely by message passing. It will be a beautifully clean architecture, but while Erlang may have cheap concurrency, it does not have free concurrency, and if you work realistic math on the sheer number of messages you'd have flying around the system it should become clear that it will not be practical to have literally manifested "messages" in that quantity being continuously created and destroyed.

If we tune our sights down from "AAA game", there are two possibilities. One is you can create a less computationally-intensive game that can run Erlang on the desktop. I suspect you'll find you're a bit short of libraries for that use case, but with motivation you can pound through that. I'm not sure if this has ever been done. The other thing you can use Erlang for is being the backend server of a game system, and that is eminently practical, in the sense that it has been done: http://erlang.2086793.n4.nabble.com/Erlang-Who-uses-it-for-g... You'd encounter some bumps if you tried to scale it up, but that's not a very strong criticism since it's constant regardless of what tech you'd end up using.

Thanks for the info. I was definitely not thinking of using Erlang/Elixir for the actual game, but rather as a back-end. Glad to hear that wouldn't be a bad choice.

I'm afraid I don't know enough about game development to be of assistance.

I assume in general they're very graphics intensive, which is (based on a 20+-year-old education I never finished) very matrix mathy, the type of calculations you absolutely would not want to shove through the Erlang VM.

However, one architecture people have used to varying degrees of success is using Erlang as a control layer (messaging, resilience) and C/something else compute-heavy for data manipulation. Erlang has the ability to drive external binaries via NIFs or ports.

Historically that's been a bit risky because the Erlang scheduler requires insight into its processes to do its job properly, but there have been improvements in recent releases.

So...maybe? Probably a question better suited to the Erlang users mailing list.

Ask yourself this question - "Am I doing lots of math and computationally intensive stuff"?

If so, don't use Erlang.

The corrolary is "Am I mostly passing data around, doing I/O, etc?"

If yes, Erlang is probably a reasonable choice (and a GREAT one if you're doing a lot of concurrent stuff).

So games, backend server -can- work; it just depends what it's doing. You may need to mix and match for functionality if you're doing a mix of things, and then you have to ask if it's worth the effort and translation cost if you have to jump between languages.

>Am I correct in thinking that this would be pretty okay for most games, AAA or not?

No. Soft real time just means that the GC will not pause the process and and it will not cause stuttering during garbage collection pauses. In languages with GCs this is usually achieved by not allocating too many objects in your game loop.

If you write the 3D engine in erlang your game won't stutter but it will have an incredibly low framerate.

The secret ingredient to high performance is primarily data locality and obviously a compiler/runtime that can actually translate the program into efficient code. You can make your compiler as good as you want, without data locality and control over the memory layout the performance simply won't be good enough.

What do I mean by data locality? Primarily these things.

Avoid indirection through pointers.

Java's ArrayList is a nice example. You cannot store raw "int"s in an ArrayList. Only "Integer" objects. This means if you want to calculate the sum of the ArrayList the CPU will have to read the data from main memory if it is not in the CPU cache. This is roughly two orders of magnitude more expensive than an a single addition for example. If data can not be found in the cache it is called a "cache miss". Of course in python, javascript, erlang almost everything is a pointer that points.

Continguous storage of data.

Java still have primitive arrays. You can declare an int[] array to avoid the above problem. This means the integers are stored directly inside the array. Well what if the array is not in the cache? Wouldn't that incurr the same problem as a above?

A CPU is actually quite smart. It has a prefetching unit that can detect if you're loading data in a regular pattern and load the next piece of data according to that pattern.

If you're the CPU and see this pattern. What would you do to avoid a cache miss?

arr[0] arr[1] arr[2] arr[3] arr[x]

Of course you would start loading arr[4], arr[5], arr[6], arr[7] ahead of time!

Efficient storage

ArrayList stores a continguous list of pointers. On a 64bit architecture this means every pointer costs you 8 byte of memory. On top of that every object in Java has a "header". I don't know the exact number but let's say it's size is 8 bytes. Then there are alignment restrictions. Let's say each object is aligned by 8 bytes. 8+8+4 is 20. The nearest multiple of 8 is 24. We're storing a 4 byte number in 24 byte worth of memory. In other words if we are memory bandwidth constrained we can increase our performance by another 6x just by reducing the amount of "useless" data we have to read.


There are efficient immutable datastructures but these usually involve indirection through pointers. Avoiding allocation of new memory avoids GC pauses or time spent in malloc/free. Mutating only a small part of a datastructure is more efficient than creating a copy.

Stack allocation

The primary benefit is that the top of the stack is usually in the L1 cache. Managing a stack is more efficient and a GC or manual memory allocation. It's just a pointer that gets incremented or decremented.

Erlang doesn't give you control over either of these. Ponylang has actors with isolated GC heaps and gives you control over memory layout and data locality.

I couldn't have hoped for a better answer. Thanks!

> So far as I know, you literally cannot implement a language with mutability on the VM.

You could do so, several different ways, e.g.:

(1) use the process dictionary,

(2) store data transparently to the new language’s user in ets (or, similarly, dets/mnesia),

(3) use separate (again, hidden from the language user) Erlang processes for mutable cells.

You can't get hig-performance mutability, but you can definitely implement a language with mutability on BEAM.

>So far as I know, you literally cannot implement a language with mutability on the VM.

Elixir allows reassignment, of course, in the end, it uses different "Erlang" variables, but the language abstracts it.

Changing an alias isn't the kind of mutability that would allow high performance, though.

That is not mutability.

It is though. A mutable state layer written on an immutable backend still has all the pitfalls of a native mutable data structure.

Take the context into consideration: this whole thread is about performance and the comment on mutability was speaking of mutability in place, because that matters for performance.

> It is though.

No. That can trivially be inferred from SSA being a thing, mutable bindings can trivially and automatically be converted to immutable ones.

As far as I know, Ada code using its types of actors (tasks and protected objects) can be made very fast, and more importantly for AAA games, very predictable. The default scheduling methods are good enough for many cases, but with the right restrictions, scheduling can even be statically determined and, in principle, a cyclic executive could be generated by the compiler with the same semantics as the original actor code. Unsure if this is actually done in practice, though.

NaughtyDog used a job system with fibers to parallelize their engine [1]. I suppose that's not exactly the same as an actor system since the fibers don't necessarily own all their state nor do they necessarily communicate using messages.

[1]: https://www.gdcvault.com/play/1022186/Parallelizing-the-Naug...

Even in something like Go which has this kind of concurrency in mind, performance critical code is often written with the more traditional "threads & locks" approach with the goal of using the ideal number of goroutines to maximize hardware use but no more than that.

Not saying that other concurrency models don't have the throughput for a AAA game, but when your goal is to get the most out of the hardware of one desktop/console you're going to have different priorities than a server environment.

Performance would be terrible, Erlang is way too slow to do anything in a game client.

Wooga uses Erlang on the server side.

rust has actors too https://github.com/actix/actix

Libraries aren't the same as native support as the latter case influences all uses of concurrency in a language while the former only affects things that use that library and may be incompatible with other concurrency libraries.

That seems kinda fallacious. I don't think inherently there is anything that would make an ecosystem around a library weaker than an ecosystem around a language. I.e. if you have a popular actor library then it is not unreasonable to think that there is as rich if not richer ecosystem of things built on top of that library than a niche language with native actors.

We dabble in Akka - a good option for Java / Scala shops

There are ports of Akka and Akka-like libraries for a number of languages. Actor frameworks are relatively easy to find for most languages. Another variation of a sort of an Actor framework that gets used for relatively large projects is the Orleans framework for .NET: http://dotnet.github.io/orleans/

I'd argue the most interesting problems are those that end up having some sort of shared state requirement. Clojure handles this nicely with language primitives like atoms and refs, which helps avoid the pitfalls of the locking paradigm found in Go and Java, for example. What does D do in this case, then?

There are the basic primitives found in c/any language, but there are also synchronized{} (or synchronized (my_mutex) {}) blocks that essentially automagically handle locking/unlocking and let you just mutate around willy-nilly across threads (in that block). There are also atomics, although the syntax for using them is a bit clumsy (foo.atomicOp!"+="(7), anyone?).

How does it compare to Go channels? I only know actors from Scala, Go felt similar but more er, simple?

Simple to fault, in that channels and Goroutines don’t prevent you from making mistakes the way actors do - ie you can still share state and memory. Go allows for the possibility of writing cleanly concurrent code, but you must study and practice.

Using an actor system, though, involves a bit more study with regards to setting things up, but it’s almost impossible to make mistakes - actors simply can’t access each other’s state (maybe some systems allow it, but you’ll have to struggle against the language to make that mistake).

Erlang does a great job of protecting data from concurrency problems, but you're still vulnerable to mistakes like deadlock.

> Erlang does a great job of protecting data from concurrency problems, but you're still vulnerable to mistakes like deadlock.

without any shared data, and an asynchronous-message-passing style concurrency (i.e sharing memory by communicating, as opposed to communicating by sharing memory) can you please elucidate how we might get into deadlocks ? thanks !

OTP offers two basic messaging options: async or synchronous. The latter is implemented by forcing the caller to wait for the response.

If process A sends a synchronous message to B, and B while processing it sends a different synchronous message either directly to A or to another process that eventually calls back to A, you end up in a deadlocked state.

> OTP offers two basic messaging options: async or synchronous.

with synchronous messaging it is quite easy to see how deadlocks can happen, without trying too hard. for async messaging, which is what i was referring to, it is quite hard (and or convoluted) to get into that state...

receive is a blocking action in erlang so something like:

  loop(State) ->
      msg -> loop(State)
Will block waiting for `msg` to show up. So if you have two processes that are interacting with eachother and aren't careful in constructing their communication you could end up with something (contrived):

  loop(Pid) ->
      msg -> Pid ! msg
If you have two processes A and B that end up in this same loop but referencing each other, they'd deadlock. Substituting A and B for Pid you'd end up with something like:

  loop(B) ->    % Process A
      msg -> B ! msg
  loop(A) ->    % Process B
      msg -> A ! msg
Both waiting for `msg` but never sending it to their partner process.

> Both waiting for `msg` but never sending it to their partner process.

but then you can 'deadlock' for a single pid as well right ? where you wait for a message which no one is sending...

A single process could wait forever if no message ever arrives, yes. But it's not a deadlock since deadlock requires at least two processes that are waiting on each other in some fashion.

And responding to your lower down comment: Yes, if a third party could send `msg` to either of these it'd break the deadlock. In my example (and the cases I've caused this myself) there was no other process around to do that. But this is where, with experience, you learn to design things better and also use `after` clauses in the receive expression. This will cause them to time out and do something. Which may be to terminate and let a supervisor restart the whole thing or some other behavior.

That wouldn't count as a deadlock. A deadlock implies that it's possible to make a logical determination that the system is permanently stuck, and that state cannot possibly change without external intervention.

i.e. a deadlock can only be determined when you look at the system as a whole from the outside and determine that it's permanently stuck.

> That wouldn't count as a deadlock. A deadlock implies that it's possible to make a logical determination that the system is permanently stuck, and that state cannot possibly change without external intervention. i.e. a deadlock can only be determined when you look at the system as a whole from the outside and determine that it's permanently stuck.

yes, i know.

as i have pointed out elsewhere, with synchronous invocations, it is easy to get into a loop (or deadlock) i.e. pid-a -> pid-b -> pid-c -> pid-a. for the async case, which is what was elucidated by gp, it seems to me that the example is 'deadlocking' only because no one is sending messages expected by the other party...

Also livelocks and race conditions. They're just harder, usually requiring some bad design decisions.

you can voluntarily write Go which doesn't share any state, although clearly if thats an invariant you'd like to keep it would be really nice for the language to enforce it for you.

more importantly I've found that as you grow such Go programs, write higher-order actors, and deal with all the error/cleanup cases, the selects start to get really brittle and you end up spending alot of time refactoring them and carefully going over all the edge cases.

I don't know about D, but Go channels and Erlang processes are sort of complements or inverses of each other in some sense.

A Channel in Go is a first-class communications bus that can be passed around as a value, and senders and receivers are implicit/not first class. Arbitrary numbers of readers and writers can use one channel. Channels are also typed; only specific messages can pass across a given channel, though it can be specified by interface.

In Erlang, you have to send a message to a specific process. Thus, the receivers (and symmetrically, the senders) are first-class objects that can be passed around, but the bus is implicit in the language. Processes may also receive any message, and should be able to deal with them. (One failure case that can occur in Erlang is a memory leak because some process is getting messages that it never receives, so they just build up in the mailbox. In practice this only happened to me maybe twice over the five years I was using Erlang, so it's not a stopper, just "something to be aware of", especially while debugging leaks.)

A positive for the Go model is that it is really easy to set up multiple readers for one writer, a common pattern, which Erlang handles somewhat gracelessly. (Yes, I am aware of the "pool" abstractions, all of which last I knew were one variation or another on "send a message to the pool coordinator to find out which process to send a message to", creating a single-process bottleneck on the pool.) There are some other nice ways to set up channel networks in Go to do some things Erlang would only be able to do with a lot more indirection and performance penalty on top of the fact that Erlang is already substantially (albeit not necessarily fatally) slower than Go. A negative for the Go model is that the way they've specified channels means that they rigidly must run in the same OS process; there is not and can not be a "network channel" in Go with the same semantics as a Go channel, because a Go channel is an "exactly once" abstraction, which is impossible to run over a network [1]. Also, on the off chance you want to "guarantee" that a given recipient will process a message, it's on you to guarantee that the channel does not "get around" to goroutines you didn't expect.

A positive for the Erlang model is that you get that sweet, sweet network transparency that makes writing Erlang-based clustered servers sweeter than any other language I know, because they defined the characteristics of their bus from the very earliest days of the language for that use case, in contrast to Go which wrote their fundamental abstraction in a way that network transparency is impossible. (Bear in mind that systems ought to be designed for that early, it is not automatic, but it is still a staggering advantage for the language.) The downside is that when you want to do anything other than have one process send a message to a specified other process, you're going to have some sort of indirection or bad API or bottleneck process or something like that. Depending on the nature of your server this price may range from utterly irrelevant to quite expensive, although I'd expect it to be your "biggest problem" quite rarely.

(I'm also only comparing the channels vs. PID-based message passing. There are other relevant issues like the shared memory in Go vs. enforced isolation in Erlang, etc.

[1]: And Go channels are "truly" exactly-once, too, so even Kafka's somewhat dodgy twisting of the term "exactly once" wouldn't be sufficient to implement them. Channels are used for memory synchronization, so it must be guaranteed that a non-buffered channel has had its message arrive on the other end because the fact the program counter of the receiver has advanced to that point in their code is something the language critically depends on, and a mere promise that it'll get there eventually, maybe twice, someday breaks that completely.

It's going to be the difference between communicating sequential processes, go tries to do this, and the actor model.



Exactly! What might not be immediately obvious is that CSP works OK for concurrency, but not for distributed systems. For more details, see 2.1.3 (page 28) of https://eprints.illc.uva.nl/943/1/MoL-2015-02.text.pdf

The Go model is also faster but less safe.

golang is a great middle ground; it defaults to safe (but might be slow if you do something the wrong way), it can be fast if you avoid costly mistakes (the syntax tends to help you remember what you're actually working with as a data structure so costs are mostly upfront), and if you /need/ to get fancy and know exactly what you're doing you can use the unsafe library to work with pointers (or interface with other libraries; if you're not sure if they're safe to execute concurrently (most state based systems aren't) there's runtime.LockOSThread() to pin that thread's actions).

It's conceptually much simpler. Erlang(/Elixir) does not have separate concepts of routines and channels, you just send messages directly to a process (and it does whatever it wants with that), and not only does it embrace "don't communicate by sharing memory, share memory by communicating" it enforces it: Erlang's data types are mostly immutable and each process has its own private heap.

The language does look and feel somewhat odd though, it was inspired by prolog (so will look very odd if you've not used prolog) but doesn't do full unification (so will feel very odd if you've used prolog).

That’s because Go is simpler :)

I'm a big fan of Erlang—and believe it's a useful language to know even if the daily language is something else—but my understanding of D is that it excels in a different problem space (build efficient native code, etc.)

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If you come up with a nice high res screen grab for your print, could you please share it here? Might want to use it for a wallpaper background.

Here's one, alas there's no higher res tiles than z15.


The developer had put out a note saying that Tab Groups won't be suppressed by WebExtensions, and the work in order to do a partial port isn't worth their time.

The developer of this alternative - https://github.com/denschub/firefox-tabgroups - has said that they will port the add-on to a WebExtension, but they are waiting on this bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1384515

Silly question, what other applications would work for rim-driven turbines work? The naive side of me wants to see how it would work on a plane.

Since some people were asking on how to get started with Erlang, some time ago this MOOC was posted on HN for an intro to learning Erlang/functional programming.

What I liked about it is that it assumes you have an imperative programming background so it isn't entirely like learning at a very slow pace (which leads me to lose interest): https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/functional-programming-e...

The next course after this is on the concurrency part of Erlang which is also on FutureLearn that I'm currently taking. It has video clips from Joe Armstrong teaching concurrency (one of the creators of the language).


Thank you :)

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