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Even at 23mph, a pedestrian's chance of death in a collision, in the US over the years 1994-1998, was only 10%: https://aaafoundation.org/impact-speed-pedestrians-risk-seve...

I don't mean to imply that that is a low risk, only that speed is quite a crucial factor.

Oh, I agree 100%. Speed kills.

Especially the Field model!

Keycap design was probably inspired by 1970s/80s Siemens keyboards, e.g. https://preview.redd.it/6gqyzdshdfp01.jpg?width=1080&crop=sm...

given the crackpot proofs received by coq-club, i imagine it would indeed

are there any documented cases of this actually happening in the wild?

Thank you for the self-promotion, Scheme for Max looks like something I’ve been wishing for for a long time!

thanks! prob the best place to get a sense of it is the youtube videos.


Use an existential type, usually called Some in Haskell: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/some-1.0.5/docs/Data-Som... The implementation of this type one has in their head (a GADT) adds a boxing overhead, but the actual implementation in this library uses a newtype.

That way if you have a type Expr a, you can have a list type [Some Expr].

yes: https://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/130136/The%20...

(sorry for lack of details in my post, on mobile)

No, it’s not—-they’re passing in a “node”, not a list, which always contains both a head element and a (nullable) tail pointer. That’s why it can’t separate the head in the case of size one: the node must maintain a non-null head.

Some of you may enjoy this fantastic recent paper on how to win both the comprehension benefits of splitting lexer and parser AND the performance benefits of fusing them: https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~jdy22/papers/flap-a-deterministic-...

There is an extended version on arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.05276.

Also, the artifact (Docker image + some guides, CC BY 4.0) for the OCaml library: https://zenodo.org/record/7824835.

Edit: The opam file actually says the license is MIT. I'd be more inclined to believe that over CC BY 4.0 as far as source code licensing goes.

In addition to this, I always think about Matt Might's "Parsing with Derivatives." [1]

I'll have to read about flap, as it seems to utilize a lexer based on derivatives.

[1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzsK8Am6dKU

Matt Might also did an article about lexing with regex derivatives.


This is absolutely ridiculous. I love it.

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